Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 1030 Quill's Spiritual Power

"Boss, is there anything weird in it?"

Rocket leaned forward and said, his eyes couldn't help but look into it.

"Weird? It's all weird inside!"

Leo looked at the Rockets and said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand suddenly.

A golden light drew out from Leo's fingertips, turning into a golden blade of light and shooting out suddenly.

It even grew more and more huge in the air, and by the time it flew twenty meters away, it had grown into a ten-meter giant.

However, the energy condensed did not dissipate at all, on the contrary, it became brighter.

But then, he slammed into an invisible wall in the air.

The two energies were alternately fed back in the air, and the violent fluctuations of energy naturally made the energy barriers that were originally hidden in the air fully revealed in the air.

The energy suddenly expanded outward, causing an energy response of several kilometers.

In just two seconds, in front of everyone's eyes, a giant wall that stretched for one thousand meters long and one thousand meters high appeared.

The white energy barrier completely concealed the environment with good vision.

The huge energy barrier that looked like a physical entity made the people around me two steps back. If this barrier was smashed down, no one except Howard Duck could escape.

Quill also immediately picked up a stone from the ground and threw it forward abruptly.

It instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, hit the energy barrier, and then burst out a splash of energy, and the extremely hard rock also melted on the barrier in an instant.

"It's terrifying energy and corrosive, so powerful defense!"

Seeing this, Jason couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Rockets immediately mocked and said, "It seems that he is still very spared, and he has put such a powerful defense system in the core!!"

"The Mantis Girl also said that behind this energy barrier, there is still no idea how thick a physical defense is. How did Ego do it?"

Jason couldn't help but said.

The Red Whale had some interest in the huge energy barrier that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the whole person got together.

The huge figure is actually no more than the powerful corrosiveness of energy, so he leans on it.

The white energy barrier also burst into countless little sparks on the skin of the red whale in an instant.

But the red whale seemed to have no feeling, and continued to rub against the barrier.

Everyone was a little speechless astonished as they watched the red whale's movements. In their opinion, the extremely powerful energy barrier seemed to have become a rubbing stone for the red whale.

But it is undeniable that the red whale's effect is very effective, and the skin of about 400 square meters all hits the energy barrier.

The reaction between the energies was very violent, and even the red whale's face seemed to have a somewhat refreshing feeling.

At the moment, Leo's golden blade of light finally ended its reaction with the light barrier of life, and the energy that had been oscillating slowly calmed down.

As a result, the kilometer barrier that had originally appeared was naturally slowly concealed.

Only the energy layer that the red whale was rubbing against the emptiness in front of him was the only thing that appeared in the air from time to time because of energy fluctuations.

However, the movements of the red whale started to consume that small piece of energy drastically. As a result, after the void, hundreds of energy meridians appeared vaguely, transmitting energy crazily to that area.

The huge amounts of underground space, Leo and his colleagues looked so small.

Even the core of the light of life with a body length of more than ten kilometers occupies only one-third of the entire underground space.

When I pulled the camera in front of everyone, looking at the giant in front of me was more like looking at a mountain range, and I couldn't see the whole picture at all.

At the moment, Gamora, Jason, Rockets, Nebula and others also felt a sense of powerlessness. Facing a defense like Igor, even if they were given a few years, I could not hurt Igor’s truth. Body.

Gamora looked at the two neutron bombs beside him, but only wanted to laugh.

Judging from the current defense, just relying on these two neutron bombs is really ridiculous.

But Quill didn't. Instead, his eyes became more determined.

"This will only show his vulnerability at the moment, I will kill him!!"

With that said, Quill also walked towards another main vein extending inward, and he was about to reach out and grab it.

But Leo suddenly grabbed it.

"Wait, it's still too immature just by relying on your mental power."

Leo looked at Quill and said, comparing Quill and Eagle's mental power, the difference was almost doubled.

This is a terrifying gap, and why Igo can control the situation on the entire planet so arbitrarily.

Even under the blessing of the light of life, Yi Ge's mental power will be magnified more times.

"Spiritual power, I know, but the praying mantis can't last long. There are too few treasures in the universe that can enhance mental power, and it is too late."

Jason looked at the two of them and said something like this.

Look at the praying mantis girl aside, her face flushed, and the sweat beads on her face began to condense and slowly drop.

But she still squatted on the spot, looking at several people at the same time, she still said in a slightly trembling voice, "It's okay, I can hold on for thirty minutes."

With that said, the praying mantis girl glanced at the red whale again.

"If the fish is not so dry, maybe I can hold on for an hour. With such an energy response, Igo's consciousness is still slowly integrating."

"Red Whale, come back."

Seeing this, Leo also yelled softly.

The red whale's figure was taken aback for a moment, but immediately shrank and rushed towards Leo.

However, in just two seconds, the red whale, which had recovered to a file size of less than five meters, came to Leo.

Leo first touched the skin of the red whale that had just been rubbed for a long time, but found that the original matte texture had not changed at all, but it was a little rougher.

But at the same time, Leo felt that the color of the skin just now was a little bit wrong. It was obvious that the dark skin of the red whale was under friction, and a few faint golden light appeared.

But At the moment Leo didn't care about exploring the red whale's problems first.

Turning his head and glanced at Quill, "I have a Mind Gem in my hand. I don't know if it will help your mental power."

"If Ego is not eliminated, it will always be a threat, and it will still be a threat to the entire planet."

"This time, I will kill him."

After hearing Leo's words, Gamora on the side was taken aback.

"Wait, the original mind stone, in your hands?"

"Yes, it's on earth, but I'll get it later."

Leoli said definitely that in his heart, the soul scepter is already his own.

Gamora glanced at Leo, then at Quill, the corners of her mouth twitched twice, and it seemed a bit difficult to speak.

But the nebula on the side stood up immediately.

"Father... Thanos has done tens of thousands of experiments on the original mind stone, and among them, there are experiments to promote mental power."

The light of data flow flashed in Nebula's eyes.

"This experiment has some side effects, but maybe the boss can solve it!"

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