At least, the universal language of the Marvel universe must be copied! The whole universe speaks English. Qi Jun never believes this nonsense! Qi Jun decided to show up to meet Gu Yi, and it was not just as simple as showing off his strength. , Qi Jun naturally also fell in love with Gu Yi's erudition! Although Qi Jun did not like the magic of Emperor Weishan's lineage, they did have their strengths in terms of space magic and time magic.

Drawing parallels by analogy is enough to give Qi Jun enough insights and improve his magic! "Why should the Supreme Mage ask questions knowingly?"

Qi Jun put down the tea cup and smiled slightly, "With the ability of the ancient master, he must be able to sense that more and more dimensional forces are beginning to erode the earth again, although the entire earth is wrapped in a magic network composed of three magic temples. , defensive, but since it is a network, it naturally has loopholes.

I am a space mage, and my perception will only be clearer. On the entire earth, there are not a few dimensional monsters who have tried their best to break through the magic network, or even directly avoided the magic network and landed on the earth."

In fact, after becoming a space magician, Qi Jun sensed the magic network, or magic circle, that enveloped the entire earth the moment he returned to the earth! Mainly because of the real magic fluctuations in the three temples. It is too active. Qi Jun has every reason to believe that as long as he is a mage, he can feel it, let alone a space magician like him! "Of course, this is for the mages of Kama Taj who have sufficient coping methods. It’s not worth mentioning, let alone you, the Ancient One Mage! Even besides this, there are other mages and wizards who are also trying their best to kill dimensional monsters.

But it’s only temporary, isn’t it?”

"You have the ability to see into the future. It is impossible for you not to know what the earth will face in the future!"

Qi Jun pointed meaningfully at the magical weapon on Gu Yi's chest...

"You know what this is"

Seeing the direction of Qi Jun's finger, Gu Yi, who had always looked calm, couldn't help but be cautious, and looked at Qi Jun curiously.

Ancient One has enough confidence. Under the restrictions of layers of magic, the Time Stone will not leak out even a trace of its power. This is the confidence brought by the restrictions set by generations of Supreme Mage! But Without the blessing of the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto, the magic weapon itself, is actually just a very ordinary magic weapon.

If you don't already know what this thing is, others will definitely ignore it due to its ordinary appearance.

Of course, anything that can be worn by the Supreme Mage, no matter how ordinary it is, will attract enough attention from others! Because the last time he was in the desert, he suffered the backlash of time magic due to the lack of the Eye of Agamotto, and Ancient One was here He has been carrying the Eye of Agamotto with him for several days, just in case of emergencies! This is why Gu Yi dared to show up in front of Qi Jun, a magician who could tell at a glance that he was very powerful in space.

"Of course! The god of Emperor Weishan's lineage, the famous 'Agamo', has the power to see through and even swim in the river of time!"

Qi Jun did not deny that he knew this thing, and there was even an unconcealable heat in Qi Jun's eyes.

Time Stone! If you ask anyone who knows what this is, who wouldn’t be jealous and say, “You’re here for it.”

Gu Yi's expression began to become serious, and at the same time he was ready to take action, and the robes on his body began to stir.

Ancient One did not deny what Qi Jun said about the power of the 'Eye of Agamotto', but carefully re-examined Qi Jun again.

The 'Eye of Agamotto' is not just an artifact of the lineage of Emperor Weishan for Kama Taj and every supreme mage.

From the moment the three leaders of the Vishan Emperor obtained the Time Stone, Kama Taj's mission was... to protect this stone from being taken away by outsiders.

If Qi Jun's goal is...'The Eye of Agamotto', Qi Jun is naturally the enemy of Kama Taj, and naturally the enemy of Ancient One! "Yes! No!"

Qi Jun gave an ambiguous answer.

"Don't be nervous! Don't be nervous!"

Qi Jun pressed down his hands, asking Gu Yi to calm down, "I do want what's there, but I won't take it away from you by force. Please believe in my promise as a mage! I can do it with a The identity of the mage guarantees that I will never snatch that thing from you, or even from the hands of the mage of Kama Taj!"

"Actually, to be honest, this thing on the earth is also one of the reasons why the earth will be eroded by the forces of many dimensions, isn't it? I believe that you can have a rough observation of the future through that thing, and naturally you also know that this thing will How much...external attention has been attracted."

"It's not that I look down on your descendants. Once you are gone, they will not be able to keep this kind of treasure!"

