Qi Jun looked like a handsome gentleman and seemed not to care about Gu Yi's scrutinizing gaze.

But Qi Jun was still speechless in his heart. In the final analysis, this world still depends on strength! If the two sides fight and Qi Jun loses, then the ending will probably be very good... ............"please!"

Without any unnecessary words, seeing Qi Jun agree, Gu Yi directly stretched out his hand, magic waves flashed through, and the space around Qi Jun and Gu Yi flipped and spread like a broken mirror.

The mirror space is activated! "It's really magical!"

Qi Jun sensed the whole process and found that Gu Yi was indeed very good at mirror magic. At least, it was more skillful than when Qi Jun used the alien space magic.

"Then, I'm offended!"

Entering the battle state, Gu Yi didn't have any unnecessary words, he just rubbed his hands together and produced a lightsaber that shimmered with golden light.

"Is it true that Marvel doesn't feel comfortable with Mage Sky if he doesn't fight in close combat?"

Seeing this scene, Qi Jun's mouth twitched, unable to complain.

But he had no intention of stepping forward to fight Gu Yi in close combat.

Sensing the fluctuation node in the mirror space, Qi Jun retreated violently. As the space was distorted, Qi Jun retreated one kilometer away in the mirror space and arrived at the roof of an unknown building.

"Hey, it's time for you Marvel mages who are not comfortable with melee combat to experience the terror of mobile turrets!"

Qi Jun, who has excellent eyesight, clearly saw the surprise in Gu's eyes. He probably didn't expect that Qi Jun was running away before the fight started.

But Qi Jun would not really run away, but started to use the 'space compression cannon'.

Space Compression Cannon: Also known as Air Compression Cannon, the principle is simple. It uses the power of space to endlessly compress the surrounding air to the size of a small projectile, and then uses space to teleport to attack the enemy unexpectedly, and then instantly cancel the space. The power of compression, the huge compressed air is released and expands instantly, bursting out with infinite power! The power is directly proportional to the strength of the space mage. The stronger the space restraint ability, the more air can be compressed! The power is naturally greater Strong! Of course, while capturing endless air and compressing it into the 'Space Compression Cannon', Qi Jun also rubbed the Space Blade, Space Dimension Wave, and Space Dimension Slash, and kept throwing them in the direction of Ancient Yi.

With super brain power, multitasking is so easy! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 88 The ‘Invincible’ Ancient One

The space compression cannon can not only compress air, but also compress other things, such as liquids, energy and other things. As long as it is not beyond the control of the caster, it can naturally compress whatever it wants.

Of course, it is best not to compress solid things, such as peaks and mountains. Can these things expand back after they are compressed? Think about it, I originally used space compression to grab a mountain peak, and wanted to explode it unexpectedly, and then Use a mountain to crush the target to death.

But in the end, I never expected! The power of space crushed the mountain into a 'true essence soil'. After the power of space was removed, what kind of reaction would the enemy have when they saw a small ball suddenly appearing in front of them? , let this small, but extremely heavy little ball crush you to death. As long as the enemy has a sound mind, he will not do that! Even turning his head to ridicule you, it is not impossible. .....................Qi Jun also didn't expect the 'Space Compression Cannon' to seriously injure Gu Yi.

First of all, the mirror space is Gu Yi's home field. Qi Jun keeps grabbing the air and compressing it. Gu Yi cannot fail to sense it, and Gu Yi will not let Qi Jun continue to compress it without limit.

Secondly, Gu Yi is a supreme mage, and his equipment is not much, but it is absolutely top-notch! Although Qi Jun only manifested and learned space magic, it is inevitable that he will also have some basic knowledge of creating magic weapons in his imprinted memory.

With Qi Jun's little knowledge, although he cannot tell what grade Gu Yiyi's magic weapon is, it can be worn by the Supreme Mage. The strings, magic boots, all exude extremely powerful magic fluctuations! ........................ "The space mage is indeed the most difficult to deal with!"

Frowning, Gu Yi condensed a... light shield to block a bunch of space magic launched by Qi Jun, while running towards Qi Jun's direction.

