Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 550 The target is the boss?

"Wait a minute, haven't you noticed something wrong with the situation!"

Among the three agents, one person stopped the other two vigilantly.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a problem. In the entire building, their monitoring system has a total of three private servers, but I only cracked two, and there was one that could not be processed in a short time."

One person also shook the anesthesia pistol in his hand, looking at the other two and said.

"We went upstairs and met a total of four groups of people. In the first two waves, all of them shot at us directly. If it weren't for body armor, we would have been shot, but when we encountered the third wave, they didn’t get along. When we played a frontal conflict, we would take the initiative to avoid it."

"I don't think that the security personnel at higher levels are still inferior to those at the bottom."

"You mean, they did it on purpose? There is a problem here?"

"It's like putting us up deliberately, is there a trap on the top floor."

Several people had almost reached half of the building. The elevator stopped operating shortly after they entered the door. There was also a lot of movement above the two passages upstairs.

Sure enough, for the three of them, it was still too reluctant to break through and go upstairs.

After all, there are dozens of people on the opposite side, and they are also experienced combatants, and they are not so easy for ordinary people to solve.

Just as the three of them were wearing hesitation and were preparing to ask for help from the branch, the door on the side of the floor opened.

Although for the position of the three people, they saw the open door at a glance, and the muzzle immediately moved to aim at it.

But no accident happened. Instead, a person walked out silently, walking slowly like an elderly man.

The three are confident. Under such circumstances, even if that person has the speed of a world sprint champion, he cannot escape the bullets in the hands of the three.

And the person who had just lowered his head slowly raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him.

There was a slight red glow in his eyes, and there were lava-like fire lights on his face.

In the gloomy stairwell, this scene was so conspicuous that the three of them couldn't help but tremble when they saw it, and the trigger in their hands was almost pulled down.

"Come here, the boss is waiting for you."

The person who came out was naturally Leizi who had only recently regained consciousness. Looking at the three people in front of him, he said in a slightly hoarse voice.

After speaking, Rez also turned and left without staying in the slightest, nor was he afraid that the three people behind him would shoot.

The three of them looked at each other, whether they pulled the trigger or not, they also lost their chance during the hesitation.

After all, they are now weaker than people. The three underestimated the strength of the black prison. They didn't expect that it was early in the morning, but there were so many well-trained people in the black prison building.

Although the three had numbed more than 20 people, the rest of them were still crushed.

And in their hands, there are not many anesthetic bullets, and the rest are two live ammunition in each hand.

If there are real ammunition facing each other, then the current situation will only be worse.

"What to do? Is this a trap?"

"Want to draw us into the encirclement?"

The two murmured softly.

And Rez's cold and hoarse voice came from far away.

"This is your last chance. It is not easy to invade the black prison and leave. This is because the boss wants to see you, otherwise, you will not live now."

There was a bit of disdain in the eyes of the three of them. They still had many methods and equipment that they didn't use, even if they were surrounded.

Before the three of them continued to think about hesitation, there was a intensive sound of gunfire and bullets hitting the wall just above and below the stairs.

The splashing sparks seemed to light up a beacon on both sides.

The intensive and continuous suppression of gunfire is very scary. If it is a pistol, there are at least 20 people on one side, even if it is an automatic rifle, there are at least five guns for fire suppression.

In this kind of small space, under the suppression of this kind of firepower, even a fully equipped agent is a bit tricky.

The dense gunfire on both sides reverberated for two or three minutes before it gradually calmed down.

The scattered gunshots still resounded, covering the time for others to change their magazines.

This is also the best time for the three to break through.

But I also thought of the mission goal that came in this time. If I go back empty-handed and think about HYDRA's handling method, a few people have not completed the mission, and there is absolutely no good fruit.

Until there was no movement on both sides, the three of them understood that if they went out at this time, they would definitely be waiting for countless bullets without mercy.

There are ways to solve this situation in their hands, but they are not very sure.

The few people looked at each other again, strengthened their determination, vigilantly holding the guns in their hands, and walked to the open floor door.

The floor is much brighter than the corridor, and the three people can even clearly observe that there are many experimental equipment around. This floor is the laboratory in the dark prison.

"Something is wrong!"

"Yes, be careful."

Looking at the pure and white experimental environment around, there was a scorched and black movement in two of the rooms, which made the three people feel a little uncomfortable.

The three of them still walked forward calmly, walking through the path in the middle, but what they saw was a laboratory hall.

There is also a round glass column in the hall, just like those in sci-fi movies that specifically inject experimental gas or catch aliens.

Then there were eight black prisoners holding automatic rifles and two bulletproof shields standing opposite.

Behind them, is the place where Zoster stood.

However, Rez stood carelessly not far away from a few people, looking at the three of them with great interest.

"Three, please explain who you are. You don't need to say that you are a policeman. We won't believe it." Zoster stood behind the bulletproof shield and looked at the three of them and said.

The eight people holding their guns also moved their muzzles slightly, as if they would shoot at any time.

These eight people are all elites of Zoster's team, and their combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of ordinary special forces. The burly body and the momentum of holding a gun are not novices at first glance.

Seeing this, the three of them had nothing to say, and they had to take responsibility for their mistakes in the analysis of the battle this time.

"We are S.H.I.E.L.D level six agents, come here to investigate. We suspect that you are involved in one of our suspects."

"We have reported to headquarters. If you are willing to cooperate, there will be nothing. We will leave after checking the information!"

The three of them looked at everyone vigilantly and said.

Especially the naked man standing next to Zoster, with the red eyes that made the three of them feel a little embarrassed.

Zoster heard this, and frowned, ‘it turned out to be someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. The boss told us, let’s not get involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. Why would they come here on their own initiative? ’

"Whose information do you want?!!!"

Zoster stood up and shouted.

"Liu Chong! Do you know this person? He is implicated in a big case!"

One person said loudly and waved the photo in his hand.

When Zoster looked at the photo in the agent's hand, he couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and a trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he leaned his body a bit and said, looking at the shining eyes of Langdu beside him.

"Langdu, do you want to play?"

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