Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 35: The Confession

After asking Hank Pym some things, Wells left Hank Pym's laboratory, but Wells left Dr. Banner there, because anyway, the relationship with Hank Pym The relationship cannot be broken.

In the future, if a time machine is developed, it will be inseparable from Hank Pym's technology and equipment.

Wells wandered around on the road, and didn't return to the villa until the sun went down.

Although Wells wanted to confess to Hannah about Orthea, but he still didn't want others to know about it. There were "idle people" living in the villa, and Wells didn't want to make a fuss about it. Everyone knows.


Wells gently opened the door, looked out of the house, and found that she was sitting on the bed watching TV. She was wearing a pink pajamas, holding a bowl of washed grapes in her arms, her hair was disheveled, like a naughty little girl. girl.

"You're back……"

Seeing Wells, Hannah smiled slightly. She seemed to see Wells staring at the grapes in her bowl. Hannah picked it up and said to Wells, "Do you want to eat it? It's so sweet!"

I really married a treasure!

Wells turned his head: "Eat it, I don't like to eat that stuff..."

"Oh well……"

Seeing that Wells didn't like grapes, Hannah was a little disappointed, but she still smiled at Wells: "I heard that eating grapes is good for children. In the future, children will be born with big eyes..."

Wells took off his coat and said with a chuckle, "Which scientist said that again..."


Hannah squinted her eyes and looked very cute: "It's said on the phone, I think what they said makes sense..."

My treasure, you are really getting less and less smart!

Wells felt a little helpless, saying that being pregnant for three years was stupid, but Hannah is not pregnant yet, but her mind is getting more and more pure.

Wells sat by Hannah's bed, opened his mouth and said, "Hannah... let me tell you something..."

"for you……"

Hannah picked a grape, stuffed it into Wells' mouth, and muttered, "Try it..."

Wells couldn't shirk it, so he had to take a bite, it was juicy and very sweet.

Hannah said happily: "Let me just say, it's very sweet..."


Wells nodded in agreement, he took two bites, and swallowed the grape into his stomach.


Wells swallowed a small mouthful of saliva and forced himself to cheer up: "Let me tell you something..."

"What do you mean..."

Hannah stuffed another grape into her mouth, and said vaguely: "I didn't stop you..."

Extending the head is a knife, retracting the head is also a knife, let it go

Wells gritted his teeth, and then told about Althea.


After Wells finished speaking, time seemed to stop, and Wells looked at Hannah with some concern.


The small bowl in Hannah's arms fell to the ground, and the grapes in the bowl were scattered all over the ground. Hannah's face was dull, as if she had received a major blow.

Wells stretched out his hand to hold Hannah in his arms, but Hannah pushed Wells away at once. She squatted down to pick up the grapes scattered on the ground, and she whispered: "You are famous!" Well, Your Highness Wells, three wives and four concubines are normal, it’s fine..."

The thin sadness is like a needle piercing into the heart, which is more distressing than crying.

Seeing Hannah's appearance, Wells felt a little uncomfortable. He lowered his body to pick up the grapes on the ground, but Hannah shouted: "Don't touch it..."


After Hannah yelled these words, she seemed to have lost her last strength and sat down on the ground.

Wells reached out and hugged her to the bed, Hannah was crying and kept patting Wells' chest: "Don't touch me, don't touch me..."

Wells kept silent and let Hannah pat his body. Wells put Hannah on the bed and went to pick up the grapes on the ground.

Hannah also ignored Wells, she pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

After putting all the grapes in the bowl, Wells lay down next to Hannah, trying to get into the bed, but Hannah was holding on to the quilt tightly, allowing Wells to pull, but Hannah would not let go .


Wells' heart turned cold, and he whispered, "I really didn't know she would be pregnant, it was really just an accident..."

"If you are that child, you will threaten your status..."

Wells said firmly: "I will imprison Althea forever..."


Hannah flipped over the quilt unexpectedly, her eyes were red: "You committed the crime yourself, why do you want to imprison others? In your eyes, are we women so easy to bully?"

At this time, Wells was also in trouble, and he said aggrievedly: "Then what do you say, don't tell me... you want to abort the child?"

"Who do you think I am..."

Hannah glared angrily: "If this matter gets out, those little unofficial history records—the princess of His Royal Highness Wells is an extremely cruel woman. In order to ensure her status, she cruelly killed Wells' first child. !"

"Then tell me a way..."

Wells lay on the bed, stared into Hannah's eyes and said, "Tell me one, I agree with both hands..."

Hannah rolled her eyes, as if she was really trying to figure out a way to deal with this matter.

Hannah suddenly called out: "No..."

"What's wrong?"

Wells looked confused.

Hannah bit her lip, looked at Wells and said, "It's obviously the fault of you breaking in, why do I have to find a way for you now..."


Hannah snorted coldly: "You find a way..."

After speaking, Hannah lifted the quilt and continued to cover her head.


Wells took off his clothes and stuck his palm out of the quilt.

Only in-depth communication can reduce and ease the conflicts between husband and wife. Wells still knows about this.


There was a scream in the bed, Hannah seemed to know what Wells was going to do, she pinched Wells severely in the bed.

Wells grinned in pain, but didn't dare to shout out loud, so he had to quickly pull out his arm.

Hannah's voice was buzzing in the bed: "Don't touch me until you think of a way!"

It's over!

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.

Not only was there no Hannah to make her happy, but the happy life in the future was also gone.

Wells fell down on the bed, feeling both uncomfortable and a little... fortunate!

But no matter what, this matter was finally brought out. Although Hannah was angry, her attitude was still acceptable.

The woman outside was pregnant with her husband's child. If Hannah wasn't angry, it would be abnormal!


Wells breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed his eyes.



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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