The moment Chen Ye walked out of the restaurant, his brows could not help but furrow.

The familiar streets were now in chaos. The originally orderly community was now like a pot of boiling porridge. The residents were panicked because of fear, and their faces were full of helplessness and despair.

All this was due to the federal government's policy of leveling. They were like a ruthless hammer, instantly smashing the order they had worked so hard to build.

"Can't we ask other media to help clarify? Hell's Kitchen is not what they see." Pietro's voice interrupted Chen Ye's meditation.

His eyes were full of helplessness and unwillingness, as if he was protesting against the injustice of this world.

Chen Ye turned his head, looked into Pietro's eyes, and sighed: "They won't understand our efforts. They only see the superficial evil, but not the efforts we have made to change this place."

Pietro clenched his fists and said angrily: "They can't be so unreasonable!" His voice was full of anger and unwillingness, as if he was challenging the injustice of this world.

Chen Ye sneered when he heard Pietro's words.

Reason? That's what the weak need to do!

The strong only need fists

Fists are power!

But what the federal government doesn't know is who is the strong!

He turned back to the restaurant and faced Pietro. His eyes became firm: "Get ready, there will be a big battle soon!" His voice was full of determination and firmness

Pietro's eyes became sharp, like a beast ready to pounce on its prey.

And Deadpool Dog saluted, indicating that they were ready.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Hell's Kitchen Community College

In the principal's office, the atmosphere was extremely heavy.

Doctor Octopus frowned, holding a resignation letter in his hand, and sighed helplessly.

"The current situation is really bad, and many teachers and professors have chosen to leave." He looked up at the people present and continued, "Not only that, some parents of students have also decided to let their children drop out of school. They are worried about their children's safety here."

The Punisher punched the wall, his eyes full of anger and helplessness.

He finally found a stable life in Hell's Kitchen and saw his children every day, but now, all this seems to be destroyed by the federal government again.

"Damn the federal government!" He cursed in a low voice, clenching his hands into fists.

As the principal, Kingpin was smoking a cigar at this time, and his expression was elusive in the smoke.

He asked calmly, "How many people are there in the school now?"

Master Ye sat on the sofa, holding his sword with both hands. He said in a deep voice, "There are about 300 children in the school now. They are all orphans and have nowhere to go. There are more than 30 professors and security personnel, all of whom are our own people."

King Bing nodded, took a deep puff of his cigar, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

He looked at Master Ye and said, "Then, this school will be handed over to you to protect. William and Frank, you follow Master Ye."

Master Ye nodded, knowing that he had a heavy responsibility. He couldn't let these children get hurt, and he would protect them as his own children.

"Don't worry, the children's future is in my hands," said William Baker, a sandman, with a firm and loving look in his eyes.

He saw many children of the same age as his daughter in the nursery of the community school. Every time he saw them, he seemed to see his own daughter.

He decided to stay here for the rest of his life to protect these children.

"I won't let anyone disturb my son's life again, even if it costs me my life!" Punisher Frank's eyes flashed with determination and murderous intent.

Nick Fury had informed him yesterday and asked him to take his son away quickly.

Punisher Frank also asked the child's opinion. He himself decided to advance and retreat together with Chen Ye, but the only thing he was worried about was his child.

When he told the child about this, his child asked him back: "If not in Hell's Kitchen, where can I go?"

This question confused Frank. Hell's Kitchen is the home of him and his child. If he leaves here, where can his child go?

No one can ruin his son's life again. Frank, who has lost once, can't make the same mistake again.

Even if this person was once his best friend Nick Fury, it is not allowed!

"Dr. Otto, do you want to go back to the apartment with Dr. Ethan? After all, it is safer there," Kingpin asked.

"Why do you look down on us two old bones? We are not so weak. As a teacher, how can I escape from the battlefield? I will fight side by side with you." Dr. Ethan said.

Dr. Octopus smiled and said nothing, but Kingpin saw the answer in his eyes.

"Okay, then I will leave my son to you. I am relieved that Vanessa has Wanda and others to protect her." After saying that, Kingpin stood up and prepared to leave the office.

"Principal, where are you going? Don't mess around. Chen Ye will be very sad if something happens to you," Master Ye asked.

Kingpin stopped and looked back at Master Ye.

He took a deep puff of the cigar and slowly exhaled the smoke.

"I am the underground emperor Jin Bing. I just retired, not dead. Some people seem to have forgotten my existence, but forgetting comes at a price."

There was a kind of majesty and domineering in his voice, as if he had returned to the days when he controlled the underground world.

He knew that there were some things Chen Ye didn't want to do, so as a godfather, he would help his kind godson.

When it comes to threats and kidnapping, Jin Bing is an expert in this area.

He knows how to make people tremble in fear, and he knows how to make people beg for mercy in despair.

And now, he is ready to let those who have forgotten him feel his presence again, and let them know that even though he has retired, Hell's Kitchen is still the Hell's Kitchen.

He wants those federal government members to know whether they have forgotten the fear that Hell's Kitchen once brought them.

If so, Jin doesn't mind letting them recall those days of fear again.

But this time, he will make them pay a greater price.

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