Today, this spectacular scene is destined to become an eternal memory, engraved in everyone’s heart. Whether it is the citizens in the Big Apple, who clearly witnessed the alien warships pouring out of the black hole from thousands of meters in the sky, or the audiences around the world who happened to turn on the TV or computer, I am afraid that they will never forget this shocking scene today. The whole Big Apple seemed to be shrouded in an invisible fear. Thousands of citizens stood on the streets, looking up, their eyes full of surprise and fear. Those alien warships were like steel monsters, pouring out of the black hole, as if foreshadowing some unknown fate. Even in a place like Hell’s Kitchen, which is usually noisy and noisy, people were shocked by this scene. Although they had already learned about this news from Chen Ye, when they really saw this scene, they couldn’t help but exclaimed. “Fuck! These aliens are really bloody!” The Punisher stood on the street, his face full of shock. The cigarette butt in his hand had fallen at some point, but his eyes were fixed on the alien warships.

The Big Apple was in chaos at this moment. Although the alien warships had not made any moves yet and were just quietly floating in the air, their appearance was enough to cause panic in the city.

People speculated about the intentions of these alien warships, but in any case, they all understood that this was definitely not a good sign.

The wealthy people who originally lived in Brooklyn were also crazy at this moment.

They originally thought that moving away from the Big Apple would keep them away from danger, but now it seems that their decision was too rash.

They urged their men to flee the city as soon as possible, and some even tried to escape by private plane.

However, when they saw that the civilian aircraft were easily shot down by the alien warships, their hopes were completely shattered.

They realized that at this moment, no means of transportation could save them.

So, they could only watch the alien warships getting closer and closer, and the fear in their hearts became deeper and deeper.

The traffic on the road was already so jammed that it was too late for people to escape the city.

They could only stand there, helplessly watching the alien warships getting closer and closer. At this moment, they regretted their previous attitude of not caring at all or even being unreasonable.

But they did not give up. They thought that they did not need to run far, as long as they ran faster than others!

At this moment, the social order was completely chaotic, and Pierce, who was in SHIELD, had been bombarded with calls.

“Okay, okay, no problem! We must ensure the safety and protection of those wealthy businessmen. They have already been transferred to a safe place by us. Well, we have already prepared to fight against these damn aliens. Protecting the earth itself is the responsibility of SHIELD! Our Illuminati has already been ready to fight at any time!”

After Pierce hung up the phone, he suppressed his excitement and ordered Reed, who had already put on his combat uniform: “The Illuminati should prepare for battle!”

“Always be prepared!” Reed’s eyes were full of the flame of ambition!

As long as he leads the Illuminati to repel the alien army this time, the Illuminati will be worshipped by the world, and as the founder of the Illuminati, he will naturally be appreciated by the world!

Although he knows that this mission is difficult, as the saying goes, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

Whether it is for himself or for the innocent citizens of the Big Apple, he will go all out!

Kadoya Shi is still in a carefree manner. He doesn’t understand why these people are so solemn and ready to sacrifice themselves.

It’s just some alien invasions, which is far worse than the various monster invasions he had in the Zi-O world before.
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“I hope there will be a good opponent this time, otherwise I will be very boring,” Kadoya Shi thought as he stood up and prepared to leave.

. . . . . . . . . .

In a dark corner of Hell’s Kitchen, in a shabby cheap motel, the dim lights barely illuminated every corner. In this dim environment, a figure sat alone in front of an old TV. It was the decadent man with broken arms – Steve Rogers, the former Captain America.

No one knew that the idol of the whole America, Captain America, was now reduced to living in a cheap hotel.

Steve’s face was pale, as if he had been immersed in the abyss of despair for a long time and couldn’t extricate himself.

His face was covered with stubble and his hair was messy, showing that he had been decadent for a long time.

In his hand, he was holding a glass of cold beer, which he had used to numb himself early in the morning..

On the TV screen, the news that shocked the whole world was being broadcasted – the alien invasion.

This terrible scene made Steve’s originally lifeless eyes suddenly flash with a gleam of light.

He stood up suddenly, and his body seemed to be injected with new vitality, but then he looked at his empty left arm again, and the enthusiasm in his heart was extinguished as if by cold water.

Steve smiled bitterly and shook his head, muttering to himself: “Yes, my shield has long been lost, and even my hand is broken. Now I am just an old antique of the old times, and I can no longer protect the world bravely and fearlessly as in the past.

The new era has arrived, and there is no ship that can carry an old guy like me. Captain America is out, and the responsibility of protecting the world should be handed over to the heroes of the new era like Chen Ye.”

Although Steve tried hard to convince himself to accept this cruel reality, the light flashing in his eyes showed that he was still full of unwillingness and desire in his heart.

He longed to stand on the battlefield again, fight to the death with the alien invaders, and defend the earth he loved.

At this moment, three figures entered the hotel door, two men and one woman walked towards Steve.

“We need you, Steve, people need Captain America!” Natasha, wearing a tights, said to the decadent Captain America.

Hawkeye didn’t say anything, just looked at Steve quietly.

“Don’t look at me like that, they just came to me and said they need Captain America,” Dr. Banner shrugged and said, as a former member of the Avengers and joined Hell’s Kitchen, it is not difficult to find Captain America.

Steve looked at them without saying anything, just looked down at his broken arm, as if to say what can I do now.

Dr. Banner didn’t say anything, but threw a shield to Steve from somewhere, and then threw a magic bean to Steve.

“Before coming, Mr. Chen Ye asked me to bring a message, take your shield and go out to meet the enemy! No one in Hell’s Kitchen is a coward! Don’t let me look down on you!”

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