Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 23 Adoption Of Wanda And Pilot

Chapter 23: Adopting Wanda and Pilot

"Okay, go in first, don't stand at the door." Carl said gently to Wanda, and then led Wanda and Aunt May into the room.

"Okay, what are your brother and sister's plans next? SOKOVIA is now in a raging war, and when I rescued you, I found two bodies... ahem." After entering the living room, Wanda will go to Pilot upstairs. He shouted, and when Pilot came down and found out that Karl was the one who saved him and his sister, he also thanked and bowed.

"We don't know either..." Wanda and Pilot lowered their heads sadly. They naturally understood the meaning of Karl's last sentence. Although they had already guessed it, it was still sad to hear it. , and Wanda's tears began to fall, and Pilot's eyes also turned red.

"Okay Wanda, it's okay. I'm here. How about we don't cry? Let him let go of the past." Aunt May glared at Carl, held Wanda in her arms and comforted, while Carl shrugged helplessly. , they will know sooner or later, it is better to know now.

"Well, if you don't mind it, you can stay here and leave when you have plans, or I can adopt you, because it would be good to find a companion for Peter." Carl said casually, leaning on the sofa, as if Don't care at all whether they stay or go.

But Carl naturally cared about it, otherwise why would he save them? But he couldn't show his eagerness to adopt them. Wouldn't it appear that he had ulterior motives? So he made an excuse and pretended to be one for Peter. Besides, he also had this idea. You must know that in the timeline, before Peter became Spider-man, he had a very low self-esteem.

Now that Karl is here, how can he still develop such a low self-esteem character, so finding a companion for Peter is not an excuse, just a plan.

"Thank you, we can help you with housework and work. We don't have much to eat! Thank you very much! We are willing to be adopted by you!" Pirot agreed directly before Wanda said anything, which made Carl a little bit Surprised.

Of course, it wasn't because of being hot-headed that Pilot agreed immediately. The reason why he went to chat with Peter was because he wanted to know what kind of person he was, and he didn't know whether the other person was a bad guy or a good guy, so he ran over to Peter. Peter was making insidious inquiries here, and Peter was unprepared. He just said whatever Peter asked, including that Carl saved them in the first place and that Carl had a sports car, etc. A series of things were revealed.

From these things, Pirot briefly analyzed that Karl was a rich man who was kind to his own people, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, because if he was rescued by a bad guy, he would not end up well. Originally, SOKOVIA and other areas , there are many people and organ traffickers.

Now that he heard that Carl could adopt them, he immediately agreed. After all, not to mention that he and his sister had no place to go in New York. Naturally, he didn't want to take his sister to live on the streets, and he learned from Peter that Carl was very generous and very wealthy. Qian is still willing to adopt himself and his sister. Even if he doesn't think about it for himself, he still has to think about it for his sister. He definitely wants Wanda to have a good life, so he answers before Wanda does.

And he was quite clever and directly said that he could help with the work, and he didn't have much to eat. Will Carl be short of his little food? Pilot did this to arouse Karl's sympathy, which also showed that he was very clever.

"That's not necessary, I don't lack your food." Karl said to Pilot with a slight smile.

"Thank you for adopting me and Wanda!" Pirot smiled innocently and bowed to Karl.

"Thank you!" Wanda also walked out of Aunt May's arms and thanked Karl. Since Pirot had already said it and Karl agreed, she naturally had nothing to say.

"Okay, it's getting late now. Let's pack up and go to bed. I'll take you to buy clothes tomorrow." Karl smiled at Wanda and Pilot, and then took Aunt Mei to the room on the second floor.

After Aunt Mei and Karl sat on the bed, Aunt Mei kept looking at Karl, as if she wanted to see through him.

"What's wrong, Aunt May?"

"Tell me, were you planning to adopt them a long time ago, so you went to SOKOVIA to rescue them?"

"Yes, because they are not ordinary people. Both of them have super abilities, and Wanda's ability is very powerful, and their parents have indeed died, so I planned to adopt them from the beginning." Carl looked at Aunt May's His eyes directly expressed his previous thoughts.

"Huh, let me tell you, why did you suddenly run to SOKOVIA, and why do you like to call me Aunt Mei so much?" Aunt Mei looked at Karl with a serious expression, and asked the question she had wanted to ask for a long time, After all, Carl had been calling her Aunt May since he was with her, which made her feel weird.

"I like it, it's a special tone." Carl looked at Aunt Mei with a wicked smile.


"No, there's someone in the next room!"

But Carl didn't care so much. Aunt Mei could only grit her teeth helplessly again and cover her mouth with both hands.


The next day Carl took Wanda and Pilot to complete the adoption procedures.

After that, he drove the two of them to buy clothes and daily necessities in a Lamborghini. While Wanda and Pilot were choosing clothes, Carl walked into the haute couture dress shop next door and had it customized in Aunt Mei's size. A dress, ready to be given as a gift to Aunt Mei.

Afterwards, she took Wanda and Pilot back home, and Wanda looked at Pilot with an angry face because he also bought a game console! Although Carl didn't think anything of it, after all, it didn't cost much money, Wanda felt that she shouldn't buy these things since she was adopted!

And Pirot said that Karl agreed, I want it! Karl smiled and ignored them. Instead, he walked up to Aunt Mei with the gift box and handed the gift box to her.

"It's for you, let's see if it fits." Karl said gently to Aunt Mei.

"Today is not a special day, is it?" Aunt Mei looked at Karl suspiciously and said, a little confused as to why Karl suddenly gave her something.

"Every day with you is special, go and try it." Carl leaned into Aunt May's ear and said to her.

"Humph~ Okay, I'll give it a try." Aunt May walked to the room upstairs with blushing cheeks, and Karl followed behind, both of them ignoring Wanda and Pilot.

Five minutes later, Karl looked at Aunt Mei, who was wearing a dark purple dress. She had a slender waist, long legs, fair skin, and brown hair tied loosely behind her head. She was standing at the door of the room, like a rose in the mist and rain. It's as beautiful as a painting.

"It looks so beautiful on you, Aunt May." Carl walked up and hugged Aunt May's waist, and Aunt May also smiled happily when she heard Carl's compliment, and couldn't help but kiss him.


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