Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 551 Fighting Crazy Langdu

Lang Du jumped off the experimental platform three minutes ago.

At that time, the red light on his body kept surging, and the calf that had been amputated had already recovered.

Langdu jumped on the spot with excitement several times.

But there was a raging fire in my heart that couldn't be suppressed.

Even the capillaries that were a little bit broken in his eyes because of excitement before are also shining crimson light under the repair of lava energy.

Such a state of excitement was naturally noticed by Zoster.

According to Maya’s judgment just now, it is estimated that this kind of mental state that needs to be released is caused by the stimulation of the hidden energy in the human body.

Moreover, it is guessed that it will only occur during the first injection. As for whether it is so, follow-up testing is still needed.

But Maya, for the moment, this state does not have much impact on people.

As long as the target can be physically active, this depressive energy can be released, and the best way to release energy is to have a hearty battle.

When Rando saw the photos of the bosses in the hands of the three, he couldn't restrain any impulse in his heart.

At the moment, when he heard the words of his elder brother Zoster, Langdu's red eyes brightened slightly.

Without saying a word, he squatted and jumped directly over the bulletproof shield in front of him.

Standing in front of the three of them, looking at the photo of that person's hand still waving, a touch of anger appeared in his eyes.

‘The boss is a golden legend! ! It is the savior of the entire New York, and it is the savior of our brothers, how can you tolerate you inexplicable people to investigate the boss! ! ’

"You can't know the news of this person, if you want to get out alive, knock me down!!"

Before Lang Du had been in a wheelchair for more than a year, At the moment, he looked at the three people on the opposite side and screamed.

The three agents looked at the scene in front of them, and they were a little silly.

I thought I had carried all S.H.I.E.L.D out. After the Battle of New York, S.H.I.E.L.D was also known to the public, but I didn't expect this to happen.

But looking at Langdu who came to him, the three of them did not continue hesitation.

Pulling the trigger in his hand, several light blue cobra anesthesia bullets were shot out.

The bullet hit Langdu's naked upper body, and the anesthetic venom instantly penetrated into Langdu's body.

A powerful narcotic poison can make an ordinary person pass out in an instant.

However, the fiery Lang Du all over, only a slight flower in front of his eyes, no longer has any effect, and he still walks towards the three of them step by step.

Zoster looked at everything in front of him, but he didn't worry about Langdu losing.

You know, Rez, who is also in the same situation as Lang Du, directly fought with the boss after injecting the reagent.

Under that kind of non-human test, Ryze persisted, but now facing those three people, how could Langdu lose.

Seeing that the anesthetic bullet had no effect on Langdu, the three of them also felt a panic in their eyes.

"Use live ammunition, don't kill him!"

As he said, the gun was also changed instantly, and the pistol loaded with live ammunition was aimed at Langdu who was walking.

Before he could speak, Lang Du strode towards the three of them.

Under this circumstance, the three of them dispersed in an instant and fired directly at Langdu.

Langdu, who was sprinting like a flying man, also turned his steps, grabbed one of them, facing the bullet that came, Langdu finally realized the feeling of a slight slowdown in time.

Although the body cannot avoid it, it can completely avoid the vital points, such as the eyes, heart and other parts.

As for the feeling of being shot in other parts, Langdu finally realized it.

It was like piercing a sharp blade into his body, the short-term pain still caused Langdu's footsteps to stop, and he almost fell to the ground.

In just a few seconds, nearly ten bullets were embedded in Langdu's body.

But Langdu stood up to his feet and looked at the people in front of him. The red lava-colored light on his body quickly recovered his wounds.

And Langdu's face also showed an excited and cruel smile, "Now, the blood is boiling, and sure enough, only in battle, the Extremis Reagent can exert a greater effect. ’

‘Only in the moment of desperation, can the real power of the reagent of despair be exerted. ’

When Lang Du got used to the pain in his body, the red light flowing around his body naturally surged towards his fists.

This is the instinctive reaction of human beings. Under the guidance of the spirit, the hands gradually become red, and the pattern of lava also emerges.

When the three of them saw the red lava pattern on Langdu's body, they felt bad.

"Shit, it turned out to be a strengthening mutant, and the black prison group actually did their own genetic experiments on the human body!!"

"Don't keep your hands, watch out for his attacks!"

The three of them also yelled out loudly at once, and never left their hands in the face of Langdu, and even ran their heads.

Langdu covered his head with both hands, feeling the long-lost pain, and even laughed presumptuously.

The footsteps did not stop during the shooting, but within a few seconds, he came to one of them.

At the moment Lang Du had at least twenty bullets in his body, but it was clear that Lang Du's movements did not slow down a bit under this severe pain.

The red hands were burned, and he grabbed one person's neck directly.

The man staggered, and his whole body could not help falling backwards. At the same time, he also sent the gun in his hand to Langdu's attacking hand.

When the extremely hard muzzle touched Langdu's palm, it quickly turned red, and the next moment it melted directly.

Langdu grabbed it fiercely, and directly squeezed the pistol in his hand into a pool of molten iron.

Even Langdu looked at the wreckage of the pistol in his hand and couldn't help but stunned. Then he laughed and said, "It feels so happy, Doctor, you are too good, haha."

Two more bullets were inserted from behind. Under the body strengthened by the Extremis Reagent, the bullets could no longer penetrate Langdu's body.

Langdu looked at the agent who was dumbfounded in front of him, kicked it a few meters away, and immediately turned to look at the other two.

The lava glow flowed through his body, and he lowered his arms in front of him. Looking at the two people not far away, there was also a slight grinning smile on his face.

In the entire hall, the limit for a few people is only about 15 meters in radius, because Langdu can't avoid bullets, and almost all bullets are embedded in Langdu's body.

Rez, who had experienced it, saw this scene, and his whole body trembled.

Although this kind of pain will not last, this state is also very abnormal, and Langdu even laughed.

Even the remaining two people trembled involuntarily and almost dropped the guns in their hands.

Looking at each other, one person drew a sharp blade, while the other person picked up an electric shock stick.

With the menacing Langdu, the opposite rushed over.

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