But at this time, after imprinting the embodied [Complete Collection of Elemental Space Magic Skills], Qi Jun's mental power instinctively felt the beating of the ubiquitous space magic elements between heaven and earth, and he jumped for joy.

Not only that, there are also light elements, fire elements, thunder elements, gold elements, wood elements...etc..., these magic elements are all clearly sensed by Qi Jun, And captured it! However, compared with the space magic elements that Qi Jun is extremely close to, the light and fire elements are slightly inferior, thunder, metal, wood... time, etc... The magic elements are close to Qi Jun, Then it goes down in sequence.

In the microscopic world, just from the clear order of magic elements surrounding Qi Jun, we can see how well Qi Jun is compatible with these magic elements.

Of course, if a magician who practices elemental magic sees this scene, it will be extremely shocking and his jaw will drop! Regardless of Qi Jun's affinity, at least Qi Jun also caused all the magic elements. Resonance, isn't it! "Huh"

"Magic is really amazing!"

Looking at the small ball of energy emitting azure light condensed on his fingertips, Qi Jun sighed, this is a 'space bursting magic ball' that is completely condensed from space magic elements! A 1 Almost all the energy in the body was drained, and the captured space magic elements were made into a 'space bursting magic ball'! Out of the instinct imprinted on the soul, Qi Jun cast magic without the need for so-called spell communication.

With a slight wave of his left hand, a small space transmission channel appeared, and Qi Jun threw the 'Space Explosion Magic Ball' on his fingertips into it.

Then, Qi Jun turned around and came to the viewing window on the side of the space station facing Venus.

Suddenly, a mountain range on Venus suddenly burst into azure light.

Explosion! A huge explosion! Wherever the blue light spread, everything disappeared instantly! A huge crater appeared where the mountains used to be! Even in the outer space of Venus, Qi Jun could still see clearly To that... huge new pothole that popped up! "Hiss!!!"

"Such power! Sure enough, it's beef! Sure enough, it's space magic!"

"Compared with the big hole we stepped into in the desert last time, there is no need to compare with this one! This is completely a city-destroying magic, right? If in the Shi Realm, it wouldn't be called a magician. Saint or something like that”

Qi Jun smacked his lips and gave a high degree of affirmation to the power of the 'Space Explosion Magic Ball'! "It just consumes too much energy! This is just the strongest advanced magic that can be cast at this stage. All the energy in the body has been drained.

The more advanced ones... those that can destroy planets, star systems, river systems, and even the universe. I'm afraid even if you have the infinite gems in your hand, the energy is not enough. Smoke it!"

Licking his slightly dry lips, Qi Jun suddenly felt good about the 'dark training career' in the future! Space magic is very powerful, it is indeed powerful, but space magic consumes the energy stored in Qi Jun's body. , or in other words, Qi Jun uses the energy in his body instead of the consumption of mental power to capture and condense space magic elements, thereby casting powerful space magic. Although the energy in Qi Jun's body already contains various magic elements, it is too complex. , for...magic casting, the power will naturally be greatly reduced.

Although this does not require any consumption compared to [Psychic Teleportation], it does seem to have a major flaw.

But Qi Jun can't imprint his own life breath with all his abilities! What's more, the shortcomings of this kind of imprinting life breath have the same upper limit as the magic practice of Kama Taj magicians.

However, the upper limit of Kama Taj's mages is the three top level 3 bosses of Wei Shandi's line, and the upper limit of Qi Jun's ability to imprint life breath is the upper limit of this universe.

And this ability is only available in this universe. Once you leave this universe, it is not even as good as the teleportation technique of the Karma Taj wizards.


After leaving the sphere of influence of Wei Shandi's family, Kama Taj's teleportation technique seemed to be useless. Of course, even though he thought so, Qi Jun was really happy in his heart.

Not to mention anything else, with this powerful space magic as the foundation, Qi Jun dared to face Gu Yi directly.

Even if you can't beat Gu Yi, Qi Jun won't know space magic before I can stuff a few 'Space Explosion Magic Balls' into your Kama Taj. He will definitely not be able to find Kama Taj's location.

But now that he has the [Complete Collection of Elemental Space Magic Skills] branded, his understanding of space is surpassing that of the Ancient One by the minute! Finding Kama Taj is not difficult at all! If not all space magic requires Consume Qi Jun's own energy, Qi Jun dares to throw 'space collapse' for you to play! Who is afraid of whom! We are hurting each other! "Hey, why are you thinking so much? Replenish the energy first, and solve the problem of the earth being shaken first. Let’s talk about the devastating crisis!

If you look at it this way, wouldn’t I become a superhero who saves the earth? 233..."

"Taibai, your master, I want to bask in the sun again."

Qi Jun grinned and lay down on the recliner again.

.........................After gaining experience, everything seems so orderly.

Not long after, Qi Jun not only replenished the energy in his body, but also replenished all the energy that had previously manifested space magic.

It's just... it's a pity that the upper limit has not been exceeded again, and the value is still only 1.01 million! "Well..."

"The magic of alien space is very similar to the mirror space of Kama Taj. Although the magic is released, it is imprinted in the soul like instinct."

"But no, let's do a test first"

Looking at the eyeless man from the Inhuman race who was knocked unconscious and thrown aside, Qi Jun suddenly came up with this idea.

