The new situation is not easy.

"The Reed Council is really haunting." The Immortal Kang felt a headache when he thought of the rubber men, even though he had experienced the baptism of history.

Although the Kang Council has been powerful over the years, it is not without opponents.

The Reed Council, which is composed of gentlemen from various universes with magical powers, is their strongest opponent.

If it is a head-on confrontation, the Kang Council will naturally have the strength to fight, but what the Immortal Kang fears most is the extremely cunning minds of the people in the Reed Council.

They can always come up with some unexpected strategies that make people hard to guard against.

It just so happens that this person named Chen Ye may attract some attention of the Reed Council.

The Reed Council happens to hate people like Chen Ye who try to change the fate of the multiverse. This was the case before and it is the case now.

A long time ago, there was a mysterious Oriental man whose existence posed a great threat to the multiverse.

Kang the Immortal originally wanted to win him over, hoping to use his power to achieve his goals. However, the mysterious Oriental man rejected his proposal, and a thrilling battle broke out between the two sides.

Although Kang the Immortal was defeated in that battle, he still escaped with his extraordinary wisdom and means.

Afterwards, the Reed Council did not initially invite the Kangzhi Conference to fight against the mysterious Oriental man, but they suffered heavy casualties in fighting against this Oriental man, and countless Reeds died tragically at the hands of this mysterious Oriental man.

In the end, when there was no other way, they decided to join forces to deal with this mysterious Oriental man who destroyed the stability of the multiverse.

After a hard battle, they finally succeeded in eliminating this threat.

Kang the Immortal has been thankful more than once that there is only one mysterious oriental man. If he had countless mutants like him, or if he had companions, the outcome might be different.

Now, facing this young man named Chen Ye, Kang the Immortal can't help but feel a complex emotion in his heart.

He wants to use Chen Ye to attract the attention of the Reed Council and relieve his own pressure;

He is also worried that Chen Ye will hinder his pace of unifying the multiverse.

However, no matter what the result is, Kang the Immortal is ready to deal with it.

If the Reed Council does not take action, he will destroy this person named Chen Ye when he has time.

. . . . . . . . . .

Reed Dimension Council

This is a base created by countless dimensional bridges in the void.

From here, everyone can go to other universes, and it is also the place where Reed recruits people.

The ultimate purpose of the Reed Dimension Council is to maintain the multiverse and help other universes to solve all problems.

Every Reed here is the smartest being in their respective universes, and they all have strong scientific research capabilities.

Building a time machine here is just the most basic operation. They also have a variety of advanced weapons, and even have three infinite gloves.

Any of these weapons can destroy the planet.

In addition to the powerful arsenal, the Reed Dimension Council also has a mysterious collar. This collar can limit the intelligence of Doctor Doom, making it docile and easy to control.

Through this means, the Council successfully created a powerful Doctor Doom Corps, and they became an important force for the Council to maintain peace in the multiverse.

On the round table, the three Reeds sat quietly, and in front of them were placed an infinite glove with a strange light. This is a symbol of their being the founders of the Reed Dimension Council, and it also represents that they each hold the infinite power of their own universe.

Reed of the 98576 universe, in a straight suit, looks energetic.

He frowned slightly and broke the silence first: "So, is there something particularly important that called us here today?" There was some doubt in his voice, and he was obviously puzzled by this sudden call.

They each have their own universes and responsibilities, and they don't have the opportunity to get together normally.

And Reed from Universe 99107 is particularly different.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be meditating, exuding a temperament that transcends the world.

His bald head and long beard made him look more like a monk than a being with infinite power.

At this moment, Reed from Universe 12498 slowly spoke.

His voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to be

Buddha said with great force: "I received a piece of information. An oriental man named Chen Ye is trying to change the fate of the Spider-Man Alliance. He is trying to break the established events of Spider-Man."

Hearing this, the monk version of Reed suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong aura burst out instantly.

There was a sharp light flashing in his eyes, as if he could see through all the falsehoods. He instantly understood what Reed No. 12498 meant. The existence of this Chen Ye was a huge threat to the entire multiverse.

"It has been a long time since there has been a guy who changed fate." The monk version of Reed said in a deep voice, "This kind of person who makes the multiverse dangerous, we must eradicate it in time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere on the round table became tense instantly.

"But we don't have enough manpower anymore," the suit version of Reed answered.

Some of them have to maintain other multiverses, some have to beware of the Kangzhi Parliament, and the rest have to defend against attacks from crazy gods at any time.

There really is no extra manpower to deal with this guy named Chen Ye, even though this guy is a bit similar to the mysterious Oriental man they eliminated many years ago.

The suit version of Reed believes that this Chen Ye is not the same person as the Oriental man many years ago, and their main threat at present still comes from the Crazy God.

Many Reeds have died in order to resist the God.

The top priority should be to get rid of the Crazy God first, and the rest are trivial matters.

"And we don't know which universe this guy named Chen Ye comes from, and the guys in the Spider-Man Alliance are also one of our allies. There is no need to offend the entire Spider-Man Alliance for this person. Don't forget that Kang has been very restless recently."

The suit version of Reed continued to add.

The monk version of Reed also understood this truth, and he did not refute the words of the suit version of Reed.

He knew that the Reed Council was in a dangerous period now, and they must act cautiously.

At this time, Reed from Universe 12498 spoke up: "Perhaps, we can try to find the world where Chen Ye is. Once his location is determined, we can hand this problem over to Reed in that world to solve.

After all, Reed in each world has the responsibility to maintain the stability of his own world. And we need to focus more on guarding against the Mad God and the Kangzhi Council."

His words were agreed by the two.

This is indeed a feasible solution, which can solve the potential threat of Chen Ye without distracting them too much.

And Reed from Chen Ye's world was heading to the Illuminati meeting room with a handsome guy with a pink camera.

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