Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 34 The Ancient One Visits

Chapter 34: Visit from the Ancient One

After Carl and Yingsen visited the laboratory, Carl sent Yingsen back to Tony's house, while he walked on the street and thought about his next plan. He was now barely friends with Tony and Yingsen. He was thinking Do you want to take out the spider serum? After all, the spider serum is what directly created Spider-man.

With his worth, he now has the key formula of spider serum, so he can naturally breed super spiders and create spider serum, but he is not sure whether these things will be spread later, because spider serum is much better than Stark Industries' super genes. In the Civil War timeline, Peter even caught Winter Soldier's robotic arm with one hand, and defeated Winter Soldier and Falcon alone.

It can be seen that it is powerful. If the military and S.H.I.E.L.D, Osborn, and other institutions knew about it, it would be in trouble. In the end, Carl decided not to take out the spider serum yet and wait for him to study it by himself after conquering a few biology masters. If you don't trust Tony and Yingsen, even Natasha Romanoff can lurk next to Tony, and it's really hard for him not to spread the word.

The reason why his steel battle suit was not snatched away by a large department is because Stark Industries still has the connections left by Howard, and in fact, all countries can produce steel battle suits, but what they lack is Tony's energy! That is, a small reactor!

But even Obadiah can create an Iron Overlord after getting a design drawing. It can be seen that the steel battle suit is not impossible to create, so Carl is still cautious, mainly because he does not want Aunt Mei and the others to be disturbed and harmed.

Karl was walking on the street and suddenly noticed that something was wrong around him, and even the buildings began to turn upside down. A blue light flashed in Karl's eyes. He knew who it was when he saw this scene. Now it finally appeared, and then a spark flashed around him. At the space door, a man wearing a yellow robe and a hood walked out of it.

The person who came was none other than the Asgardian on Earth, Kamtaj's Sorcerer Supreme: Ancient One, who was also the holder of the Time Gem. Karl looked at the person in front of him cautiously and was ready to attack at any time. The surrounding temperature had already begun. Descends, and ice begins to form on the walls of the space.

"Don't be nervous, Karl. I won't do anything to you. According to my observation of you, you should know me." Ancient One said slowly while looking at Karl, who was ready to attack at any time.

"Hello, Sorcerer Supreme, His Excellency the Ancient One." Karl said calmly to the Ancient One, and secretly said that indeed, he had guessed that the Ancient One was secretly observing him before, but he did not expect that he would guess right.

"Haha, you really know me, and you should know a lot of things. I guessed it from the time you rescued Tony Stark and seized the opportunity to make him owe you a favor." The Ancient One said to Carl with a positive tone.

"So Ancient One magician, are you here to see me?" Carl did not relax his vigilance after hearing the Ancient One's words, but still maintained a state of attack at any time.

"I came to you just to tell you that you don't need to be afraid of me, and I won't do anything to you. I have traveled through multi-universe in spirit. I know my own ending, and I also know that this universe will be like most universes. So you can just go ahead and do it, as long as it doesn’t endanger the earth, I won’t care about it.” The Ancient One didn’t care about Karl’s condition and said to him slowly.

"Then what kind of future do you see now?" Karl asked the Ancient One without relaxing his vigilance.

"I can't see the future now. Even with the Time Gem, since you entered this universe, the future has become extremely blurry and impossible to see through, but the ending has also become erratic. Whether it is good or bad depends on your thoughts. , and based on my observations these days, you are not the kind of ambitious person, so I know you are on the side of the earth." Ancient One still explained to Karl in a leisurely manner.

"Is that so..." After Carl heard what Ancient One said, he reflected on himself. He didn't really seem to be a super villain. He just wanted to guard his own three-quarter acre of land, and his wife The child is hot on the kang, and since he came to the Marvel universe, he has been preparing for self-preservation without thinking about what he is going to do.

"Well, you can come to Cam Taj when you have time. I believe you should know the location of Holy Place in New York." Ancient One looked at the thoughtful Karl and said, and then Karl appeared in the original neighborhood, and everything around him Nothing has changed.

Karl shook his head and continued to walk home. He didn't worry about what he needed to do. What he wanted was to do whatever he wanted. The earth was where he lived anyway, so he was naturally obligated to help when he was asked to do so. If the earth really was destroyed Now, where can he go to be free?

What's more, the sky is falling has a high level of customization. Now Odin of Asgard is still alive, and the Ancient One has not fallen yet. The earth may not be destroyed, let alone Aunt Surprise. Carl is not in a hurry, but he has been wondering. The sign-in mechanism of the system has been penetrated, and even the system has not responded yet.

After Carl came home with an idea, he looked at Wanda and Pilot on the sofa. Their faces were not good-looking. Carl didn't know what happened, but turned to look at Aunt May.

"I told them that Tony is your friend. You can't hide these things from them forever. You have to tell them and have a good talk with them, Carl." Aunt May walked up to Carl and said softly.

"Okay, you go upstairs first." Karl said helplessly to Aunt Mei. After all, Aunt Mei had told them, and now the only thing left was to let them know the truth.

"Wanda, Pilot, I know you hate Tony because of that missile, but I can be 100% sure that Tony has never sold weapons to terrorists. These were all transactions that Obadiah privately made with those terrorists. I’m not excusing Tony, I’m just telling you the facts, and I’ll be able to show you the evidence in two days.”

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