Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 22 Wanda And Pilot Wake Up

Chapter 22: Wanda and Pilot wake up

After Carl rescued Wanda and Pilot, they didn't wake up until Peter was out of school in the afternoon.

Wanda slowly opened her eyes in Carl and Aunt May's room and found that she was no longer in the ruins. Then she did not see Pilot's figure. She immediately got up and walked out of the door barefoot, even more... Going down the stairs, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Pilot on the sofa.

"Are you awake?" Aunt Mei asked as she came out of the kitchen and saw Wanda on the stairs.

"Yes, yes...did you save us? Where is this place?" Wanda replied nervously after seeing Aunt Mei. Then she and Pilot were no longer in their original home. They should have been killed by someone. Saved, so I asked.

"No, it was Carl who saved you. This is Queens, New York. Are you feeling unwell now?" Aunt May slowly walked up to Wanda and spoke to her gently.

"Carl, is it...? No, I'm fine. Thank you. Isn't our home in SOKOVIA? How did we end up in Queens, New York?" Wanda was a little confused after hearing Aunt Mei's answer. After all, although she is old Small, but I also know how far it is from SOKOVIA to New York.

"Haha, Karl is my lover. As for why you came to New York from SOKOVIA, it was Karl who brought you here. As for how you came, I can't tell you without Karl's consent. Just be fine. You should be hungry. I only fed you some grated porridge." Aunt Mei looked at Wanda and said with a smile, and there was even a hint of pride in her tone when talking about Karl.

"Uh! Where is this? Wanda! Wanda!!!" While Aunt May was talking to Wanda, Pilot woke up on the sofa, and immediately thought of his sister, shouting in panic, and Aunt Mei and Wanda were naturally noticed by Pilot's voice.

"I'm here! Pilot, can you stop yelling! We are not at home!" Wanda glanced at Aunt Mei awkwardly, then accused Pilot, but there was still a flash in her eyes. A hint of warmth.

"Ah oh oh oh, Wanda, you are here, I thought... I'm sorry, madam, thank you for saving us!" Pirot followed Wanda's voice and happened to see Wanda and Aunt Mei. Standing together, they also thought about Wanda's words just now, knew that they were rude, and immediately apologized to Aunt Mei.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you're awake, come over and have something to eat. I didn't save you, it was Carl who saved you. He doesn't know where he went now. He should be back soon!" Aunt Mei smiled. He said to Pirot, and then invited the two of them to the dining table, while he went to the kitchen to take out apple pie, sandwiches, and other food.

"Thank you, I'm really a little hungry." Pirot walked to the dining table and sat down and said to Aunt Mei.


the other side

Carl is now on his farm. Because he is developing the ability of frozen fruits, he can even condense a bunch of wings made of ice behind him at this moment, and can even take himself to fly. However, he does not directly fly into the sky, but just Hovering around that area of ​​the farm, and his current development of frozen fruits has far surpassed the period when he was killing gangsters, and now he can freeze with just one thought!

Because although he has not fully activated the freezing ability, he estimates that it should not take three seconds to freeze the entire farm. Now he is working hard to continuously reduce the temperature of the ice, striving to develop it to the level of absolute zero, and absolute zero is: - 273.15 degrees Celsius!

At this temperature of absolute zero, the molecules of any object have no kinetic energy and potential energy, and the potential energy is 0. Therefore, the energy of the object at the moment is 0. The temperature of the substance depends on the kinetic energy of the atoms, molecules and other particles within it! At the temperature of absolute zero, all molecules and atoms that make up matter stop moving. During the movement, all space, machinery, molecules, vibrations, etc. will move. In addition, at absolute zero, any energy should disappear.

Karl estimated that if he wanted to reach this level, he would have to Awaken the frozen fruit. However, it seems that there is no such thing as Awakening for natural fruits. Or is it because a method has not been found, or are natural fruits already in the Awakening state? Karl thought for a while and then stopped thinking about it. Whatever, just work hard to develop it and it will be done!

After watching that the time was almost up, Carl dissipated all the surrounding ice, then sent out the shadow ninjas to tidy up the farm, and then drove the black Lamborghini towards New York City.

Aunt May was chatting with Wanda, while Pilot was playing games with Peter. The main reason was that Wanda was more curious about Carl. After all, it was not close to New York from SOKOVIA. She was really curious about how Carl brought them here. Here, during the chat, she also learned that she had only been unconscious for a few hours.


"Let's go, he's back." Aunt May said to Wanda with a smile, then got up and walked to the door.

"What? Who's back?" Wanda was still a little confused, but she followed Aunt Mei's footsteps. The two of them came to the door together, and happened to see a black sports car entering the block from the street and parked directly next to it. On the open ground.

Wanda looked at this sports car curiously. She had never seen it before. The next moment, the car door opened and a man nearly 1.9 meters tall stepped out from the driver's seat. He was wearing a platinum silk shirt, black pants and black leather shoes. He even had a handsome face. , exuding a mysterious temperament, and with his blue pupils, he looks particularly charming.

The man walked in her direction, and then she saw Aunt Mei walking in that direction, hugging and kissing the handsome man. She was surprised. She covered her mouth. After all, although Aunt Mei still had charm, she could tell that she was not young, and that handsome man must be much younger than her. Unexpectedly...

"Wanda, let me introduce you to him. He is Carl, the man who rescued you and Pilot." While Wanda was in a daze, Aunt May had already walked to Wanda with Carl on her arm and introduced him to Wanda.

"Ah, oh oh oh! Thank you for saving me and Pilot, thank you!" After Wanda came back to her senses, she immediately thanked Karl, and then bowed deeply to him.


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