Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 45 Mutant Academy-Defeat

Chapter 45: Mutant Academy-Defeat

"Okay, okay, J.A.R.V.I.S, launch the attack!!" Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S after hearing what Carl said, and then four armed helicopters hovering in the sky launched an attack on the entire academy, and then launched missiles from the beginning. It even hit their teaching building.

The movement here naturally alerted the surrounding police, and even other government departments. S.H.I.E.L.D directly used the satellite to call up the picture to watch. Nick Fury looked at Carl and Tony in the picture, and he did not expect that Carl actually took Tony directly to the Mutant Academy, even using missiles.

Many members of the government got the news, but after hearing Tony Stark's name, they reported it to the person in the Black Palace. After all, Tony Stark's identity is not that simple. The hearings in the timeline are all After receiving orders and support from many powerful generals, the congressman dared to ask Tony to hand over the steel battle suit in public, otherwise why would he?

This time Karl opened fire directly, and the surrounding temperature immediately began to drop, and even ice crystals floated in the sky. These ice crystals are ice crystals formed when water molecules in the air encounter low temperatures, and a large number of ice cones appeared behind Karl. Each one They are all the same file size as a truck, and he controls the ice pick to attack Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Steel, and Shadowcat.

They watched huge amounts of ice picks coming towards them. Cyclops used his Ability to defeat the ice picks. Wolverine could only dodge. His bone claws were not even as hard as ice. He did not dare to confront the ice picks head-on. Storm controlled them. Storm attacked the incoming ice cone, while Steel rushed towards the ice cone without any fear and collided with it!


Shadowcat used his Ability to go directly through the ice picks. Before they could take a breath, another wave of ice picks struck again. Carl watched all this indifferently, and his hair turned black and blue.

It's particularly spooky, and because J.A.R.V.I.S controls the gunship to launch missiles.

This made Qin a little unable to hold on. Although there were several little Mutants with Psychokinesis powers to help her, it was still a drop in the bucket. Under the bombing of the shadow ninjas and armed helicopters, many little Mutants were killed and injured, and the weaker Mutants Or even die directly! Mutant, who only has physical powers, barely survived the aftermath of the missile!

A blue light flashed in Carl's eyes, and Wolverine Logan was directly frozen. Carl used the lowest temperature he could mobilize to freeze Logan. Even though he would not die, he could not move. He turned to Cyclops Scatter, with a red light flashing in his eyes. , Carl accompanied Psychokinesis and shot Scatter with Cyclops!


Seeing this, Scat also put his hand on the right side of his glasses, and then turned on the full power. At the same time, a red laser and Carl's two lasers were fired at each other. However, because Carl had Psychokinesis, Skater's laser was The laser shot by Carl forced him back, and even Scatter could barely hold on.

Taking advantage of the victory, Karl followed up and waved his right hand at Scat. Several large ice picks flew towards Scat and hit him. When he hit him, he could no longer hold on. Carl's laser hit him directly. Blast on him and penetrate his body! Then he collapsed on the ground and didn't know whether to live or die.

Karl appeared behind Storm Ororo the next moment, and then directly turned on the elementalization. The thunder and storm she controlled had no effect on him at all. Karl pinched Ororo's neck with one hand and injected it into her body. With a lot of freezing power, her neck was already covered by Karl's ice.

Just as Shadowcat was about to rush over, he was knocked away from the side by a blue ice block condensed by Karl, and fell to the ground. Karl walked slowly to her, looked at her coldly, and then penetrated her with an ice sword. belly, and then pinned her to the ground. After all, her ability was so abnormal that she could actually penetrate objects in the form of molecules. Give her some time and she could save everyone. Now, naturally, she has to guard against her.

Tony also slowly landed next to Carl. After that, his battle suit was all covered with black marks, all of which were struck by lightning controlled by Ororo. Steel not far away saw this and ran towards Carl. , his whole body was made of steel, and even the ground shook when he ran. He wanted to use his impact force to deal with Karl.

Carl just glanced at him, and then all the way he moved forward turned into ice and was extremely slippery. Unfortunately, Steel slipped and fell, and the impact naturally disappeared. Then a blue light flashed in Carl's eyes, Steel It was also frozen and was as big as a truck.

Carl grabbed Ororo's neck and walked towards the teaching building in front. Just now, Scatter was pushing Charles towards this direction. After that, the black shadow ninjas around him disappeared and appeared behind Carl the next moment. 1,500 black shadow ninjas, holding rocket launchers in their hands, followed Carl and Tony, making it look like Carl and Tony were just gang members.

Qin collapsed on the steps in front of the teaching building. Overuse of Ability had already made it impossible for her to hold on. Not to mention that even without the Phoenix force in the body, controlling Psychokinesis is very exhausting. She will naturally feel very tired if she uses it too much. , Karl glanced at her lightly, he didn't intend to do anything to Qin.

It would be interesting if Phoenix was accidentally released. He can't defeat Phoenix now. He will have to finish the game if he eliminates one material molecule. The situation in the original timeline would have been if Wolverine hadn't eliminated the material molecules and killed Qin. , it is estimated that the entire earth will have to be played. Definitely, this is also the interference of Qin's first personality, and where is the Mutant universe, there are no great gods such as Ancient One and Odin.

Now that the Phoenix comes out, it is estimated that it will not be able to destroy the earth. The Ancient One will definitely take action, but I don’t know which one is more powerful, Time Gem or the defensive Phoenix force. Besides, Odin probably won’t be able to do it. After all, the earth is the nine major powers he rules. One of the kingdoms, although with the existence of Sorcerer Supreme, he rarely interferes with the earth.

But the earth is still nominally ruled by Asgard, but except for magicians, the people on earth don't know it at all.

Karl carried Ororo past Qin. Before he could find Charles, he saw Charles himself moving out in a wheelchair. He looked around, sighed, and said to Karl:

"Mr. Karl, you have vented enough now. If you still feel it is not enough, I will give you my life, but please let Ororo go. They don't know anything. Or you can ask your conditions of."

. . . . . . . . . .

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