Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 44 Fighting Mutants

Chapter 44: Fighting Mutant

The X-Men immediately rushed out of the conference room and rushed all the surrounding students back to the classroom. Then Charles was pushed by Qin and came among them. He looked at Carl and Tony in front of him and slowly said:

"Mr. Karl, I apologize to you for my behavior. There is no need for us to fight, and it is not me who really wants to deal with you."

"It's too late, Charles, when you wantonly entered my mind and failed to invade Peter's mind, this matter is so easy to solve!" Carl said to Charles indifferently, and after he finished speaking, people appeared around him There are a large number of shadow ninjas, and the difference is that they all hold weapons from Stark Industries.

Some were carrying an RPG, some were carrying Gatling, some were holding small missile launchers, and there were even three shadow ninjas pushing Jericho missile launchers at Charles and others, and 1,500 The Black Shadow Ninjas almost directly surrounded Xavier Youth Genius Academy, and not all weapons were aimed at Charles and the others. Some Black Shadow Ninjas even aimed their weapons directly at the little Mutant in the classroom.

"Walt! Wait, wait! I think we should be able to talk!" Qin immediately walked out from behind Charles and said to Carl and Tony. It would be fine if these weapons were pointed at them, but many of these weapons were Aiming at the little Mutant in the classroom, if a fight starts, the little Mutant will be dead in a short while!

Even Wolverine Logan and Cyclops Scatter's expressions were not good-looking. They didn't expect that the other party would be so cruel and even prepared to attack indiscriminately. Tony glanced at Carl in surprise, but didn't say anything. He knew what Carl was like. Once you reach his bottom line, he won't care about you, adults or children.

Pyro John looked at Carl and Tony with an unhappy expression. He began to move slowly to one side. He was going to sneak attack Carl from the side and then take him down directly. In this way, he would save the entire academy. Thinking of this, he He couldn't help but get excited, and slowly moved to the right side of Karl.

"Oh? Talk? Talk about what? Phoenix, it hasn't come out yet, why are you talking to me? The moment Charles dares to invade my mind, we have no need to talk!!" Carl looked at Qin indifferently and said, And directly told her true identity, and even the Phoenix force in her body. Qin and Charles looked at Carl in disbelief. After all, few people in the academy even knew about taking things, and now Carl actually said it casually. Just say it!


Pyro John thought he would throw a fireball at Karl when he wasn't paying attention, but he didn't notice that Karl slightly raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this, and then used Psychokinesis to control the fireball he threw back to him. He had already discovered it. John, after all, when he first watched X-Men, he still remembered the whole traitor very well. After all, you grew up in Xavier Academy, but you actually ran away with Magneto, which is a wolfish look.


And when Carl noticed John moving to his right, he knew what John wanted to do. Just as he thought, it happened too suddenly. After Tony reacted, he immediately launched an attack on Charles and others, rising into the air. After that, he fired the palm cannon at Charles and others!

Steel immediately stood in front of Charles and the others, and Cyclops immediately pushed Charles back. Wolverine, Iceman, Steel, Storm, and Shadowcat also began to attack Tony and Carl. Only Qin looked at them anxiously. She was at a loss, she couldn't keep using her ability, otherwise the things sealed by Charles in her body would escape, so she could only worry!

After Karl threw John's fireball back to himself, he directly knocked John away. Karl smiled disdainfully, and a sentence flashed in his mind: A good guy who also loves to play? All the dark shadow ninjas launched attacks through the Niga mask, and then all kinds of weapons were fired at Xavier Youth Genius Academy, and they were still attacking indiscriminately. Even the little Mutant also had several missiles fired at it.

Seeing this, Qin could only activate her Ability to control these missiles and throw them into an empty building. Carl just smiled when he saw this, and then continued to attack Wolverine and others. After all, there are a large number of weapons in the Shadow World. He didn't believe that Qin could always be in control.


Carl condensed an Eastern Dragon made of ice and fell from the sky, hitting Logan and Bobby directly. Logan was fine, but Iceman Bobby was in terrible condition and could hardly move.

Even though his ability is to control ice, it is far less powerful than Carl, and there is no such thing as elementalization.

After Logan got up, he jumped up and pounced on Carl like a normal person. Carl looked at his behavior and couldn't help but smile. Then a suspicious red light flashed in his eyes, and then he used Cyclops on Logan.

When Logan saw this, he was shocked. How could he shoot lasers from both eyes? Isn't that the ability of Cyclops?

Before he could think about it, two red lasers shot out from Carl's eyes, hitting Logan directly and shooting him to the ground. Carl continued to shoot at him relentlessly. He wanted to see if Logan directly used After the laser burn is gone, can his healing factor be restored?

After Cyclops Scat pushed Charles out of the room, he happened to see Storm, Steel and Shadowcat attacking Tony Stark, while Beast was moving the little Mutant in the classroom, and Qin used his Ability to control the missiles shot by the black ninjas. Missiles and rocket launchers, Iceman Bobby and Pyroman John were paralyzed on the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

Logan was continuously shot on the ground by Carl with Cyclops, and Logan's wails were heard. He immediately turned the switch on his eye and shot directly at Carl with full power, piercing Carl's body almost instantly. Tony saw After the petition, he shouted:


"Okay Tony, I'm fine, don't be so nervous, he can't kill me." Carl said to Tony with a smile, and then Tony saw that Carl's body was actually ice! It is still healing and will be fine in a short while. Apart from the damaged clothes, there are no traces of injury at all!

"My God! Carl, are you a human being? This is simply unscientific!!" Tony exclaimed as he looked at Carl's wounds. The face in the steel battle suit was full of disbelief. After all, no one is made of ice. It can even heal!

"Okay, Tony, we'll talk about this later. Let them pay some price first!" Carl said to Tony calmly.

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