"Hey, we won the war against Thanos, but at the cost of me snapping my fingers? Oh, this is really bad news"

"Besides, I am not a person who is keen on sacrifice. My philosophy is to do what I can and change the world with knowledge and wisdom, rather than foolishly sacrifice myself to fulfill others."

In Nepal, Kamar-Taj, where the wizards practice seclusion, Tony Stark sat on a wooden chair with a rebellious smile in his eyes, sneering at the sacrifice mentioned by Dr. Banner, the Hulk.

After Tony Stark and others crossed the portal, they appeared in Kamar-Taj, which was wrapped in a magic barrier. Even the sentinels could not find the coordinates of Kamar-Taj. Several people were temporarily out of danger, but Baron Mordo, who rescued them, only gave them a small room and disappeared.

While no one was disturbing them, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, told his companions the future information in his mind and everything about the intelligent brain Aarons. When Tony Stark���When he said that he had put on the Infinity Gauntlet and snapped his fingers at the cost of his own life, his expression became complicated, but he still mocked with venom.

However, compared to Tony Stark's venom, the other Avengers were silent. Ant-Man Scott, who had done some research in the quantum field, finally understood what Hank Pym meant by the quantum chaos theory.

"OK, gays, whether it is the intelligent computer Allens or the Sentinels who rule the earth, we need to stop him."

Captain America Rogers, who is full of justice, obviously wants to stop the intelligent computer Allens' actions. After listening to Nick Fury's introduction that he had arrived here first and was killed by the intelligent computer Allens, Captain America Rogers wants to stop Allens even more.

"Come on, great Captain America, maybe you have died hundreds or thousands of times, but now you are still alive, that's enough, quantum chaos theory allows us to distort time, but we can't forget our mission, we are only here to get the infinite gems"

"Get the Infinity Stones and return to the future, that's our mission, nothing more."

Ant-Man Scott obviously disagrees with Captain America's words. After all, although he has a grown-up daughter in the future, Ant-Man Scott is not as carefree as Captain America.

"I agree with Ant-Man. You know, in the future, I'm already married and I have a beautiful daughter.

Tony Stark also shrugged his shoulders. He agreed with Ant-Man very much. In the future, Captain America would still be alone, but he would marry Pepper Potts and have a lovely daughter. Tony didn't want to do such a thankless job.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we should agree with the captain."

The Hulk Dr. Banner's mind is full of future memories, so Dr. Banner knows that no matter the past or the future, if the intelligent brain Alans is not stopped, no one will be spared.

"2 to 2, well, none of us can convince the other."

Tony and the others got into an argument. Tony and Ant-Man thought that as long as they got the Infinity Stones, their mission would be accomplished, while Captain America and the Hulk obviously thought that they needed to stop Aarons.


Just as the four were arguing, the door was opened, and the disappeared Baron Mordo walked over with a cold face. When the door opened, Nick Fury, who had been turning his back and wondering what he was thinking, turned around and looked at Baron Mordo.

"Let's go, the Supreme Lord wants to see you."

Baron Mordo still didn't say a word to these future Avengers. As for Nick Fury, a mortal, Baron Mordo didn't take him seriously.

"Well, let's go meet this Supreme Being."

Tony Stark's face was full of curiosity.

He stood up and followed behind Baron Mordo.

Captain America and Ant-Man looked at each other and followed closely.

The Hulk, Dr.

Banner, because of the extra memory problems, was also full of respect for the Supreme Being, the Ancient One.

He straightened his clothes and followed.

Only Nick Fury's eyes flickered and he stopped where he was.

Baron Mordo didn't care that Nick Fury didn't follow.

He led Tony and the other four to a shabby and simple house.

His cold face was replaced by respect and enthusiasm.

"Respected Supreme Lord, Ancient One Supreme Sorcerer, your disciple Mordo has brought the Avengers here."

Baron Mordo stood in front of the door, with an unprecedented humble tone, and reminded

""Very good, Master Mordo. Let them in."

Master Ancient One's calm voice sounded in the room. Baron Mordo opened the door consciously. Tony Stark and the other three looked at each other and walked directly into the room. There were only simple tables and chairs in the room, and the facilities were very simple. In the center of the room, there was a cushion. A bald woman sat on it with a calm expression, closed her eyes, and was meditating.

"Avengers from the future, you must have a lot of questions, I will answer them for you, oh, Dr. Banner, we meet again."

The Ancient One opened his eyes, which seemed to contain endless wisdom. He glanced at Tony and others, and then nodded to Dr. Banner, the Hulk.

"Respected Supreme Master, Master Ancient One, it is a pleasure to see you again."

Dr. Banner put his hands together and made a monk's gesture. According to his memory, this was the second time Dr. Banner had seen Master Ancient One. The first time was when the Chitauri invaded New York.

"Master Ancient One, I want to ask why this happened. According to the theory, we should have returned all the Infinity Stones, so the time branches should have disappeared."

Dr. Banner looked at the wise eyes of the Ancient One and asked impatiently. Before, in 2012, when the correct timeline was in progress, Dr. Banner had a debate with the Ancient One. Dr. Banner believed that even if time diversion occurred, as long as the Infinity Stones were returned after the end, these time diversions would automatically disappear.

"What you said is theoretically correct, but time travel is like throwing a stone into a calm lake. It will cause ripples, and the lake will not return to calm until the ripples disappear."

The words of Master Ancient One were full of Zen meaning, which made Dr. Banner frown, but Tony Stark's eyes sparkled.

"Dr. Banner, the Ancient One is talking about quantum entanglement chaos. When we travel through time, our time is not linear, but entangled like quantum, just like Captain America died once before we traveled through time, this is the reason"

"If strictly speaking, we are in the past, present, and future, we are everywhere."

PS:The second update is here. Thanks to asd234561 for the 1000 points reward, and qqfeilu123 for the 100 points reward. Robbie is grateful. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions. Please subscribe more and support more. Robbie thanks again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times.

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