Another week has passed since the SHIELD incident.

At this time, Chen Ye was driving a jeep towards Stark Manor.

It took Chen Ye nearly three hours to reach his destination from Hell's Kitchen.

Stark Manor is located two hundred miles away from the Big Apple.

A magnificent manor is located here.

The so-called world-famous rich people, within a radius of 100 acres, are all assets belonging to the Stark family.

The one who greeted Chen Ye was Tony Stark's driver and bodyguard Happy.

Chen Ye drove the car to the open-air parking lot and saw that the parking lot was full of various luxury cars with very flashy colors, just like Tony Stark's personality.

Chen Ye's jeep parked inside looked a bit like a husky mixed with a wolf pack.

Seeing Chen Ye get out of the car, he hurried up to shake hands: "Mr. Chen Ye, long time no see. Welcome to Stark Manor. Stark is busy in the basement now, I will take you in first."

Stark Manor is quiet and peaceful. Surrounded by green trees, it is full of vitality.

There are also many entertainment facilities in the manor, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, etc. for the owner Tony Stark to use.

While visiting, Chen Ye thought that now that he has money, should he buy such a villa and enjoy it well? However, as soon as the idea of ​​changing houses came into Chen Ye's mind, he immediately slapped himself.

Isn't it nice to be a landlord? Why do you have to live in this godforsaken place? Looking at the size of this villa, I don't know how much property tax I have to pay in a year. But I can change my car.

Chen Ye decided to go and see the car when he returned to Hell's Kitchen. In fact, the current car was left to him by his dead father, and it was older than him.

Happy led Chen Ye all the way to the villa. Stark was not working in the basement, but was waiting for Chen Ye at the door of the villa.

When Tony Stark saw Chen Ye, he opened his arms to greet him: "Man, welcome to my home, Stark Manor."

"Your house is really big. If it weren't for Happy, I guess I would get lost here. You are a single dog, living in such a big place, you won't feel lonely" Chen Ye teased Tony Stark.

Tony Stark put on his usual annoying expression and said, "Because I am Tony Stark, a world-renowned rich man, I have lived in a manor since I was a child. This is the kind of place people live. Isn't it you?"

After hearing Tony Stark's annoying speech, Chen Ye was speechless. What he thought was that the salary he mentioned before was still too little.

But Chen Ye still said, "You live alone, how lonely it is. Otherwise, Pepper can also move in, so you can have a companion. If it doesn't work, I still have a lot of empty rooms in my apartment. I will rent you one and keep you company with Yiting Ethan."

After hearing Chen Ye's words, Stark showed a very obvious awkward expression on his face.

Then he walked into the villa on his own. Seeing that Stark didn't talk to him, Chen Ye didn't care and followed Stark's ass.

Stark took out a bottle of red wine and poured it into two glasses, one for Chen Ye and one for himself.

Chen Ye waved his hand: "Don't drink and drive, don't drive after drinking. Just give me a bottle of Coke."

Stark saw Chen Ye wanted to drink Coke, and said unhappily: "Happy, buy me a hundred boxes of Coke, let him drink enough, and let him take away the unfinished ones. It's his reward for reminding me last time."

After Tony Stark returned to the company, he specifically checked Natasha and found out a lot of commercial spies hidden in Stark Industries.

"Why are you like this? I kindly reminded you, but you only gave me Coke. I wanted to give you some clues this time. The thing you entrusted me with was delayed for a while because of your undercover secretary." Chen Ye said angrily.

When Stark heard there was a clue, he immediately became serious and asked impatiently: "Tell me, who wants to kidnap me?"

Chen Ye, on the other hand, was not in a hurry and asked back: "It's been a month. I don't believe you can't find it yourself, or you don't want to find it."

Tony Stark was stumped by Chen Ye's question. In fact, with Stark's IQ, it is impossible for him to have no discovery at all. After all, it is actually quite easy to guess. If Stark himself died unexpectedly, the biggest beneficiary would be his own uncle, but Stark really didn't want to believe that the murderer behind the scenes was his uncle who watched him grow up. At this time, Stark's state of mind was shaken by Chen Ye's question.

It was messed up.

"Actually, you know it yourself. Let me help you say it. That's right, it's the one you are thinking of, Obadiah Stane, a good friend and business partner of your father Howard Stark." Chen Ye was afraid that Stark couldn't hear clearly, so he slowly announced the answer.

After hearing Chen Ye's answer, Tony Stark felt as if his chest was hit by a heavy hammer. The pain made him unable to move. His eyes became empty, as if he had lost his soul.

Recalling that his uncle Obadiah often came to see him when he was a child, his uncle always smiled at him, full of patience and love for him.

No matter how close they were, how much they talked about everything.

Tony Stark tried to stay calm, but his shaking hands had betrayed him.

"What evidence do you have to prove that it was him? Why did you kill me?"

Chen Ye looked at Stark, who was forcing a smile at this time, and sighed. It seemed that Stark still didn't believe that his uncle was the murderer behind the scenes.

"I don't have any evidence at the moment, but I know where the evidence is. If you don't believe me, I can tell you where it is and you can go check it out yourself." Chen Ye replied.

"Then I'll ask you to find the evidence for me and give it to me. 1 million US dollars." Tony Stark said weakly. At this time, he already believed what Chen Ye said.

"That's your uncle, your beloved relative, you have to pay more," Chen Ye said excitedly.

However, Stark was digesting the fact that Obadiah Stane was the murderer behind the scenes and ignored Chen Ye.

Chen Ye looked at Stark's distraught look in front of him and couldn't help but soften his heart.

"Okay, I won't charge you this time. The evidence you want is in the computer in Obadiah Stane's office. There is a video of him talking to the leader of the armed group who kidnapped you."

"As for the force that kidnapped you, it is called the Ten Rings. The Ten Rings has a history of more than 100 years and is also an old organization. The leader is called Mandarin. This is not something you can deal with now."

"As for the reason, your uncle has been selling arms to various armed forces behind your back, and the Ten Rings is one of them. Your uncle has always been dissatisfied with you occupying Stark Industries and has always wanted to monopolize it. That's why he wants to get rid of you."

Chen Ye explained.

"Be careful, your uncle won't let you go. Call me if you have any problem. Just be depressed for a day or two, don't act like the world is ending. This is not the famous playboy Tony Stark I know."

"You still have Happy and Pepper. If you really have any problem, call me and I will help you. After all, we are friends. I'm leaving first."

Chen Ye saw that Stark was in a very low mood at this time and expressed his understanding. If he was betrayed, his performance might be even worse.

At this time, Chen Ye also knew that men don't need comfort, they just need to be alone and quiet. No matter how others comfort them, it's useless. Some things can only be truly understood by oneself.

Chen Ye also left the advice and turned away. Staying here would only make him look hypocritical.

Chen Ye knew that the next time they met, Tony Stark would become the familiar Iron Man in his previous life.

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