But in Qi Jun's eyes, the eyeless man had completely disappeared, and, except that...the eyeless man disappeared, nothing around him had changed.

Qi Jun even went up and walked back and forth twice in person. The space station was still the same space station, except...that...eyeless man disappeared.

But in Qi Jun's other field of vision, the eyeless man was still where he was. Qi Jun even 'passed' through the eyeless man twice, but neither of them suffered any harm.


"It seems like it was a success."

"Then, it's time to try to see how much force this alien space can withstand!"

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 84 Ancient One appears

There was another snap of fingers. The heterotopic space that had just enveloped the eyeless man expanded instantly, including the entire space station, and was still expanding at an extremely rapid rate.

It was not until the energy in Qi Jun's body was exhausted that this alien space magic finally stopped and remained at a size of about one hundred standard football fields.

Ten thousand points of energy can expand the size of a hundred standard football fields. Is this a football field with one hundred points of energy? Qi Jun narrowed his eyes. This size seems to be a little different from Kama Taj's mirror magic.

Kama Taj's mirror space is a subspace magic that moves at any time with the caster as the main axis. This kind of magic space is not large, but it can move. In other words, even if the mirror space is always open, even if it will be The whole world has traveled back and forth, and no one can find it.

Although Qi Jun's heterotopic space can also prevent people outside the space from observing and touching it, which has the same effect as the mirror space, this heterotopic space is relatively fixed, but... ....It has some shortcomings.

But Qi Jun didn't care. Such a large space was enough for fighting. What's more, the alien space magic changes with the strength of the caster.

The stronger the caster, the larger the space, the more stable it is, and the more damage it can withstand! As for other things, alien space magic and mirror space magic are... almost the same .

"Taibai, can you hear me?"

Although Qi Jun understood in his heart, he still tested it.

Sure enough, Taibai, who was always responsive to Qi Jun, did not respond to Qi Jun's questions this time, even though in the alien space, Taibai's server was in the corner of the space station.

With a thought, the energy stored in the mutated gem quickly disappeared by 10,000 points, and Qi Jun's body returned to a full state again! "Haha, this ability is more useful than Iron Man's Thor Power Bank. After all, , fast, safe and powerful!”

"Then, activate the heat vision!"

Qi Jun's eyes quickly turned red, and then, two laser rays shot out from Qi Jun's eyes and quickly hit the edge of the alien space.

But unfortunately, except for a slight vibration, there was no change in the heterotopic space.

Qi Jun did not stop, not only continued to increase the energy output, but also started to rotate rapidly. The heat vision from Qi Jun's eyes also quickly shot across the entire alien space.

But unfortunately, after Qi Jun completely exhausted his energy, the entire alien space was still stable! "Not bad! Not bad! Continue!"

Qi Jun expressed his satisfaction.

The recovery energy of super freezing breath is stable! The recovery energy of super hurricane is stable! The recovery ability is super powerful... Soon, Qi Jun's energy reserve was consumed to the last 10,000 points, but after going through various tests , except for the heterotopic space...the intensity has decreased, but it is still stable! "Haha!!"

"A perfect 8! With this intensity, it can definitely withstand Skye's unconsciousness and even conscious explosions!"

"Well, let's try again, the last one, spatial ability, versus spatial ability!"

"'Space Explosion Magic Ball' Level 1 preparation!"


Boom!!! In the huge flash of blue light, the heterotopic space, like a mirror, quickly shattered into pieces, and as a shock wave flashed through, the entire heterotopic space completely collapsed in an instant! "Uh. .....”

"Is this what is called fighting fire with fire?"

Qi Jun picked his head, but he didn't expect that the alien space would be so shattered in the end.

However, Qi Jun felt relieved after seeing that the space station was not damaged in any way.

At least, the fragmentation of the alien space has also annihilated the power of the 'Space Exploding Magic Ball', so that's good! "Tsk, you're actually still alive."

