As soon as he said this, the three people sitting on the ground opposite Leo were shocked instantly.

However, Zoster and the others also heard Leo's words, but they were not moved at all.

Because they don't know the meaning of this sentence, let alone understand the meaning.

If the three of them are just ordinary agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, even if they are relatively high-level agents, they will not understand this sentence.

Because in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D agent, HYDRA, a German terrorist organization, disappeared as early as seventy years ago, and was wiped out by S.H.I.E.L.D at the beginning of its establishment. This is also the reason why Captain America finally died.

They don't know the existence of HYDRA, let alone the existence of this sentence.

But seeing the reaction of the three in front of him, Leo knew it in his heart.

Sure enough, the three of them looked at Leo's appearance, and there were some surprises, surprises, and doubts in their eyes.

But according to the organization's news, people who have not joined the organization don't know this code word, and looking at the calm faces of the surrounding people, it seems... it's not impossible.

The three of them glanced at each other, and also whispered back the same words.

"HailHYDRA( HYDRA Hail)"

After hearing the words of the three, Leo's eyes also filled with disappointment.

Turning and leaving, "Zost, pry me out all the news in their mouths. I want to know everything about their operation!"

"Yes, boss!"

Zoster said in a deep voice, looking at Leo's leaving back, there was also a hint of doubt in his heart.

But Zoster understood that the boss would tell him what he should know, and if he didn't know, he would never try to ask. This is why their team can safely withdraw from the World Mercenary Organization.

The three of them hadn't come to understand yet, weren't they still a member of the organization just now? We have already verified our identities, shouldn't we be treated properly?

But looking at the approaching Zoster, the three people's eyes were filled with fear again.

Leo walked towards Langdo on the other side.

Among the four Zoster brothers, Langdo was the first to sacrifice. In a power struggle, he broke a calf and sat in a wheelchair for more than a year.

And his character, but during this period of time, a bit agitated.


Lang Du, who was in the lounge on the other side, saw Leo walking in, and said with a little excitement on his face, and couldn't help walking towards Leo.

Leo realized that the Lang Du was higher than himself.

Langdu hasn't stood up for too long, and Leo almost forgot how Langdu stood up.

Seeing Langdu standing in front of him, Leo finally smiled and patted Langdu on the shoulder.

"Yes, although this time the experiment was a bit hasty, but the ending is good, isn't it?"

"Boss, thank you, for giving me a chance to stand up again, and for allowing me to enter a brand-new world, this kind of power, I might not have been exposed to it for a lifetime."

"But now, I actually have this power myself. This... this feeling is really great."

Langdu looked at Leo in front of him, and said with a flushed face.

He is the youngest of the four Zoster, and the most active and active person in the Zoster team, but he is also the first to be amputated.

To be honest, these former mercenaries have long tied their heads to their waistbands, and they have already had their own attitude towards death.

But in their eyes, amputation may be more terrifying than death. They are not afraid of death, because they have been running in the rain of bullets, but the amputation and disability will only increase their pain infinitely.

In the mentality that suicide is impossible, this sense of difference will only make them more and more crazy. That's why, at Jianfeng Technology, Killian can find so many disabled soldier volunteers at once.

Even if they have been told that the risk is great, in their eyes, they would rather die than continue to live like that.

"Congratulations, but you should thank Dr. Maya and Chen Haoran. The main force of Extremis Reagent is the two of them. I just brought them together."

Leo looked at the excitement and said something indifferently.

But when Lang Du heard Chen Haoran's last word, the whole person couldn't help but stopped. He was so excited just now, At the moment was also much quieter.

"What's the matter? You have a conflict with Chen Haoran?"

Leo looked at Langdu and asked in a puzzled way.

"It's not a contradiction, it's just... just a fight with him and then lose."

Lang Du didn't say that he was completely abused by Chen Haoran, but he still told the truth.

Leo laughed when he heard it, "If you fight with him, then the gap between you is still a bit big, haha, after all, he has a unique flame Ability, you know, the stability of the Extremis Reagent can be both It depends on Chen Haoran's blood to succeed."

But looking at Langdu still looking depressed, Leo also shook his head and walked out, let Langdu think slowly, let him know that his Ability is not invincible in the world.

At the same time, the news of J.A.R.V.I.S came from my ears.

"According to the test, Jenny and George did not encounter any danger and are still sleeping in the hotel room."

As soon as Leo came out, J.A.R.V.I.S asked J.A.R.V.I.S to conduct reconnaissance on Jenny and George, who were far away on the other side of the earth, to ensure their safety.

But now it seems that sending the two to China is really a very wise decision.

Within a few minutes, Zoster came back and came to Leo's face, apologetic in his eyes.

"Boss, the news has been asked, but two of them are dead. I didn't expect that there was poison in their mouths. Now there is only one person left and I confess everything."

"They are indeed S.H.I.E.L.D agents, but this time the mission seems to be a hidden mission. Let them search for your information, mainly searching for your relatives, and then send them back to S.H.I.E.L.D at all costs."

"Boss, it may be that S.H.I.E.L.D knows who you are before they will act like this, you see?"

The black prison boss Zost, standing in front of Leo asked respectfully.

"Kill it!"

Leo said with a light wave.

"Kill? Yes, invade the black prison to try to explore your identity as the boss, damn it."

"He is not from S.H.I.E.L.D, and S.H.I.E.L.D from today, I don't know how many people will be left." Leo said calmly.

"He's not from S.H.I.E.L.D? He lied to me?!!!"

Zoster said in disbelief.

"Remember what I said? As long as you can match that sentence, you are not a good person. Just kill it."

Leo looked at Zoster and said coldly.

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