Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 1172 Shattered Space, Melted Golden Light

"What about people? What about goals?"

The entire Crowe civilization is tense again. Whether it is the first general or the second secretary, they are very nervous and give orders. The most important thing is to find the position of Leo.

However, since the surveillance drones just were blasted, the subsequent drones were only a few seconds apart, and Leo's figure was never seen again.

Suddenly, thousands of detection drones were spread over the entire first sky, and they began to scan a full range of tens of kilometers in the surrounding area.

And the entire first base also rioted again.

The first general was afraid that Leo would disappear like this, but in his heart he hoped that Leo would disappear like this and never come back. Is it possible? impossible!

Therefore, he must find Leo, and some words between the two sides must be clarified before he has a chance to recover.

"No target found!!"

"There are no suspected targets within 30 kilometers of the surrounding area!"

Each piece of news was quickly gathered in the command room. The First General At the moment also just arrived at the exit of the underground passage, which was only ten kilometers away from the destination, and it only took a few minutes to get there.

This time, the First General did not take the zero machine, and he began to pray silently in his heart, hoping that Chloe civilization, including himself, could live safely.

Right where Leo disappeared, right at the top of the building, in a folding space here, it was flooded with incomparable golden light.

Leo was suspended in the air, his hands and feet stretched out in full force, as if there was a force pulling Leo's body.

The painful look on Leo's face has slowly disappeared, and gradually calmed down.

The torrent of energy gathered by the golden core is still passing through Leo's arm, spreading to the whole body, constantly impacting and shaping everything.

And these huge amounts of pain did not move Leo at the moment.

However, the blue veins on Leo's head can still be vaguely seen violently. Obviously, even if Leo's expression is so peaceful, it can be seen that the pressure is definitely not small.

Pieces of shattered memories slowly merged into Leo's mind, or in other words, Leo's spirit.

Although it contained very little information, it caused a turmoil in the consciousness of the entire universe, and a powerful oppressive force acted on Leo's body.

However, the golden light released by that golden core integrated into Leo's body also melted all the pressure.

The pressure on Leo's body is getting less and less, but the pressure from inside his body is getting bigger and bigger.

If the power contained in the first golden core that Leo got was enough to smash the entire void, then the second golden core that Leo got now was enough to destroy the entire Clos galaxy.

Destroying the Clos galaxy headed by the Clos civilization and centered on this Fixed Star, the power contained in it is countless times greater than that of the previous golden core.

Such a terrifying power allowed Leo to accept everything soberly.

Even the slight golden glow that spilled from his body, when shining on the surrounding folding space barriers, it shone countless cracks.

And these cracks are getting bigger and thicker.

But Leo couldn't perceive all of this.

Leo now closes his eyes tightly, and has given up all his physical perceptions. Instead, he has been sticking to his heart and accepting the memory fragments in his mind.

Only in this way can Leo be able to guarantee that he will not be consumed as an idiot by this powerful spiritual force.

‘Chang! ’

It was like hearing a crisp sound in the universe.

The folding space originally created by Leo could almost ignore all the attacks in the universe, but it suddenly shattered.

On the roof of the building, the space was shattered into pieces and scattered in the void and disappeared instantly.

So instead of infinite golden light, it was as if a sun appeared in the sky above the first base.

The light and coercion that bloomed in it made everyone dare not look directly, or even dare to move.

As if in the dark, as long as you move, you will die instantly, and you can't stop it at all.

Brilliant rays of light appeared in the sky, and all the places illuminated by the rays of light quickly melted away. The first to bear the brunt was the building originally under Leo.

Under the golden light shining from Leo's body, it slowly turned into powder, and disappeared in the air.

And the drone that was originally in the air, exploded at the moment it encountered the golden light, turned into fragments, and disappeared under the golden light.

Everything around it seemed to be melted by the golden core in the center, even the Crostinians on the ground could not avoid it.

It was just a brilliant golden light, but it made everyone crawl on the ground, not daring to look directly, the golden light shining on the body seemed to be melting flesh and blood.

In many people, because of the intelligent system, they began to automatically repair the armor damage on their bodies, and actively opened the energy shield to barely block the golden light.

And the Kloster under the energy shield was finally able to barely stand up, but still did not dare to look directly at the golden light above his head, and the energy shield on his body quickly consumed energy.

Even if it is a battle armor without any consumption, it can only last for thirty seconds.

After standing up, the Crostinians with energy shields began to quickly rescue others who were unable to stand and whose bodies were slowly dissolving.

Although they were given very little time and seemed to have no hope, most of them have not given up yet.

Drag those who don't have energy shields as far as possible away from Leo.

Perhaps their hard work and not giving up saved them.

The golden light on Leo's body only worked within a kilometer range, and after more than one kilometer, the power of ablation was much weaker.

Therefore, with Leo's current height, the coverage of the ground is only five hundred meters in diameter.

In other words, as long as you can escape within the 500-meter range, there is still salvation.

As for within one kilometer of Leo's diameter, everything is slowly dissolving.

But within ten seconds, everything around Leo melted cleanly, turned into dust and disappeared into the air under the shining of golden light.

It included the surrounding four buildings, and the building under Ou Yuan's feet, just disappeared without seeing a trace, as if it had never existed before.

Those Crostinians who fled out were partly melted by the golden light, but they finally saved their lives.

The second secretary naturally fled out without any harm. She wanted to look up, but she couldn't do it anyway.

But he understood that the golden light core in the air was the target they had been searching for before, but they had never left.

"Is this the energy of that golden bead? Alas, if you miss it, you miss it. At least, it can make him feel better about the Crowe civilization."

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