Marvel: I Am Odin’s Brother

Chapter 36: Fighting Yi Ge Again

In the early morning, Hannah put everyone's tableware on the table with a cold face, except for Wells.

Groot noticed the abnormality and asked Hannah, "Is there not enough tableware?"


Hannah shook her head expressionlessly, "Your Highness Wells is not hungry, is it... Your Highness?"

Hannah raised her eyes, tilted her head, and looked at Wells.


Wells gave a dry laugh, and could only bite the bullet and reply: "I'm not too hungry, not too hungry..."

The dark dragon, Dr. Banner, and Groot are so smart, they could tell something was wrong at a glance, but after all, this was a private matter between Wells and Miss Hannah, and the three of them did not dare to say anything, so they could only bow their heads to eat.

The scene suddenly turned cold. The usual lively scene seemed to be dead silent today.


Wells coughed lightly, and then said to Dr. Banner: "I forgot to ask you before, how about the vision?"

Dr. Banner went to dinner with Hank Pym yesterday, and established a good relationship with Hank Pym's family. Wells gave Banner a death order, so Dr. Banner didn't come back until late at night

"oh oh……"

Dr. Banner wiped his mouth and said softly: "I've wanted to tell you about this for a long time, the daughter of the old king of Wakanda—Miss Su Rui has already said that if you want to take it out, the success rate is still very high." Great, but, some of the abilities of Vision are gone..."

"After all, all his abilities come from that gem..."

Due to several attacks, the old king of Wakanda has not been discharged from the hospital. Dr. Banner often visited the genius scientist of Wakanda, Su Rui, because of the problem of hallucinations. The two are very familiar with each other. network.

Wells pondered for a while: "Okay, after dinner later, you go and talk to Vision, and prepare to take out the gemstone on its head..."

Because he was afraid of hurting Vision's life before, and Tony Stark's request, Wells gave Tony a face. After so long, this matter should be resolved!

Vision may lose some of its abilities, which is the best result. You must know that in the original timeline, Vision's fate was extremely tragic. Not only was his head crushed by Thanos, but his body was even dismembered , made into a fighting machine.

As the saying goes, a man is not guilty, but he is guilty of being pregnant, and his vision ability is too poor, it can't protect the soul gem, and the soul gem is placed on its head, it is simply a time bomb.


Dr. Banner nodded: "In a moment, I'll take care of this..."

"Ding dong—"


Suddenly, the space gem in Wells' glove suddenly flickered, Wells frowned, and he closed his eyes to feel what went wrong.


Wells opened his eyes suddenly, and whispered: "The little raccoon is in trouble!"

At the beginning, Wells didn't know the location of the collector and "met" the little raccoon. Later, in order to pay the reward, Wells gave the little raccoon a button.

If you are in danger, you can always call Wells.

After such a long time, Wells almost forgot about it, but the little raccoon really called him for help.


Hearing Wells' voice, Groot also hurried up: "What happened to them?"

"have no idea……"

Wells stood up and said softly, "I'll go and have a look..."

Wells knew that Groot was worried about the little tree man. After all, Groot had only seen his only companion after living for so long. Deep down, Groot didn't want anything to happen to the little raccoon.

Seeing Wells stand up, Hannah struggled, half a minute later. She just stood up and said to Wells: "Be careful, don't get hurt, I don't have that ability..."

Wells naturally understood what Hannah meant, he smiled at Hannah, and then opened the space tunnel.

"I will go with you……"

Groot stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth, then quickly stood up, and said vaguely: "I'll go with you..."

Seeing Groot stand up, the dark dragon and Dr. Banner also sat up.

Wells immediately shook his head: "Just go with me, Groot, you guys watch at home, I don't want the land boundary to go wrong once I come back..."


The dark dragon and Dr. Banner nodded at the same time, and solemnly assured Wells: "Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problems..."

Wells didn't say anything more, and started to walk into the space tunnel, followed by Groot.


On a distant planet, a little raccoon hugged a little tree man and hid in a cave shiveringly. fighting.

Drax, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, complained to the little raccoon: "When will your friend come? Will we die here?"

Hearing Drax's words, the little raccoon turned green with anger, and said to Drax, "Big bald head, pay attention to your manner of speaking!"

Drax shrank his head and said in a low voice, "If Gamora were here, she would definitely have something to do, but her sister actually called her away..."

While speaking, Drax sighed, looking like he was dying.


The little raccoon ignored Drax, hugged the little tree man tightly, and kept muttering, "Wells, Wells, come quickly!"

When Wells left, he said that he would be there in three minutes at the most. The little raccoon swears to God, this is definitely the longest three minutes it has ever spent in its life.


In the sky, a space tunnel rises.



This scene was seen by the little tree man in the arms of the little raccoon. It clapped its hands excitedly, its big Kaziran eyes lit up instantly, and shouted incoherently.


The little raccoon was a little confused, but when he followed the line of sight of the little tree man, he found that two people had come out of the tunnel in the air. The little raccoon immediately became excited, and he shouted to the sky: "Wells, Mr Wells..."

In the land of nothingness, the battle between Wells and the Annihilator left a deep impression on the little raccoon.


Above the sky, Wells and Groot stood side by side. The first second seeing this, Wells frowned.

This planet seemed to be destroyed. In the sky, thunder was rolling, and the ground continued to collapse downwards. It was like the end of the world.

"That is……"

In the sky, two figures were fighting. Wells took a closer look and found that one of them turned out to be Star Lord.

At this time, Wells also understood where the planet under his feet was.

Yi Ge, this is the Celestial Race - Yi Ge's planet, this is its body planet!



A shout suddenly sounded in Wells' ears. Wells looked down and saw the little raccoon on the ground reaching out to wave to him.

Wells smiled and said, "Groot, go and bring them up, the ground is not safe..."

The button that Wells gave to the little raccoon is equivalent to a locator, a coordinate. It is because of its existence that Wells can find this place in the fastest way.


Groot nodded, and then held the little raccoon and Drax in his hands, and the little tree man stood on Groot's shoulders, and Groot brought them to Wells.

The little raccoon looked excited, knowing that he was out of danger. It opened its mouth and wanted to say something to Wells, but Wells made a silent gesture to it.


Wells clenched his right hand tightly, maximizing the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, and then punched forward.

This is another indiscriminate attack, regardless of enemy or friend, ranging from serious injury to death, extremely tyrannical.


Seeing a domineering force flying towards him, Yi Ge, who was in the midst of a battle with Xingjue, changed his face drastically. He quickly separated from Xingjue and quickly retreated to the side. Xingjue also sensed the danger, and also quickly moved aside. dodge.


The huge fist shadow hit a high mountain in front, and with a "bang", that huge mountain was razed to the ground.

Yi Ge looked up to the sky and saw that familiar figure, Yi Ge gritted his teeth and said, "It's you!"

How could Egg forget the person who destroyed his body on Earth back then.

Wells grinned, as if meeting an old friend again: "Yes, it's me..."

Seeing Wells' frivolous expression, Egg was about to explode with anger: "Sutert, I can't wait to cramp your tendons and peel your skin!"



ps: Reposted and edited, if there are typos, please leave me a message.

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