"Hey guys, according to the theory of quantum entanglement, our life and death are entangled with each other, and the past, present and future have entered a chaotic state. Gays, we are everywhere now."

When Tony Stark talked about quantum theory, his eyes were full of seriousness, but his tone was still unruly. However, when he talked about being everywhere, Tony Stark also symbolically opened his hands, as if embracing the world.

"Hey, Tony, does that mean we are gods?

Ant-Man Scott obviously has some thoughts about being everywhere, and said this with American humor, but neither Hulk Banner nor Captain America Rogers smiled.

"Tony Stark, it's nice to meet you. You are a mortal being, but you are on par with the gods. You are the only one who can do it besides the intelligent brain Allens."The

Ancient One, who was sitting on the futon, put down his hands and looked at Tony Stark with deep and wise eyes. His face was calm, and even the compliments made people feel very calm.

"Great Supreme Master Ancient One, you just mentioned the intelligent brain Aerens, is this Aerens really that strong?"

Tony Stark, as the Supreme Master Ancient One who saw Kamar-Taj for the first time, even though he was a bohemian and free-spirited person, had to respectfully call him the Supreme Master when he saw the infinite wisdom in Ancient One's eyes.

"I'll show you around."

The Ancient One waved his hand, and everyone's spirits and souls instantly entered a strange soul space. In this soul space, the Ancient One was floating cross-legged in the air, and under the feet of Tony Stark and the other three was an endless stretch of calm lake water.


Under the confused and shocked eyes of Tony and the others, the lake water under their feet began to ripple, and then everyone seemed to be pulled into the lake, feeling suffocated, and then it stopped abruptly.

"OMG, is this Asgard Palace?"

Except for Ant-Man Scott who joined too late, the other three were not unfamiliar with Asgard. What shocked Tony and the others even more was that at this moment, an Asian man was fighting with the God King of Asgard, and he was not at a disadvantage.

"WTF....The intelligent computer Allens was actually fighting with the God King Odin, and he actually forced the God King Odin to burn his soul."

Tony Stark looked at the terrifying battle in front of him. Although they were far away, they could still feel the horror of the battle.


Tony and the other four's eyes blurred, and the lake under their feet returned to calm again. In mid-air, the Ancient One looked at Tony calmly.

"God King Odin has fallen into eternal death. Although Odin launched the God King Curse before his death, the effect is still not ideal."

Looking at Tony and the other three who were shocked, Ancient One's voice was filled with sadness and worry. What he said made everyone look at each other in bewilderment. Although Ant-Man didn't know God King Odin, Tony and the other two knew clearly that this was the absolute ruler of the entire Nine Realms, a God King who was more terrifying than Thor.

"Master Ancient One, Intelligent Brain Aarons, can we really stop them?"

The Hulk Dr. Banner's eyes were full of solemnity, and his tone was a little unconfident. After seeing Aarons, who was as powerful as a god, Dr. Banner hesitated.

"This is your only chance now. Allens is now weak due to the curse of the God King Odin. You must stop him at this time."

"My disciple Strange only saw your future, but I used the Eye of Agamotto to see the future of Alans. Your crossing opened Pandora's box, and the door to the multiverse is opening, which will make Alans and his future."The

Ancient One's eyes were full of seriousness, and his tone was calm but unquestionable. At this time, the Eye of Agamotto on the chest of the Ancient One opened, releasing light.

"I have maximized the power of the Eye of Agamotto. The Time Stone can see through the timeline, but the future of Alans is like a fog. Even I can only see a corner of Alans' future when I pay a sufficient price."

The body of the Ancient One fell from mid-air and came to the center of Tony Stark and the other four. He crossed his hands and formed two magic circles. At the same time, the eyes of Tony and the other four flashed with strange white light. Their consciousness had entered the memory of the Ancient One.

"This is a glimpse of Allens' future that I have seen. Allens' future is constantly changing, but there is one thing that will not change, that is, Allens' strength is growing wildly."

Gu Yi's voice was serious and earnest. Tony Stark and the other three saw the future that Gu Yi saw in his memory. In the vast and dark universe, huge interstellar battleships leaped in from the wormhole, and all kinds of interstellar battleships almost filled the void in front of them.

On a colorful and beautiful planet that is larger than the moon, the surface of the planet is glaring at this time, and lightning and thunder are flashing inside the planet, and magma volcanoes are erupting rapidly.

A planet is furious, yes, it is furious like humans, the whole planet is rampaging, and those speeding The incoming interstellar battleships fell like raindrops, and the planet even grew huge hands, vigorously slapping the spacecraft and meteorites around it.

Inside this angry planet, an Asian figure strolled leisurely, and the surrounding stone pillars and rubble disappeared like powder. The Asian figure was walking towards the depths of the planet. In front of the Asian figure, energy figures were gathering and blocking the Asian figure.

The picture stopped abruptly. At the end of the picture, the Asian's eyes radiated divine light, as if he had penetrated the void and saw the figures of Tony Stark and others.

""Huh, huh, is this Allens? It's so scary."

Tony and the other three opened their eyes, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on everyone's face. Everyone felt the oppression of countless interstellar battleships, the rage of the planet, and Allens' indifference and terror.

"You see, if Allens cannot be stopped, he will bring disaster to the entire universe."

"The future of the Earth and the universe is in your hands. You need to do your best to stop the Arenes on Earth."

Gu Yi's voice was more solemn than ever before, with a tone of hope and expectation, expecting these Avengers from the future to create miracles again and stop the Arenes.

PS:The first update is here. Thanks to Mumuren for the 5,000 points reward, Robbie is grateful. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions, big guys, please subscribe more, support more, Robbie thanks again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe, important things are said three times.

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