After all, if the transfer of Skye was not controlled properly and something went wrong, wouldn't it be a huge loss? To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 83: Deprivation? Improvement

Just do it if you think of it! Qi Jun doesn't have any good impressions of this eyeless man from the alien race.

All the Inhumans in the world must follow you! How can there be such a reason? What's more, Skye has a super power that I personally activated. If I am cut off by you, where will I put my face? "But, avoid testing. If something unexpected happens, it’s better to copy the location of the Inhumans in your memory first.”

Just when I was about to create an alien space, I suddenly remembered that the Eyeless Man is an intelligent vehicle for the Inhumans, whether they are the aliens who live in the "afterlife" and cannot escape from the world, or those... ...The aliens are hiding in the world, and this guy knows where they live. If something unexpected happens during the test, Qi Jun thinks it is best to copy this guy's memory about the location of the aliens first.

As for other things, Qi Jun is not interested! Wait...! It seems that he has forgotten something. What is something he has forgotten? Staring at the eyeless man, Qi Jun frowned and thought hard.

Eyeless Man, Eyeless Man, Gordon, that's not right! I think his name is just a bit of a trick, but he actually has a name. Hey, what on earth did he forget? Spell it out, forget it.

Capture this guy and punish him on Venus, leave him to fend for himself, and test whether his space ability can teleport back to the earth. Then...hey, I remembered it! "Damn! I almost forgot! I thought about it before." , deprived this girl of her spatial ability, and then made a ready-made skill book to see if it can be used by others! As a result, after realizing the spatial magic, I almost forgot about it."

"If I hadn't suddenly wanted to test his alien space magic, I would have almost forgotten about it."

"Well, I copied his Inhuman location memory first."

Qi Jun's thoughts moved, and a dusty skill book suddenly appeared in Qi Jun's hand [Partial Inhuman Location Information of the Earth Branch of the Inhuman Race]. After looking at the ten points and ten energy spent, Qi Jun's mouth twitched: "Trash !”

Fortunately, he is still a space superpower of the Inhuman race. He has only one memory, but he is only on the same level as ordinary people's firearms ability. It is simply embarrassing! And the location information is only part of the garbage! As a smart bus of the Earth branch of the Inhuman race, he doesn't know everything. The location information of the stranger is rubbish! He glared at the unconscious eyeless man with great displeasure, and with a thought, accompanied by the screams of the eyeless man, a skill book emitting a very faint blue light appeared in the Qi Jun.

With a hand knife, the eyeless man who woke up after being deprived of his genetic abilities and screamed in agony was knocked unconscious. Only then did Qi Jun look at the skill book in his hand.

[The Inhumans with incomplete spatial teleportation ability inherited from the Kree's incomplete superpower gene. Activating the gene will not only cause random physical damage to the gene carrier, but the teleportation distance of its superpower will also be forever limited to a certain distance. Within the scope of a planet, and the space fluctuations are obvious when teleporting, the movement is not small, and it is easy to be targeted! Only for Inhumans! Tsk, although the teleportation distance is always limited to the scope of a planet, it is still very cool. After all, not many people have the ability to teleport. The other shortcoming of not making a small movement can be overcome, but it will cause random damage to the body, which is uncomfortable. If you get a Gil... It's a skill book that manifests itself after being deprived of superpowers, or maybe it's because the person who was deprived of it was in a coma and didn't resist anyway... This wave also didn't cost Qi Jun much... energy, it was almost negligible.

But Qi Jun thought of a super-powerful legion in the Kree Empire. If all those people's superpowers were deprived... ahem, let's look at the skill book in his hand! "How can the incomplete version be worthy of it?" Brother Shang’s current status”

"Well... let's complete the incomplete super gene first.

Ha, 10,000 energy points are so expensive. It turns out that the shortcoming of randomly destroying the body has also been repaired."

"Then, there's...the problem of movement and silence. Teleportation should be done quietly, not with guns. It has to be changed! Oh, I still need 10,000 energy points to give it to me!"

"Then, there is...the limit of teleportation distance. One ball is smaller than five. If you put the distance of the ball in the universe, you can't even find a unit scale. This is not possible. Well, change it from one to five. The planet is far away from the starting point, and I will develop it myself later, hey hey! Why do you need 50,000 points of energy? Forget it, I don’t have much else, I just have a lot of energy, so here it is!”

"Finally, it's...only for the Inhumans."

"Wait...! If everything is modified, why not just implement a brand new teleportation skill book that is suitable for everyone! Forget it, this one won't be changed.

I can just give it to Skye when I go back later, so that the girl can increase her combat dexterity and escape ability, well, the most important thing is her escape ability!"

Qi Jun muttered, communicating with the mutated gems with his mind, and paused at the skill book in his hand: Modify.

Finally formed! [Inhuman Space Teleportation Skill Book]: After use, you can obtain the teleportation superpower derived from the Kree super gene. Initially, you can teleport within a planet. Subsequent abilities can be developed by yourself. When activated The fluctuations are extremely small, and the action is silent. It is really a good skill for robbing homes and stealing incense and jade! It can only be used by the Inhumans! "Well, not bad, not bad! I want this!"

Looking at the completely new skill book that exuded a light blue color that was much brighter than before, Qi Jun expressed his satisfaction! "Then, next, it's time to start testing!"

........................Pop! With a snap of his fingers, the energy in Qi Jun's body was rapidly consumed, and the space magic elements in the surrounding space fluctuated in response.

An invisible force enveloped the space around the eyeless man, and then quickly disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

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