, it is better to be able to easily remove the quilt and pillow to protect important parts of the body.

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Chapter 85 Hello, Master Qi Jun!

In fact, Qi Jun did not take any chances.

Qi Jun already knew about the appearance of the eyeless man from the Inhuman race before. When Skye smashed the large piece of Terrigen crystal, the powerful energy fluctuations emitted had already been known to other people and organizations. .

The mutated gem passively absorbs, and only absorbs the energy and fluctuations that attack Qi Jun. The mutated gem will not care about the fluctuations that spread out.

The energy fluctuations that spread out attracted the attention of almost every organization with extraordinary energy around the world.

The first one to arrive was the eyeless man from the Inhuman race. In addition to... the mutual induction between the Inhuman race, he also had the convenience of teleportation in space.

Of course, this guy also has the most accurate sensing.

Why do you say that? Because, the glass cube that Qi Jun manifested before actually has the characteristics of weakening or even completely absorbing energy fluctuations.

Qi Jun originally planned to move quietly and not to shoot.

Unfortunately, Qi Jun missed the resonance of Skye's own shock wave ability and did not completely crush Terrigen: the crystal's energy wave absorbed and weakened it, and finally spread the energy wave with the help of the shock wave.

The eyeless man from the alien race, relying on his special sense of aliens, found the right place and came directly to the observation deck.

As for other organizations, although they have also detected this powerful energy fluctuation, they can only roughly narrow it down to the area of ​​Queens, New York.

Of course, SHIELD has always been under deep surveillance of New York.


...., the scope is narrowed down to.

..This block where the group is located! The main reason why Qi Jun took Skye into the alien magic space but stayed outside was for the sake of Ancient One! Although Qi Jun didn't know, the last time he was in While in the desert, it had already attracted Gu Yi's attention and secret observation.

But this time, Qi Jun can be sure that his "coquettish" operation must have attracted Gu Yi's attention.

At least, it also attracted the attention of the New York Temple! And attracting the attention of the New York Temple, what is the difference between attracting the attention of the Ancient One... ...."Please sit down!"

Qi Jun's expression did not change due to the appearance of Gu Yi, he remained as usual.

He even returned to the previous tea table, waved his hand, and displayed a brand new tea set.

Of course, this is not because Qi Jun is arrogant and dares to reveal his ability to manifest objects at will.

Rather, Qi Jun was convinced that Gu Yi would never see the true principle of his behavior, and would only regard his 'trick' as a space application.

After all, I just demonstrated some alien magic space ability similar to mirror space in front of Gu Yi.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Not only...but there is no doubt. He even expressed his appreciation for Jun's spatial control ability without any fluctuation in spatial ability.

“Try the Mingqian Longjing from the ancient oriental country”

Seeing Gu Yi sitting opposite him, Qi Jun also made a cup of tea and handed it over.

Qi Jun himself admires the Ancient One very much. Being able to guard the earth for hundreds of years and protect the earth from being invaded by external dimensional forces is absolutely impossible for Qi Jun himself.

In particular, Qi Jun also knew that in order to protect the earth for a longer period of time until he found a suitable successor... he drew power from the dark dimension and had been doing his best for hundreds of years. Resisting the erosion of the dark power against her.

Of course, this is only from the perspective of protecting the earth.

If Qi Jun looks at it from Dormammu's position, Gu Yi is really a thief, a thief, for sure! At this point, no matter how hard you wash it, you can't get rid of it! So, in Ji Xian Regarding magic, Qi Jun never considered Karma Taj from the very beginning, or in other words, he never considered the magic of the Weishan Emperor series.

For these mages, even if it is white magic, it is not completely dependent on other people's abilities. Once others stop providing it to you, or even the source of energy that provides you is gone, you will die of energy exhaustion immediately! It's simply It's like... putting your life in the hands of others.

What's more, this is not in line with Qi Jun's principle of neutrality! "Well..."

“It’s really good, it’s the authentic Mingqian Longjing.”

"I don't know if you like black tea, Master. I also have some Dahongpao in my collection. You might like it."

Gu Yi picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, suddenly showing an expression of enjoyment.

For people like Gu Yi who have lived for too long, tea is the most suitable for her.

While drinking tea, I also savored the various aspects of life, calmed my mind, and resisted the erosion of dark power! "Haha, thank you Master."

"Introduce yourself, Qi Jun, a space magician from an ancient eastern country!"

Qi Jun stood up and bowed to Gu Yi according to the memory imprinted into his soul and the etiquette of an elemental mage.

"Hello, Master Qi Jun!"

"I am Ancient One, from the lineage of Kama Taj, Emperor Weishan, and the current Supreme Mage!"

Seeing Qi Jun's movements, Gu Yi's pupils shrank. This kind of etiquette is not... the way other mages and even wizard factions on Marvel Earth salute. He immediately had a rough idea of ​​Qi Jun's origin. Guessing, he also hurriedly returned the gift according to the etiquette of Karma Taj.

"Master Qi Jun, I don't know, do you have any opinions on the current situation of the earth?"

With speculation in his mind, Gu Yi naturally had his own plan in his heart and asked Qi Jun directly.


"What's my opinion?"

"My opinion is...the earth is about to be in disaster!"

Qi Jun glanced at Gu Yi, took a sip of tea, and then spoke unhurriedly.

[Hey, there was an earthquake when I was just typing, 5.

Level, the computer started to shake, it was scary!] [Damn, the author lives on the fifth floor, and he ran downstairs in a flash. He hadn’t run so fast in 2008!] [The author has such a little heart, The thump thump thump thump jumps so fast that I need flowers and perfect rating votes from readers to calm it down.] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 86 Guarantee as a mage!

"Oh, how can I see it?"

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows and spoke fluent Chinese.

"Haha! The Supreme Master speaks very authentic Chinese!"

Qi Jun heard the familiar local accent and burst into laughter.

No matter whether this Ancient One really has Chinese blood or not, at least he has lived for hundreds of years and mastered so many languages! Hmm..., when he replicates the Ancient One's ability later, this Old One will The guy’s language ability is also copied! Qi Jun silently planned in his heart.

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