Marvel I Can Control The Metal

Chapter 555 Hail HYDRA

"This Ability is really greedy."

Sam looked at the air on the side, licked his lips, smiled and said, turned and walked towards Rogers, ready to bother Bucky together.

Leo appeared in front of Zoster in the next moment.

"Did you ask anything?"

Looking at Zoster, who was still holding the phone in his hand, Leo asked directly.

Zoster also froze for a moment, and then calmed down instantly, "It's not time yet, just grabbed it, and I'm here to tell the boss."

"Go, go and see."

Leo also walked to the treatment room immediately. He didn't believe that this kind of person who invaded the black prison could still stand in front of him in full, and Zost and the others didn't want face.

In the treatment room, Maya had just stabilized Roar, who was nearly knocked out by Langdu, when Leo strode in.

Looking at the hospital bed, the person with a weak breath and severely damaged internal organs also frowned slightly.

"Chen Haoran did it?"

"No, it's Langdu. Langdu injected the second Extremis Reagent, and his broken leg successfully recovered. Moreover, his energy characteristics are a little different from that of Ryze. He can bring this kind of heat in his fists. Energy invades the human body and causes internal damage."

Zoster lowered his head and explained.

Leo At the moment didn't care about this anymore. He stretched out his hand and directly lifted the man in the hospital bed out of thin air.

Behind that person, a metal band on the hospital bed held him up and flew towards Leo.

Under Leo's control, the unconscious person was quickly awakened.

At the same time, Zoster also brought the other two people over and left them aside.

So far, the three people who invaded the black prison are now huddling together tremblingly, looking at the people around them in fear.

They also recognized at a glance, the person standing in the center is their target person this time.

But looking at this posture, it is estimated that this task will definitely not be completed by oneself.

It's better to find a chance to inform the boss, at least now they are sure that the target person is indeed related to the black prison, and the relationship between them is not ordinary.

Leo looked at the three people in front of him, his eyes were still turning, as if he was still planning something, and there was a burst of irritation in his eyes.

This is the point that Leo is most disgusted with. This kind of unexplained behavior that directly probes his own identity may even affect people he knows well.

Leo went up and took a light step, gently moving the fingers of his right hand forward.

An extremely sharp metal wire suddenly rushed out from behind the three of them, as flexible as a thin snake, instantly wrapped around the three of their necks, looped twice, and directly strangled in.

The three people who were still sitting on the ground were stunned, and felt a pain in their necks. After that, Roar felt a little bit reluctant to suck.

Leo looked at the three people in front of him, "You have one minute to explain your origin and purpose. In one minute, the wire around your neck will cut your throat."

"Countdown, start."

Following Leo's command, the three of them immediately felt that the pain in their necks intensified, and it became more difficult for Roar to breathe.

The trio of people hesitation was involuntary for this short time, and within five seconds, as the blood spilled from their necks, the trio realized that if they procrastinated, they would definitely hold on to it for less than a minute.

Such a strong and explosive death breath enveloped him, and the three of them did not have any hesitation to confess in this situation.

The tone of eagerness made the three of them seem to be vying to explain everything in general.

"We are really S.H.I.E.L.D agent, I can contact my boss anytime!!"

"This is the task assigned to us by the head. It is to find the person in this photo, find his information, and then try to find his relatives.!"

"I didn't lie, it's true. If you provoke S.H.I.E.L.D to kill us, you really have no chance to negotiate."

"We are just a small soldier, we work at the orders from above, I can contact them!"

"Let me go, help!!!!!"

In the flustered and noisy voices, Zoster and the others could still hear the information.

However, the time given by Leo was too short. At the moment, the necks of the people at the moment were full of blood, and the thin metal wires were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood.

His complexion was flushed and painful, and the fear in his eyes seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

I struggled around with my hands indiscriminately, trying to relieve the pressure, but it was useless.

In this way, if the wire continues to be strangled, their throat may be cut off in the next moment.

Even if this continues, the heads of three people will be completely cut off within a few minutes.

In such a cruel scene, Zoster on the side also turned his head slightly, but he didn't say anything, and he didn't want to stop Leo's actions in the slightest.

The other people did the same, even if this behavior seemed a bit inhumane, but they didn't have any words to stop Leo's actions.

Leo looked at the appearance of the three, snapped a finger in his hand, and the metal filaments around the necks of the three broke instantly, and blood fell from one side with them.

Although the three people's necks are still dripping with blood, Roar has been sucking smoothly. After regaining oxygen, the intense pain between the necks was selectively ignored by the three.

"Where did you get this picture? Before you came here, you went to those places."

Leo said in a cold voice, and with a light wave of his fingers, the metal wires that had just been scattered on the side flew up in an instant and wrapped around the arms of the three of them.

Although there was no movement from the metal wire, the cold touch still made the three of them tremble, and they did not dare to make any major movements.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I didn't dare to confess anything.

Including the city center high school in Queens and the homes of those two dozen classmates, they also confessed that Leo had a possible relationship with the black prison from Isis.

Listening to the words of the three people, it really seemed like there was no concealment.

Leo looked at the people around him and quietly put a finger in front of his mouth to silence the others.

Afterwards, looking at the three of them, the golden light in their hands passed through their bodies, quickly repairing the wounds on their necks.

Even the metal filaments on the arms of the three of them fell aside, not restraining them.

The three of them haven't understood Leo's meaning.

"Do you guys say what you are going to do after you find me?" Leo said in a softer voice.

The three of them still couldn't help shaking. Then they thought about it and shook their heads.

When Leo heard this, he also stood up slightly, and said a little in front of the three of them.

"HailHYDRA( HYDRA Hail)"

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