The big mushroom is coming, and the big mushroom is coming.

In Hell's Kitchen,

The Avengers who have not left yet also received the text message about the coming of the big mushroom, and they all expressed disbelief. They did not expect that they would be abandoned by the federal government.

Captain America, despite being seriously injured, still struggled to contact Nick Fury.

His voice was full of doubts and anger, questioning why Nick Fury made such a decision.

However, no matter how he tried, he could not get through to Nick Fury's phone.

He suspected that something must have gone wrong in S.H.I.E.L.D.

He looked at Hawkeye, Natasha and Dr. Banner, and their faces were also full of confusion and worry.

Hawkeye and Natasha looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

They also couldn't contact Nick Fury, which meant that they were now completely isolated and helpless.

They knew that now they could only rely on themselves to face the impending big mushroom disaster.

Dr. Banner sat aside, his eyes deep and complicated.

He was thinking, thinking that after joining the Avengers, he had not found a way to solve the problem of transformation, and he had to face such a disaster.

His heart was full of helplessness and despair, but he didn't show it, just sitting there silently, waiting for an unknown fate.

Steve saw this situation, he knew they had to leave this place as soon as possible.

He signaled Hawkeye and Natasha, and the three of them supported each other and began to leave Hell's Kitchen with difficulty.

However, they did not notice that Dr. Banner disappeared shortly after they left.

The three continued to move forward and passed the streets of Hell's Kitchen. They saw that although the threat of the big mushroom was imminent, the residents here did not panic as they expected.

On the contrary, they cleaned the streets in an orderly manner, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

Steve couldn't help but ask the residents: "Why don't you run away? Don't you know that the big mushroom is about to attack? This news is true. If there is a big mushroom, run away quickly."

He didn't understand why these people didn't run away, perhaps because the news was false, but the kind Steve couldn't help but remind them.

The residents looked up at Steve, recognizing him as an enemy against the Lord of Hell, and just looked at him coldly.

If they couldn't beat Steve and his men, they would have gone up to kill them long ago.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Steve was also embarrassed.

There was still an old lady who saw them standing there blocking her street sweeping and couldn't help saying:

"Didn't you see the content behind the text message? Young man Chen Ye said it was okay and he would handle it. What are we afraid of."

Steve and the other two were stunned after hearing this. They didn't expect that the residents of Hell's Kitchen believed in Chen Ye so much.

That was 3 big mushrooms. Does Chen Ye really have this ability?

Maybe Chen Ye just appeased the people and has now escaped by himself.

"Do you trust Chen Ye so much? This is a big mushroom, why don't you run away?" Steve couldn't help but continue to ask.

The aunt looked at him like an idiot: "Run, where can you run to? Besides, I have seen that young man Chen Ye, he will not lie to us, and your federal government has never beaten Chen Ye."

"Don't we trust Chen Ye, and believe you guys who want to demolish Hell's Kitchen?"

The aunt's words made Steve and Hawkeye fall into silence.

They began to reflect on their positions and attitudes, whether they really did something wrong.

Perhaps, they should trust Chen Ye more and believe that he can solve this problem.

Natasha looked like she wanted to say something but stopped.

She actually wanted to say that we should stay in Hell's Kitchen too, it's too late to leave now, but she didn't say it out of fear of hurting Steve's self-esteem.

On the streets of Hell's Kitchen where the X-Men and Magneto and others gathered, the tense atmosphere was like a dark cloud over the city.

Obviously, they also received the disturbing text message. Gonlishi, whose wounds had been properly bandaged, pounded the ground angrily, and the shaking force made the surrounding buildings seem to tremble.

"I knew that the federal government had bad intentions. It wanted to get rid of us mutants and Hell's Kitchen together." Gonlishi's words were full of anger and helplessness, and his eyes flashed with fear of the unknown and despair of the future.

Logan leaned against the wall, frowning, his eyes full of contemplation.

He couldn't think of any way to stop this terrible


Beast Hank seemed relatively calm. He analyzed: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding here. As far as I know, Nick Fury can't be so uncalm. Maybe this is not true."

Although his words were somewhat comforting, they also reflected his distrust of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jean, who had regained consciousness, volunteered: "If the big mushroom comes, let me stop it. It's impossible to really let the big mushroom explode."

Her eyes flashed with a firm light, as if she was ready to face everything.

However, Cyclops looked at Jean with a worried look. He knew that Jean's condition was not stable and she could not resist the power of these three big mushrooms.

His eyes were full of worry and helplessness. He didn't know how to choose and how to protect everything.

Everyone looked at Professor X. He was their leader and their hope.

However, Professor X didn't speak. He just sat quietly in the wheelchair, as if waiting for something.

At this time, Magneto spoke calmly: "Why are you in such a hurry? Don't forget whose territory this is. Is it your turn to die one by one?"

His words stunned everyone, and then they realized that this was Chen Ye's territory.

Cyclops immediately retorted: "Will this Chen Ye be so kind as to stop the big mushroom at all costs?"

He had never seen Chen Ye, and thought that Chen Ye was the kind of selfish Lord of Hell who didn't care about the lives of others as the media said.

But will he sacrifice himself for others?

Beast Hank asked worriedly: "Does Chen Ye really have the ability to stop it? Should we put our hopes on an enemy?"

He didn't know Chen Ye's strength, but he knew it was a huge risk.

Seeing that no one believed Chen Ye, Magneto didn't want to waste his words.

If it weren't for his old friend Charles, these people wouldn't be worthy of talking to him.

Anyway, he believed in Chen Ye 100%, and the facts would prove everything.

Soon, three big mushrooms really came.

At that moment, the sky of the entire Big Apple was covered by three huge mushroom clouds.

People looked up, their eyes full of fear and despair.

The three big mushrooms seemed to have descended from another world. Their size was so huge that it was unimaginable, and each of them exuded a suffocating sense of oppression.

At this critical moment, a figure rushed out from the depths of Hell's Kitchen, like a flash of lightning that broke through the sky and quickly flew into the air.

This figure was Chen Ye, who was like a bright star, and was particularly dazzling in this dark sky.

When the residents of the Big Apple saw this scene, their eyes were instantly filled with hope.

They seemed to have seen the last straw. Although they could not see clearly who the hero in the sky was, they all expected that this hero could stop this disaster.

People's hearts were filled with prayers. They prayed silently, hoping that this hero could create a miracle.

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