Looking at the eyeless man who also appeared in the space station again due to the fragmentation of the alien space, Qi Jun was quite speechless. Didn't you lose all your abilities? Such a violent test just now, actually nothing happened. , Qi Jun forgot that the eyeless man was behind him, and all the impacts that could cause damage to the eyeless man were absorbed by the mutated gems on Qi Jun's body.

"Taibai, daddy needs to recharge again!"

Shaking his head, Qi Jun didn't bother to care about how the eyeless man who became an ordinary person survived. Feeling the empty energy both in his body and in the mutated gem, he walked towards the old lounge chair again. .

........................"Sure enough, the cost of bringing someone to teleport is mainly related to the ability of the person being brought."

After restoring the energy retention to its peak state, and taking the eyeless man who had transformed back into an ordinary person back to the earth, Qi Jun felt the energy consumption in his body and found that this time, only a very small amount was consumed. Probably, it's only ten times as big as the original rabbit.

But a drop is ten times more powerful. For Qi Jun, who has huge energy, it is still a drop! With a teleport, Qi Jun appeared in the 'afterlife' and threw the eyeless man into his own room. , and then teleported back again.

..The observation deck of the chairman’s office in the building.

Qi Jun, who has already taken away part of the alien's location information skill book, can naturally enter and exit the 'afterlife' easily.

Regarding the Inhumans, Qi Jun, as he had said to Skye before, did not care too much.

Whether it's there or not, it doesn't matter to Qi Jun.

Qi Jun did this just to scare Jia Ying. All kinds of painful experiences have made this guy completely black, and there is no possibility of reconciliation with ordinary people anymore. But Qi Jun doesn't bother to care, as long as he scares her Just dare to make mistakes.

What to do next is Skye's business, and Qi Jun doesn't care.

........................"Oh, has the fog been absorbed? It seems we arrived in time."

Just after returning to the observation deck, Qi Jun discovered Terrigen in the vitreous space: the fog had completely dissipated, and Skye's entire body was wrapped in a dark unknown substance into a round 'black cocoon', and he quickly waved his hand. , collect the entire vitreous body into the alien magic space.


"Mr. Powerful and Unknown Magician!"

Qi Jun did not enter the alien space with Skye, but seemed to be waiting for the bald woman Gu Yi to appear from the aperture! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Earthquake emergency response measures

Earthquake emergency response measures - when an earthquake occurs, the safety factor of buildings will be higher than that of flats. If you are in a building: Never use the elevator, let alone jump off the building, stay away from doors, windows, and external walls immediately, and do not hide. Under the wooden bed or table, you can choose to hide in the toilet, bathroom, or kitchen where it is not easy to step on and the space is small. You can also choose to squat close to the corner of the closet and protect your head with a cushion or other objects. This is safer. , because if a building collapses and hits these... large wooden objects, there will be a certain amount of rebound and overhead, and there may be a space and object near them. The bigger and stronger it is, the larger the space left will be. This space is called the "triangle of life" of earthquakes.

, hiding in these places can reduce the indoor casualty rate from 90% to 2%.

, don’t run out in a hurry. When the building collapses, many people will be killed at the door by door frames, bricks, billboards, cement boards, broken glass, etc.

, and you cannot use the stairs. During an earthquake, the frequency of the shaking of the stairs and the building is out of sync, and the structure constantly collides. People on the stairs are likely to be cut off by the steps. This kind of damage is also very terrifying, and the crowd is horrified. If you are crowded on the stairs, in addition to being stepped on, the stairs may not be able to withstand it and collapse.

So even if the stairs look normal, stay away from them.

, if you are using gas or electricity during an earthquake, be sure to remember to turn it off before quickly escaping. Fires caused by earthquakes are also very serious disasters. Try to reduce the signs of fires as much as possible.

, if an earthquake occurs while sleeping at night, just roll out of bed immediately and lie down close to the bed. The area around the bed will be a relatively safe space, which is also the "triangle of life"

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