Gamora's expression moved, trying to stop Nebula's words.

But Quill on the side suddenly stood up, "I would like to give it a try. If it were not the boss, I would have died several times, and even I would be completely swallowed by this guy."

"This time, I want to swallow him too, let him feel this despair, and let him confess my mother's eternal repentance!!"

Gamora looked at Xing Jue Quill, who had become a handsome man in front of him, and looked at his firm eyes, his eyes dimmed, and he didn't say anything.

"Well, if it succeeds this time, Quill will be the biggest beneficiary."

Leo also nodded immediately. After finishing speaking, he stepped forward slightly before disappearing.

The red whale shook his head and looked around, and found that he didn't have Leo's figure. Under slight induction, he immediately disappeared in place.

But within a second, the Red Whale was driven back by Leo again, and was arranged to stay outside the core of his heart.

The sudden disappearance of the red whale made the surrounding people lose their sense of security in an instant.

The sudden appearance afterwards calmed down the hearts of the surrounding people.

Only then did everyone discover that their awareness with Yigo was great.

If Leo and the Red Whale weren't here, I'm afraid they would not even have the courage to stay here, and would only want to escape.

In this way, several people are becoming more and more loyal to Leo, Leo is their strongest backing, none of them.

The Rockets looked up and saw, "I hope to hurry up. Groot is on the Milan alone. I don't know if anything will happen."

"What is a person? Xiaojie is also on the spaceship."

Jason on the side also looked up, as if he wanted to see Milan through hundreds of kilometers of land.

"Can Xiaojie be counted as a person? He is still not an adult, so he can only be counted as half."

The Rockets still couldn't help but pricked their lips.

Jason seems to be a little unhappy about the Rockets saying that Xiaojie, "Then you can only count as half. You know, Xiaojie is about to surpass you in size."

"Cut, I've grown up a long time ago, and Groot and I combined are stronger than you and Xiaojie combined."

The Rockets didn't feel annoyed at all. They didn't care too much about Jason's use of his height to say things, but rather said quite contentedly.

"Relax, although Xiaojie is not old, he is still pretty reliable."

Jason defended.

The rocket on the side curled his lips severely, "This sentence, you'd better explain to Lorelai at the time, and Howard and I, when the red whale came down, Loreley deliberately chose to stay on the spacecraft and watch Xiao Jay."

"Then Lorelai still... wait, Rockets, have you noticed anything wrong?"

Jason just wanted to say something, but he was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Under careful observation, the Rocket didn't notice anything wrong, and then looked around, suddenly taken aback as if thinking of something.

"Where is Chen Haoran?!!!"

"Where is the fire man?!!!"

The two said loudly at the same time.

The movements of the two people here naturally caused the movement of the others, and this time, everyone was stunned.

"I rely on, where is the other person? Is it still on the surface?"

Howard Duck also said suddenly.

"Ok... it seems to be!"

The Rockets recalled, "It seems that after Chen Haoran was photographed by the huge Yi Ge, he disappeared and never got up again."

"He, won't it be cold."

The few people on the side looked at each other, their eyes were a bit weird, as if they had just lost one person.

"I think the boss should have arranged for Chen Haoran, well, it should be..."

Jason swallowed and said.

But the slightly trembling voice still betrayed him.

In this way, everyone couldn't help but start to worry about Chen Haoran.

On the surface, buried under the thousand-meter ruins, Chen Haoran, who was wrapped in strengthening virtual gold and golden light, slapped the surrounding metal wall frantically.

"Help. There is no oxygen! I'm afraid of the dark!!"

"Oh my God!! Boss, where are you?!!!"

Vaguely, several faint Roar shouts came from it.


Above the Avengers Building.

At the moment is already the next morning.

And Tony and Banner are still busy in the laboratory.

Dr. Banner paused slightly, and said with a slight worry in his words, "Tony, is it a bit bad for us to do this?"

"Doc, I'm not to blame, Leo himself didn't come back to get it."

Tony on the side hurriedly tapped a few touch points on the virtual screen again.

But then he said immediately, "Well, continue to record and analyze, Leo may come back at any time."

"So you pulled me over and recorded the energy frequency of the mind scepter and the quantum state of matter all night?"

Banner said silently, but the movement in his hand did not stop at all, continuing to record what he was calculating in front of his operation screen.

"Because I know you will do this, this kind of opportunity is very rare."

Tony still said without turning his head, his hands didn't stop at all, even if he didn't sleep all night, he was still vigorous and he didn't look tired at all.

But Banner doesn't have the spirit of Tony.

Some speechlessly said, "Leo emphasized the disadvantages of this matter to you, so he only gave you half an hour. This kind of energy is really weird."

"This Mind Gem is like a brain, and it seems to think on its own. I don't think we can fully control this power for the time being."

Banner actually expressed his concerns.

Tony listened to Banner's words, but the movement in his hand slowed down.

After studying the mind scepter for more than ten hours, he naturally understood the appearance and state of the original mind stone, and it was precisely because of this strange state that he had never seen before that Tony could not wait to record everything.

"I just wanted to take a look, but Leo didn't take it away. Don't blame me."

Tony said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and keep working!"

Tony continued to speak quickly, his hands started to move quickly again.

Banner had nothing to do with Tony's obsession, and definitely didn't say much.

Before the entire laboratory was completely quiet, blue light flashed, and a figure appeared in the laboratory.

Seeing the posture of the two people around, and the soul scepter scanned by layers in the middle, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled slightly.

However, he simply stepped forward and pulled it out of the base.

"Okay, I still have something to do over there. If you want to use this stuff, let's go first!!"

Leo gripped the mind scepter, stretched out his hand and folded it into his own space, and disappeared into the laboratory in a blink of an eye.

Come and go, just a few seconds, it makes the two people on the side stunned.

Tony didn't complain about anything, but immediately asked, "J.A.R.V.I.S, how is the inclusion?"

"Sir, 67% of the soul scepter has been included, and the rest cannot be included."

Tony on the side heard it, but he smiled.


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