"How about we make a gentleman's agreement that one day in the future, if a powerful being comes to snatch that thing and they can't keep it, or if a powerful enemy invades one day and Kama Taj is unable to resist, please ask me Take action, and the action fee will be exchanged for this thing."

"Of course, if you or they don't want to, it doesn't matter. I can wait until the thing is taken away and then grab it."

Qi Jun showed a big smile at Chaogu, and he just needed to carve the words "I am a good person" on his face!...................... "I used the 'Eye of Agamotto' to observe you, Archmage Qi Jun!"

Gu Yi was not moved at all by the smile on Qi Jun's face. "But, besides... the fog, it's still fog!"

"You know, by tracing back the long river of time, you can even see those... ancient cosmic creatures and gods that were killing everyone in the universe!"

"But I can't see your past, I can't see your future, I can't even see your present!"

"If you weren't standing in front of me, I wouldn't even believe that there is an existence that cannot be observed by the Eye of Agamotto!"

There is a hint of imperceptible shock in Gu Yi’s words! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 87 As expected, I still have to use my fists to speak!

Hearing Gu Yi's shocked words and seeing the 'Eye of Agamotto' pendant on Gu Yi's chest flash a green light, the corner of Qi Jun's mouth curled up slightly.

Just kidding, if Qi Jun is carrying a mutated gem that is nobler than the six infinity gems combined, if he can be observed by a mere time magic, how can Qi Jun be so unlucky? Qi Jun doesn't explain, he just picks up the tea cup Sometimes when you taste tea again, a suitable sense of mystery makes it easier for people to maintain a sense of awe.

The time stone is right in front of you, Qi Jun doesn’t want it. You want it! You want it very much! You can’t think about it anymore! But Qi Jun didn’t take action.

Because Qi Jun knew that he could not defeat Gu Yi now.

Even the Ancient One couldn't kill him, but then... so what if he made an enemy for nothing, especially a mage who could travel through endless dimensions. Only a fool would do this! Don't underestimate a supreme mage who has lived for hundreds of years! That means Unparalleled powerful foundation! Anyone who underestimates the Supreme Mage will eventually die without knowing how he died! .................. "I have already Lived for a long time.”

Seeing that Qi Jun didn't seem to be able to explain, Gu Yi endured the backlash caused by activating the time stone and sat down slowly.

Gu Yi did not expect that even if he activated the 'Eye of Agamotto' to observe Qi Jun in front of the target, he would still suffer backlash.

Fortunately, with the Time Stone as a buffer, although the backlash was stronger than when he was in the desert, the impact Gu Yi received was also smaller.

But it was precisely because of this that Gu Yi believed in the gentleman's agreement that Qi Jun just said. If he could not detect it even if he used the Time Stone, he must have a treasure more powerful than the Time Stone.

And those who possess such treasures are all arrogant and arrogant people who will not make promises easily, but once they make them, they will not break their promises easily.

"Whether it's protecting Kama Taj or protecting the earth, I have done the best I can!"

"If I hadn't been supported by my belief in finding a suitable successor, Master Qi Jun, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me now."

"There is an old saying in the ancient Eastern countries, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings!"

"As you said, through the long river of time, I have seen many things that may and will definitely happen in the future!"

"I've lived long enough!"

Ancient One emphasized this sentence again.

"Everything I can do has been done. The future should naturally look like my future self!"

The ancient one changed his words, "I believe in the promise of a sworn mage. Since you have not forcibly snatched the 'Eye of Tou' from me, or even from the hands of the magicians of Kama Taj, then you are ours." Kamal Taj’s friend!”

"But I want to do what you said.

Then, please show Master Qi Jun your strength!"

"Kama Taj's friends can be weak!"

Looking at Qi Jun in front of him, Gu Yi thought a lot and overturned many of his previous thoughts.

Qi Jun’s God needs no elaboration.

Even after using the Time Stone, Gu Yi didn't want to pursue Qi Jun's origin.

And to know the detailed information about the 'Eye of Agamotto', the other party must also have a strong inheritance. Gu Yi needs to know that Qi Jun has enough strength to be a 'friend'! As Gu Yi said, strong You will never make friends with the weak at any time! .................. "This is natural! Even if you don't say it, Master Gu Yi, I will I will also challenge you! Communicating with different mages, I believe it will be of great benefit to both parties!"

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