Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 43 Killing Towards Mutant Academy

Chapter 43: Killing towards Mutant Academy

Then Tony started to put on the steel battle suit. Carl looked at the several advanced armed helicopters on the display screen. Carl suddenly thought of something. After Tony finished putting on the steel battle suit, Carl slowly spoke:

"Tony, do you still have the Jericho missiles? Take out all your weapons and I'll let the Black Shadow Ninja use them!"

"Oh Shet, it looks like Mutant Academy is in trouble. Come on, the remaining weapons from Stark Industries are in a factory. Come with me!" Tony heard Carl's words and even imagined the scene in his mind, and then started the battle suit, flew towards a large factory in Stark Industries, with Carl following closely behind, while J.A.R.V.I.S controlled four armed helicopters following behind.

A few minutes later, Tony took Carl to a large factory. After entering and turning on the power, a large number of weapons appeared in front of Carl. There were all kinds of weapons, and they were all active weapons of the US military. Even Jericho There are hundreds of boxes of missiles, GPS, machine guns, Gatling, small missiles, mortars, etc. The weapons are almost piled up in the entire large factory.

"They're all here. If you can take them, you can take them all. Anyway, now that Stark Industry has transformed, there's no use keeping this thing here." Tony opened his mask as he walked and said to Carl behind him.

"Thank you, Tony." Carl looked at Tony deeply, because Tony himself had to bear a lot of pressure to deal with Mutant, not to mention that Tony decided to help just because of Carl's words. From now on, Carl regarded Tony as He is a true friend, but before he only regarded Tony as a favored friend. The two are definitely different.

"Oh Shet, don't be so sensational, just hurry up and get it. I can't wait to see the expressions of those at Mutant Academy!!" Tony looked at Carl with an unbearable expression and urged him to hurry up, but The smile he wore betrayed his mood at the moment.

Carl gave Tony a look, and then a thousand and five shadow ninjas appeared around him, and began to move all the weapons in front of him into the world of shadow. Thirty minutes later, the shadow ninjas moved all the weapons in the entire factory to the world of shadow. In the world, Carl conveyed the usage methods of various weapons to every shadow ninja through the Nijia mask. Afterwards, Carl nodded to Tony. Then Tony's mask fell, his hands were facing the ground, and the injectors under his feet were activated. The whole person directly Lifting into the air, a pair of ice crystal wings appeared behind Karl, and he took off with a vigorous wave.

With the blessing of Psychokinesis, they flew in the direction of Tony, and J.A.R.V.I.S activated the four armed helicopters. The propellers on them began to rotate, and then slowly took off. J.A.R.V.I.S controlled them to fly in the direction of Tony and Carl. , and Tony knew the location of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth through the location of J.A.R.V.I.S.

That is, Mutant Academy, flying all the way with Karl, and on the other side

After Qin pushed Charles to the conference room, and now in the conference room was a member of the X-Men, Wolverine: Logan James Howlett! Cyclops: Scatter Summers! Storm: Ororo Ororo Munro! Beast: Henry Philip McCoy! Steel: Peter Rasputyan! And the new Iceman joining the X-Men: Robert Bobby Drake! Burning Man: St. John Allardyce! And Shadowcat: Kitty Pryde!

"I accidentally offended a powerful man just now, and he is also a shareholder of Stark Industries and a friend of Tony Stark. He should be coming to us soon. You all must be prepared and not let the children of the academy be harmed. Hurt." Charles said to the X-Men members in the conference room.

"Strong? I want to see how strong he is and whether he can withstand a fireball from me!" Pyroman John said to everyone while playing with the lighter in his hand disdainfully.

"Tony Stark? That warmonger? So what if it's him? His steel battle suit is no different to me than scrap metal!" Wolverine said to Charles with the same disdain, and the method was not worth Tony Stark's attention at all. , and several bone claws suddenly stretched out from the back of his hand, with a look of eagerness on his face.

"Dean, you don't have to worry. If they dare to come, they will have to run back in despair, and we are not vegetarians!" Cyclops said slowly. He did not say that Tony Stark and the others would be left behind. After all, he was not Logan. With John, he thought more, because if they were left here, the military would probably start tanks to surround the place tomorrow. After all, he was also the president of Stark Industries! Even one of the largest chaebols in America.

Although Charles owns shares in many companies and enterprises, he only receives money regularly and has no management authority. And even so, his assets cannot reach Tony Stark's net worth, let alone become one of the richest people in the entire America. Chaebol, because even congressmen sometimes need to look at Tony's face to act!

"Oh, well, I hope things get better this time." Charles sighed and said to everyone. Although he regretted offending Carl, he did not feel that using his psychic ability was a mistake. After all, he had been using his psychic ability for so many years. They all did this, how could he question his ability because of Karl?

At this time, a sonic boom suddenly appeared outside.


Tony arrives at Xavier Academy for Young Talents wearing a steel battle suit! Carl followed closely and landed from the sky, followed by four armed helicopters, full of Stark Industries' advanced missiles.

The bomb was the most powerful one. The reason why he didn't bring anyone else with him was to prevent them from being controlled by Charles. As for Tony.

Carl didn't believe that Charles dared to control Tony, otherwise he would have to wait for the full revenge of Stark Industries. Even if Tony raged, Carl didn't know what would happen. After all, controlling people's thoughts is very scary and scary. , and after he invades your mind, it is no less than the feeling of running naked on the street. Almost all secrets can be read by others at will. This is why the president and congressmen are afraid of Charles.

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