Qi Jun was not surprised at all that the 'light shield' alone could block his own space magic attack.

After all, he is the Supreme Mage. He also has unfathomable space magic power. On the surface, it looks like a 'light shield'. However, is it really a light shield? Or, is it just a light shield? As Gu Yi got closer, Qi Jun did not immediately turn around and distance himself. Instead, he cast a magic called 'So close to the end of the world' that the space mage specializes in! Like space blades, space wave chops, etc... .........Low-end space magic can be learned and performed by any mage who has a certain affinity for the power of space.

But the space magic of 'So close to the end of the world' can only be cast by space magic. It can even be said that only space mages who specialize in space magic can cast it! This reflects the space mage's powerful understanding and control of the air ability! So close to the end of the world, as the name suggests, , it seems like a very close distance, but in fact you can’t run in front of the space mage even if you run to your death.

And now, Qi Jun released a space magic on Gu Yi, which naturally made him "so close to the end of the world"! Seeing Gu Yi running and running, but... he couldn't get closer to him, Qi Jun almost couldn't hold back his laughter, almost Then he dispersed the 'space compression cannon'.

Guaiguai Longdi Dong, it doesn't matter if they disperse, but you can't disperse around you, otherwise you won't hurt the enemy, but you will hurt yourself first, that would be funny.

Of course, Gu Yi was also a proficient mage in space magic. He quickly discovered the problem and even dispersed the lightsaber in his hand. A lightsaber that couldn't hit anyone was useless! Only one side was left... The light shield blocked Qi Jun's continuous stream of garbage space slashes. Well, for Gu Yi, while maintaining the 'light shield', Gu Yi also had a solemn look on his face. The space magic of 'so close to the end of the world', Gu Yi Yi knows it! He even knows how difficult it is to master this kind of spatial ability! Gu Yi doesn’t know that Qi Jun, a bastard, can master such a difficult spatial ability by just taking a photo of a book.

But Gu Yi knows that it is extremely difficult to crack the space magic of a space mage who is also proficient in this way! Either find the space magic fluctuation node "so far away" and destroy it, but obviously, for... The idea of ​​stretching the far and near ends of the world is extremely difficult, and it will also be a huge waste of the cracker's magic power. Either, directly destroying this space with absolute strength, it will naturally break the "so close to the end of the world", but again, the ancient Although Yi is strong, he is not so strong that he can crush a space mage who is also proficient in this way with absolute strength.

Therefore, Ancient Yi decided to find another clever way! He maintained the 'light shield' with one hand and made gestures with the other hand. Soon, the 'Eye of Agamotto' on Ancient Yi's chest flashed with green light. Soon, The green power of time completely enveloped Gu Yi.

And at this time, Qi Jun naturally discovered that his "Surrounding the World" was completely ineffective against the "Green Ancient One"! Looking at the Ancient One who was about to rush to his side, Qi Jun was speechless, and at the same time expressed his acceptance. Taught.

Can the Time Stone still be used in this way? If you directly maintain your own time as when you first entered the mirror space, then naturally this incomparable and essential "so close to the end of the world" will be of no use.

Not only is the 'Close End of the World' useless, but even the other garbage spaces are completely useless. Look at those garbage spaces that... passed through the 'Green Ancient One' without causing any harm. Just kill him and you will know! In this regard, Qi Jun was speechless. Isn’t this a rogue? You are worthy of being the teacher of Doctor Strange who also used the time stone to act rogue. Gu Yi, you are really good! However, he saw that it was almost approaching. With Gu Yi in his body, Qi Jun flashed in space and left the place.

By the way, the 'space compression cannon' was released directly.

Boom!!! With a loud rumbling sound, even the entire mirror space was shaken.

But Qi Jun had a toothache and discovered that such a huge amount of compressed air expanded and exploded, and even the green light on Gu Yi's body was not activated for a moment.

"Hey, you forced me to do this!"

With a sigh, Qi Jun directly started to activate the forbidden space to collapse! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 89 Global shock!

