Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 33 Tony Encounters A Fighter Jet

Chapter 32: Tony encounters a fighter jet

Tony flew into the skies over America at high speed and was immediately detected by the Air Force radar. As expected, as Carl said, after a period of time they sent two F22s to intercept Tony, and after calling many times, they launched an attack, and The air force commander also found Rhodes, and Rhodes thought for a while and dialed Tony's number.

"Hey Tony, our air force base's radar has detected an unidentified flight object. Have you researched some new technology? You'd better tell me early, otherwise I will shoot it down!" Rhodes dialed Tony's phone number. said.

"No, Rhodes, I'm not researching any technology!"

"What are you doing? Why is it so noisy there! What are you talking about!"

"I'm driving, so you know."

"Well, since it's not yours then we'll shoot it down!"

After finishing speaking, Rhodes hung up the phone, and then let the fighter jets start to attack. Tony swore and started to dodge the fighter jets' attack, and even the opponent directly launched a missile. Tony asked J.A.R.V.I.S to release jamming bombs and barely destroyed the opponent's missile. Then he called Rhodes' number.

"Hey Tony, it's too late for you to tell me that thing is yours! Why is it still so noisy in your place!"

"Rod, I'm running, so the sound is loud."

"Hey! You just told me you were driving!"

"I first started going to the park and now I'm running, you know Rod, boom————!"

"Tony, what's going on? Why are there explosions there!"

"Hey, okay Rod, that thing is mine, I'm in there, stop attacking now!"

"What, you're in there!"

"Stop attacking and let the opponent leave, now!!" Rhodes walked to an earphone, picked it up and immediately said to the two pilots inside the fighter jet. After all, if Tony was really shot down, it would be a big deal. Although Stark Industries has closed its weapons manufacturing department, it is still a behemoth, even a capital!

"Yes! Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, the target has disappeared!"

"Wha—! Oh my God!"

Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the pilot's words, but then it was reported that it was under the fighter plane, and then the fighter plane passed by. Tony broke the wing of the fighter plane, the fighter plane crashed, and the pilot ejected immediately, but the parachute It was stuck and could not be opened until it was about to fall to the ground. Tony opened his parachute and left, and the second fighter did not pursue it because of Rhodes' order.

After Tony returned home, Carl and Yingson had returned long ago and were sitting on the sofa drinking his treasured wine. After Tony fell into the underground studio, the robotic arm could not take off his battle suit because many places were damaged. As a result, many parts got stuck.

"Hey, our baby Tony was beaten up by a fighter jet. Look at the bullet holes in this battle suit. It's so miserable." Carl said as he surrounded Tony with a wine glass and teased Tony with a smile on his face.

"Tony, are you really being chased by a fighter jet? Ordinary bullets shouldn't be able to leave traces on your battle suit." Yingsen also looked at Tony suspiciously after hearing what Carl said. After all, Tony's battle suit He was also involved in its creation, so he naturally knows how good its defense is.

"Oh Shet, Carl, you are such a crow! The Air Force sent two F22s to chase me. If Rhodes and I hadn't made a call, they would have chased me home." Tony looked helplessly at Carl Said, he did not expect that what Karl said was so accurate, that there would actually be a fighter plane chasing him.

"Hahahahahaha, to use an Eastern saying, if you don't listen to good people, you will suffer the consequences!" Carl said to Tony with a smile, and watched Tony being manipulated by the mechanical arm, and then Carl saw Pepper coming down and looked at Looking at the bullet holes in Tony's battle suit, he exclaimed:

"Is this a bullet hole? Tony! What are you doing? Are you going to fight terrorists? Tony!!"

"Hey, Pepper, I just went to destroy Stark Industries' weapons. Really, I'm fine. You believe me!" When Tony explained to Pepper, Yingsen quietly slipped away from the stairs. After all, This was a matter between Tony and Pepper, and he didn't want to get involved, and Carl disappeared in an instant, leaving Tony and Pepper alone.

After some explanations, Tony asked Pepper to calm down. After all, the two of them actually had feelings for each other, but they didn't express it. Then Tony asked Pepper to go to his office and hack into Obadiah's computer. He wanted to know what was inside. What are the smuggled arms deals?

Pepper didn't agree at first, but in the end she was moved by Tony's sincerity and agreed.

On the other side, Carl took Yingson to the biological laboratory established by Tony. Because Yingson had two major doctorates in cell biology and medicine, Carl asked Yingson to help study genes together, and said that he would help Yingson develop vigorously. His hometown has even sent a batch of supplies to his hometown, along with the supplies prepared by Tony.

Yingsen naturally agreed. After he learned that his hometown had suffered a terrorist attack, he never thought of staying in his hometown to help the people there, but all he could do was a drop in the bucket. He had no money, no power, and could not change the current situation in his hometown at all. , and Carl and Tony can naturally do it easily, but he doesn't want them to help him, but plans to work for Tony or Carl to let them help his hometown.

He also knew that Tony and Carl would naturally help him if he asked, but how many times could they help him, and the brothers were still settling the scores, so he decided to use his ability to make his hometown better, just in a different way. .

"It's not bad. I'll have to trouble you again in the future, Yingsen." Carl said to Yingsen after he walked into the laboratory.

"What's this? I should be the one thanking you. First you saved my life and then you helped my hometown. I can only use my little knowledge to repay you." Yingsen shook his head and said to Karl, and then the two When people entered the laboratory, they found that most of the experimental equipment was available. It was definitely only Yingsen who could understand these, and Karl knew nothing about them.

What can you expect him to know as a high school graduate? Although he was a college student in his previous life, it's hard to explain...

. . . . . . . . .

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