Looking at the middle-aged man wearing glasses, Dr. Banner, walking slowly towards Abomination, Abomination couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

“Is he here to die?” Abomination was full of doubts. The human in front of him obviously didn’t have the power to compete with him, but he walked towards him so resolutely, which made Abomination feel very puzzled.

“I know this person, Dr. Banner.” The audience in the live broadcast room began to discuss, “What is he doing? Doesn’t he know the power of the abomination? Or is there some connection between him and the abomination that we don’t know?”

“Could it be that this monster is Dr. Banner’s research product?” Someone made a bold guess, but this guess was immediately refuted by others: “Impossible, Dr. Banner is a scientist, how could he create such a monster?”

“Mr. Chen Ye, go and help!” The audience in the live broadcast room began to worry about Dr. Banner, “Don’t let Dr. Banner die! He is a genius with seven doctoral degrees!”

“Seven doctoral degrees?” The audience exclaimed, “How could such a genius be in a place like Hell’s Kitchen?”

“Yes, he should go to the world’s top universities to make a name for himself, why is he hiding in a small Hell’s Kitchen?”

“Maybe his academic qualifications were bought with money!” Someone questioned, “How could there be such a powerful person in Hell’s Kitchen?”

No matter how the audience discussed, Dr. Banner still walked towards the abomination firmly. There was no fear in his eyes, but full of firmness and determination.

Abomination looked at this ignorant little bug, and an inexplicable irritation surged in his heart. He didn’t understand why this little bug made him feel scared. This feeling made him very unhappy, and he felt that he should punch this little bug away.

However, just as he was about to swing his fist, he suddenly found that a strong energy fluctuation emanated from the little bug’s body.

This energy made him feel very uneasy and even a little scared.

Abomination was extremely angry. He clenched his fists, and the muscles on his arms were as hard as steel. He was ready to punch this “little bug” that shocked him completely. His eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to vent all his anger on this person.

“Run!” A cry suddenly sounded in the crowd, followed by more voices shouting, “Be careful!” The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and shouted and reminded one after another. Some people even closed their eyes because they were too nervous and dared not watch anymore.

They were all afraid to see Dr. Banner being smashed into a bloody mess by the fatal punch of Abomination. However, Dr. Banner did not show any fear.

Facing the fist of the Abomination, he calmly took off his glasses, as if he was doing something insignificant.

“Leave it to you, Hulk. You must be waiting anxiously.” Dr. Banner said softly. Although his voice was not loud, it was full of firmness and confidence.

At this moment, Dr. Banner’s body shape changed dramatically in an instant. His body seemed to be stretched open by a powerful force, and his clothes and pants were instantly torn, revealing his strong and powerful muscles.

A sturdy green arm steadily caught the fist of the Abomination, as solid as a mountain. The Abomination looked at the little bug in front of him, who had now become a green giant bigger than him, and his heart was full of shock and confusion.

“This is impossible!” The Abomination roared again, his voice full of unwillingness and helplessness. He could not accept the fact that this little bug he once looked down on could become such a powerful existence.

“Hulk!!!!!!!” The green giant let out a deafening roar, his voice roared like thunder, making the whole venue tremble.

His eyes flashed green light, like two burning flames.

Hulk grabbed the hands of the abomination with both hands, and then threw it hard, throwing the abomination out like a shot put. The abomination drew a long arc in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground with a dull thud.

The audience was stunned when they saw this scene. They couldn’t believe their eyes. How could Dr. Banner transform into such a green monster.

“This!!!! It’s too cool!!!”

“It turns out that this green monster is transformed by humans!”

“I knew it! There are no ordinary people in Hell’s Kitchen!”

The abomination slowly stood up from the ground. His huge and heavy body almost made the whole Hell’s Kitchen tremble with every step he took. He was like a towering mountain, standing in this dilapidated neighborhood. Every step he took seemed to carry the force of thunder, making the entire groundtrembled.

His eyes were full of anger and rage, like a blazing fire that was about to devour everything in front of him. Wherever his eyes went, whether it was the ruins or the panicked pedestrians, they all felt the suffocating oppression.

He roared angrily, and his voice exploded in the night sky like thunder, echoing over the entire Hell’s Kitchen. The deafening roar made people shudder, as if they were in a doomsday catastrophe.

At the same time, Hulk was also ready for battle. He stood opposite the Abomination, his muscles tense, and his green skin looked even more hideous in the sun. His eyes were firm and cold, like a beast about to launch a fierce attack.

Suddenly, the Abomination rushed forward at a staggering speed. He waved his huge fist and smashed it hard at the Hulk. Hulk was not to be outdone, he met it head-on and blasted the Abomination with the same huge fist.

For a moment, the entire Hell’s Kitchen was shocked by the power of these two huge green monsters. Their fists intersected in the air, making a deafening roar. Every time they blasted against each other, the surrounding buildings were shaky, as if they would collapse at any time. The streets were dusty and rubble was scattered, and it was a mess.

In this fierce battle, it was obvious that the Hulk had the upper hand. His power seemed endless, and every blast could force the Abomination to retreat again and again. Although the Abomination was also powerful, he seemed powerless in front of the Hulk.

Under the explosive hammer of the Hulk, the Abomination quickly lost the ability to resist. His steps began to stagger and his movements became slow. Finally, after a violent collision, he could no longer support himself, fell heavily to the ground, and fainted.

The entire Hell’s Kitchen returned to calm again, leaving only the tall figure of the Hulk standing on the street.

The Hulk looked down at the Abomination lying on the ground, and then roared again!


As if to say, there are differences between monsters!

The audience once again experienced the horror of Hell’s Kitchen!

At the same time, Pietro is quietly approaching the finish line!

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