The king of the city was in trouble.

France, Marquis Castle

The High Table judge found the Marquis who was admiring the painting. He presented Chen Ye's challenge letter and said, "This is a challenge letter from Chen Ye in Hell's Kitchen. According to the rules, you must accept the challenge."

The Marquis didn't care at first. He spread his hands and crossed his legs and said comfortably, "According to the rules of the High Table, people who don't belong to any family of the High Table should not be able to challenge."

The High Table judge lowered his head and told the Marquis, "Just today, the High Table unanimously agreed that Kingpin replaced the Antonio family in New York to establish a new family. According to the rules, Chen Ye is here to challenge you on behalf of the Fisk family."

After hearing this, the Marquis' wonderful mood instantly fell to the bottom.

Although he remained calm on the surface, the oppression of Hell's Kitchen represented by Chen Ye could not be completely hidden.

The Marquis was not as comfortable as before. He stood up with his hands on his hips, his eyes dull, probably recalling the experience of being beaten and fleeing in a panic a few days ago.

As the Marquis of the High Table, he knew very well that the challenge could not be refused. And the judge of the High Table also put forward Jin Bing, or Chen Ye's request.

First of all, there is a compensation of 500 million yuan, and John Wick must be freed, and the Continental Hotel in New York must be rebuilt, and all the costs of the repairs must be borne by the Marquis.

Of course, all of this is based on Chen Ye's victory.

The Marquis looked at the painting in front of him and agreed happily. After all, he could not refuse it. At this time, he realized how heavy the price of provoking Hell's Kitchen was.

Then, the Marquis set the place to discuss the challenge at the Eiffel Tower at noon.

After listening, the judge of the High Table said, "I will convey it to Mr. Chen Ye." Then he turned and left.

The Marquis was left thinking.

. . . . . . . . .

Hell's Kitchen, Good Luck Restaurant

"Okay, I got it." Chen Ye hung up the phone. John Wick and Winston were waiting anxiously.

Chen Ye slowly said, "The Marquis agreed to the conditions and will go to Paris tomorrow to discuss the duel."

John Wick and Winston looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't expect Chen Ye to really convince the High Table to agree to such an outrageous condition.

"However, France is the Marquis's territory. Are you sure the Marquis will participate in the duel obediently?" Winston obviously saw the problem.

"Of course I know that it is the Marquis's territory, and I also know that he will not let me participate in the duel easily. After all, he knows who will be the loser if it really happens." Chen Ye smiled slightly.

Chen Ye certainly knew the Marquis's mind. He just wanted to use the power of the family to gather people to kill Chen Ye before the duel.

The Marquis wanted to kill Chen Ye, and Chen Ye also wanted to kill the Marquis, not just the Marquis, but also the Marquis's forces.

If Chen Ye changed the location to New York, first of all, he killed the Marquis, and other members of the Marquis' family would retaliate continuously. Although Chen Ye was not afraid of retaliation, it would also bring him trouble unexpectedly.

So the best way is to kill once and for all. Just go to other people's territory and see whose people are stronger. If you want to get involved, you have to rely on power and strength. In Paris, don't I have enough people to call in Hell's Kitchen?

"Pack up, John and Lao Ma will go to Paris with me to work. As for Winston, stay here with Pietro and wait for my good news." After saying that, Chen Ye stood up and prepared to pack up and set off.

. . . . . . . . .

At noon the next day, Chen Ye took John Wick to the appointment on time. After the confirmation of the High Table messenger, the Marquis had already sat on the chair of the duel table with his legs crossed and waited for a long time.

Seeing Chen Ye and John Wick, the culprit behind everything, the Marquis showed a trace of resentment on his face, and then instantly smiled and said to Chen Ye:

"Mr. Chen Ye, you are indeed a handsome man. The previous incident in Hell's Kitchen was my mistake. In this case, I will spend 500 million US dollars as compensation.

As long as you hand over John Wick to me, I can pretend that nothing happened.

After all, you have become a member of the High Table, just like me. You don't have to sacrifice everything for an insignificant killer, right?"

Chen Ye sat opposite the Marquis, first ignoring the Marquis, and instead said to Master Ye behind the Marquis in Chinese: "Master Ye, the community college in Hell's Kitchen is ready to enroll students." Obviously, Chen Ye wanted to use this euphemistic way to

Come and tell Master Ye that his daughter is safe.

Originally, Chen Ye didn't want to use such a flamboyant method. Even if it was in Chinese, there would be a risk of being exposed, and it would be easy for the Marquis opposite to guess it. But Master Ye was blind, so he couldn't see Chen Ye's gestures, so he could only tell him with his voice.

The Marquis on the side looked at Chen Ye and Master Ye with a puzzled look. He did not expect that the two of them would be related, and his face was gloomy for a while.

Master Ye obviously understood what Chen Ye meant, and there wasn't even any change on his face. Ran, who didn't know, thought Master Ye was ignoring Chen Ye.

In fact, the system has already told Chen Ye,


"Congratulations to the host for successfully adding Kane as a friend."

"Acquired attribute: Swordsmanship Lv7."

"Congratulations to the host, Kane's favorability has been raised to two stars."

"Attribute acquired: Hearing Enhancement Lv8."

"Congratulations to the host, Kane's favorability has been raised to three stars."

"Attribute acquired: Martial Arts Mastery Lv7."

"Whether to merge immediately"

"Yes" Chen Ye quickly replied in his mind. It seems that his daughter is indeed very important to him.

After coming back to his senses, Chen Ye quickly asked the Marquis: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said."

The Marquis narrowed his eyes. He was obviously dissatisfied with Chen Ye's indifferent attitude. He just wanted to kill this ignorant guy, but he still held back his anger.

"It's okay, I mean, you can take John Wick..."

Chen Ye directly shook his index finger and interrupted: "It doesn't matter what you say. John Wick is my friend. You know that people in Hell's Kitchen all have one characteristic, and that is to protect their shortcomings. I just need to make sure that it is you who wants to kill me." Friends, so stop talking nonsense and get started.”

Just when Chen Ye finished saying this, the voice of the system came again in his mind,


"Congratulations to the host, John Wick's favorability has been raised to three stars."

"Attribute acquired: Assassination Mastery Lv10"

"Congratulations to the host, John Wick's favorability has been increased to four stars."

"Attribute acquired: Driving Proficiency Lv9"

"Congratulations to the host, John Wick's favorability has been raised to five stars."

"Attribute acquired: Dog raising: Lv10."

"Immediate fusion or not."

"Instant integration."

Chen Ye instantly felt the human skeleton appear in his mind, and knew where it was easiest to die.

Looking at the dog-raising proficiency gained, Chen Ye complained, John Wick still really loves dogs. He is almost maxing out his dog-raising skills, and he happens to have a dog at home.

The moment Chen Ye saw the system prompt, he knew that John Wick truly regarded him as a good friend. Hell's Kitchen once again welcomed a legendary killer, but unfortunately he was retired.

However, in the future, Hell's Kitchen schools can add a self-defense class and let John Wick be the teacher of this class. After all, New York is such a mess. The children will no longer be in Hell's Kitchen, so they will need some self-preservation ability.

"Okay, okay, if you are determined to go against me, then you will go to hell with your good friends." It was obvious that the Marquis had lost his patience and did not intend to abide by the rules of the high table.

With a wave of his hand, countless killers who had been waiting in ambush rushed out from all directions, and even two helicopters appeared in the sky.

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