Thanks to brother [,,] for your monthly ticket support! Since the power of the time gem activated by Ancient Yi only acts on Ancient Yi himself, and the time is constant at the moment when he just enters the mirror space, all attacks by Qi Jun will be blocked. Immune to the Ancient One.

But it’s not that Qi Jun couldn’t find a way to crack it. You don’t directly apply the power of the time gem to me, but I directly apply the power of the mutated gem to you. This is okay! Gu Yi’s trick, Maybe in the eyes of others, there is no solution, but for Qi Jun, there is no absolute solution! The garbage space slashes launched by Qi Jun before were garbage only because of Qi Jun. Jun used his own energy and did not carry the power of the mutated gems. Facing the power of the time gems, the effect was naturally not very good.

But once the power of the mutated gem is carried into the attack, everything will naturally be a different story! Originally, according to this, even if it is just a space blade, as long as it carries the power of the mutated gem, it can kill the green With Gu Yi's body, Gu Yi can no longer act shamelessly.

But it was precisely because of Gu Yi's cheating that Qi Jun was angry! Qi Jun decided to teach Gu Yi a very profound lesson! Directly launch the forbidden space technique Space Collapse! Just do it if you think of it! Qi Jun teleported while thinking in his mind Communicate mutant gems and prepare to play a big game.

Qi Jun didn't even bother to spend his energy anymore, and directly used the ability of [Psychic Teleportation], and began to teleport erratically in the mirror space, which made Gu Yi have no temper with Qi Jun. After all, Qi Jun's [ Teleportation] does not consume at all, but Ancient One has been consuming it! Although the power of time has always maintained the state of Ancient One at the moment when he first entered the mirror space, but after the activation of the power of time ends, the activation Ancient Yi returned some of the energy of the Time Stone.

After a while, Qi Jun, who had finished communicating, stopped 'running away' and turned around, facing Gu Yi, whose face was getting brighter and greener.

Um... Qi Jun originally wanted to say a few words, but when he saw the Ancient One, who was greener than the Hulk, he couldn't speak at all.

Damn it, no matter how green the Hulk is, he doesn't light up! What do you mean by being so green? He gave Gu Yi, who was running over, a meaningful look, stretched out his hand, um,,, one finger, Qi Jun said to Gu Yi who was running over. Be casual before getting dressed.

As the energy in the body and the energy stored in the mutated gems in the mind were being extracted frantically, a small black dot suddenly appeared where Qi Jun's finger was pointing.

Click!!! It was like chewing iron peas, and it was like glass breaking. The crisp sound penetrated directly into Qi Jun's ears.

But Qi Jun didn't have time to sigh. Qi Jun's energy was drained almost instantly, his face was extremely pale, and he seemed to be extremely weak.

What's more, the aura of destruction coming from that black spot made Qi Jun truly frightened.

After just glancing at Gu Yi, whose expression changed drastically, Qi Jun used [Teleportation] to arrive at the recliner of the Venus Space Station.

Feeling the horrible suffocating feeling coming from the black spot just now, Qi Jun didn't even have the intention to ask Taibai to turn on the solar panel to recharge! Of course, Taibai, who put Qi Jun's interests first, 'saw it' Qi Jun was in bad condition, so he automatically opened the protective shell of the space station, moved the solar panels, and began to charge Qi Jun.

And on the other side, in mirror space.


"How can this be!!!"

The next second Qi Jun left, countless black silk tentacles spread out from the black spot, and began to extend crazily towards the surroundings! And those... wherever the black silk passed, The space collapsed in an instant! The sound of clicking continued! And Gu Yi saw this scene, very similar to the scene of a dimension collapsing that she had seen when she was traveling in the dimensions of the heavens! For a moment Gu Yi, who couldn't believe it, let out a desperate wailing! And just when Gu Yi finished shouting in sorrow, the black dots suddenly erupted, and in just an instant, the entire mirror space was completely enveloped! Boom! The entire mirror space was completely Shattered! Incomparably powerful energy fluctuations spread instantly.

In an instant, Qi Jun's chairman's office became scattered, and even the entire floor disappeared in the same instant! Fortunately, Qi Jun's chairman's office was already there.

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