In fact, Chen Ye knew about the plan of this group of people before he came, and Strange also knew a little, but Strange was still not sure about what to do specifically.

“So are you going to snap your fingers? The gem is here now.” Chen Ye continued to ask at this time.

Captain America Steve, the leader and planner of the plan, stood up and took the initiative to explain to Chen Ye and the others their purpose this time: “Our plan is to go back to the past to collect six infinite gems, and then use the power of the infinite gems to bring back those who were disappeared by Thanos.”

“Go on, we know this, Dr. Banner has already said it.” Chen Ye nodded.

Steve sighed. It was a complete accident that they went to Chen Ye’s universe, and they didn’t know why this happened.

This kind of thing would make anyone look confused, but the result was good, or Steve was glad that they traveled through the wrong time and space.

Otherwise, Natasha would not be able to be resurrected. Perhaps this was someone who asked them to travel to that universe.

I’ll thank Chen Ye after the matter is over.

Captain America Steve continued to explain their plan. In their plan, he was responsible for the Mind Staff, Iron Man and Ant-Man were responsible for the Cosmic Cube, Dr. Banner was responsible for the Power Stone, and Hawkeye Natasha was responsible for the Soul Stone.

The remaining Nebula and War Machine were responsible for the Power Stone, while Thor and Rocket Raccoon were responsible for the Reality Stone.

However, the plan was shelved when they went to Chen Ye’s world. After all, Steve didn’t know Dr. Banner there and was beaten up.

The Mind Staff that was originally in SHIELD was also in Chen Ye’s possession, and Steve even saw Captain Carter, whom he had never seen before.

After a fight, they fought on the bed before they stopped.

Because the people didn’t have enough Pym particles, Tony originally proposed to travel back to the World War II period, but was rejected by Steve.

After all, they had traveled wrong once, and if they traveled wrong again, they couldn’t go back.

Although he also wanted to save those who disappeared, he was still unwilling to take his partners with him again.

Things like Pym particles might be found if he went back and looked for them again.

Plus, Dr. Banner said he had dealt with the remaining gems.

So Steve and the others came back first.

Strange was lost in thought after listening to the plan. What would they do if they encountered such a thing in their world? Would they do it like the Avengers in this world?

Chen Ye glanced at Tony. So, Tony in this world did not meet his father Howard. This was one of the few scenes in the movie that moved Chen Ye.

“Is that it?” Chen Ye asked.

“That’s right,” Steve nodded, and then noticed that Chen Ye looked like he had no eyes to look at and immediately felt depressed: “Any questions?”

Chen Ye’s expression, even a fool could see how much Chen Ye disliked.

This made the initiator of the plan, Ant-Man Scott, look unhappy, and he felt like he was being looked down upon.

You know, it was because he proposed the concept of the quantum field that they were able to get all the gems.

Strange on the side was also very curious. Is there a better plan than this?

“I know you are very strong, but we have already got the gems we want, so what’s wrong with this method?” Scott expressed the thoughts of everyone on the battlefield. You know, they were very excited when they heard this plan.

You know, they have been thinking about it for five years and have not come up with any good ideas. This is the only best way they can think of.

They want to see what this guy in front of them has.

Chen Ye naturally didn’t indulge them: “There is indeed no problem with your plan, but your timing is very problematic. Which idiot came up with this?”

When Chen Ye said this, there was no doubt that Steve and Tony were full of unhappiness on their faces. It was obvious that this method was what they thought of.

This instantly reduced the other party’s favorability towards Chen Ye for saving Natasha.

Before Ant-Man and the others could refute, Chen Ye continued expressionlessly: “Your goal is to collect the Infinity Stones, so why did you choose three different time points? You clearly knew the time when all six stones would be gathered together, so why didn’t you choose that time?”

The Avengers who were originally ready to refute Chen Ye fell silent after hearing this.

Did they really not think about it? Of course they did, but because of Thanos’s powerful strength, they subconsciously ignored it.time point.

They didn’t even dare to think about it.

“You say that because you haven’t seen Thanos’ strength.” Dr. Banner lowered his head and said.

The Avengers subconsciously avoided the word Thanos when they heard it. It was obvious that Thanos had caused them great psychological damage.

Strange saw the expressions of the Avengers and was thinking about when to slip away.

Although he didn’t know who Thanos was, he saw the expressions of the Avengers, and he had heard the name of Thanos from Chen Ye from time to time before.

Strange now understood that he would probably have to face Thanos soon.

“No, I have to find an excuse to slip away. This world is too dangerous. I have to hide my body quickly.” Strange was already thinking about the plan in his mind.

At this time, Chen Ye also replied to the Avengers: “How could I not know Thanos’ strength? No one knows Thanos better than me!”

Hearing Chen Ye’s words, the Avengers fell silent again. Indeed, with Chen Ye’s strength, it was normal for him to know Thanos, and they were indeed afraid of Thanos.

At this time, Steve stood up to defend the Avengers and said: “We just chose a safer and more reliable way to obtain the Infinity Stones. After all, if we go to other time points, we cannot guarantee the safety of our companions. Didn’t we get the Infinity Stones intact?”

Hearing Steve’s words, Chen Ye was angry and laughed: “Didn’t you kill Thanos before? If you are afraid of Thanos in his prime, why don’t you go to Thanos’ cabin. To put it bluntly, you are afraid of Thanos.

Also, who told you that it was intact? If it wasn’t me, you would have lost more than one companion on this journey.”

Everyone was embarrassed when they heard Chen Ye’s words. They felt that what Chen Ye said made sense.

Think about it, after snapping his fingers, the weak Thanos returned to his cabin, and suddenly a group of strong men rushed out to attack him, the success rate is very high.

Besides, it is not the first time for Thor to chop Thanos with an axe.

It is difficult not to succeed this time.

As for Chen Ye’s later words that more than one partner was lost, Tony and the others only thought that Chen Ye was saying that they had mistakenly entered Chen Ye’s universe. If it were not for Chen Ye’s kindness, they would not be able to leave that universe at all.

But now not all of them are alive and well, so they didn’t take it too seriously.

But no one noticed that Nebula, who was standing at the back, suddenly stiffened when Chen Ye said the last sentence.

Chen Ye looked at this group of stupid Avengers and said nothing more. He stood up and walked out the door: “Three Infinity Stones are left for you. Hurry up and prepare them. We can go back early after you use them.”

In fact, Chen Ye also knew that it was not their fault at all. It was the director who didn’t allow it. Natasha’s salary was too high, and she had to be killed!

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