Qi Jun, who had mocked Tony Stark face to face before, had countless spies and agents in Stark Industries, was about to face his own.

..I don’t know how many spies and agents the group will sneak into.

I don’t know what Tony Stark will laugh at when he sees Qi Jun again.

Of course, Qi Jun, who is far away on Venus, doesn't know yet about his...

..The group has become the focus of major organizations around the world.

In other words, I know it, but I don’t have the time to care about it.

Qi Jun, who has fully recovered, is looking at the energy value that has once again increased the upper limit of energy retention. "One million and two hundred thousand has increased by so much. Does this mean that you can't build without breaking, and then build after breaking?"

"Forget it, it's better not to try this method easily."

Thinking about the previous scene where he was almost sucked dry instantly, Qi Jun still looked scared.

Well, the main reason was that the aura of destruction emanating from the black spot of space collapse was really terrifying to Qi Jun.

Of course, although the energy was completely restored, the faint pain coming from his body also made Qi Jun understand that although he had made a lot of money this time, he still had some worries and needed to take a good rest.

Just for this feeling of dull pain that comes from time to time, even with Qi Jun's current super body, if he wants to be completely and completely, it will take several days. Well, Qi Jun will never admit that he wants to be salty. Damn it! You can’t just go and attack Odin right after you’ve beaten Gu Yi. Qi Jun is not that brainless, “Well... let’s continue cheating!”

"Think about it, well, let's copy the language of the ancient one! This girl has lived for hundreds of years and traveled through countless universe dimensions. She always knows some local languages."

Qi Jun muttered to himself.

When the mind moves, the mind communicates with the mutated gem.

"No, one hundred thousand copies are just a manifestation of the language that Gu Yi mastered! It requires so much energy! How many languages ​​has Gu Yi learned in these years?"

Seeing the information fed back by the mutant gem, Qi Jun suddenly looked confused.

"Well... Tony Stark's knowledge of physics is only one thousand points, but his head is already a little swollen. If only he could learn the language of one hundred thousand points of energy, Even if I have super brainpower now, I’m afraid it will be too much for me.”

"Forget it, let's simplify it a bit! Just get rid of some unnecessary dimensional language and so on."

Qi Jun muttered while changing his thoughts, removing most of the ones that Qi Jun thought were useless, retaining only some powerful dimensional languages, such as hell, dark dimensions, etc., and then removing many small cosmic languages, retaining universal universal languages. Languages, languages ​​of major empires, federations, and languages ​​of various large interstellar races.

"Well, this should be enough. Twenty thousand points, with my current super brainpower, I should be able to bear it."

With a thought, a skill book "Mastery of the Universes, Dimensions, and Languages" shining with pure white brilliance suddenly appeared in Qi Jun's hands.

Without waiting any longer, Qi Jun just slapped it away! After the skill learning was completed, "Huh!"

“It’s really amazing!”

Once again, Jun Jie Li's learning method was unknown, and Jun Beng could master these many civilized languages. "It's as expected, 20,000 points of knowledge, although it also feels a bit overwhelming, but it is completely acceptable!"

"Next, continue cheating!"

"Well, it should be time to realize a wave of Kama Taj's magic training system."

"I don't know if these more than one million points of energy are enough to manifest."

"Well, no matter what, anyway... on Venus, energy can be replenished at any time!"

"Isn't it the same to show it bit by bit? It can also prevent the amount of information from being too overwhelming in an instant and overwhelming the brain."

So... "Kama Taj Basic Magic Training Encyclopedia", 200,000 points of energy.

"Kama Taj Intermediate Magic Training Complete Collection", 500,000 points of energy.

Bask in the sun and recharge "Kama Taj Advanced Magic Cultivation Encyclopedia" with one million energy points.

Bask in the sun and recharge "Weishan Emperor's Complete Collection of Top Magic", 1.2 million points of energy.

Bask in the sun and recharge "Weishan Emperor's top magic series", 1.2 million points of energy.

Bask in the sun and recharge "Weishan Emperor's Complete Collection of Top Magic", 1.2 million energy points.

.........Six skill books worth a total of 5.3 million points of energy! This is just the magic knowledge that Gu Yi has mastered! And Gu Yi has lived for hundreds of years, nearly a thousand years, so it is impossible for him to know magic! Qi Jun deeply doubted that if he could not absorb nearly infinite sunlight and charge it, then when would he be able to possess it? I am afraid that I will have enough strength to protect myself until one day, Sunset Zishu snaps his fingers, and he is still there: Wasting time? Looking at the six skill books in front of him, Qi Jun suddenly doubted life.

.............Of course, whether it is Ancient One, Odin, or Titan Thanos, they are all old men who have lived for who knows how many years. It's normal to not be able to compare with monsters for a while.

Qi Jun sighed for a while..., then he recovered his mood and became full of fighting spirit again! Not bad! I, Qi Jun, have a long time to grow up behind you! But I have a golden finger! I can open cheats! No! After thinking about it more, Qi Jun first picked up the most basic book "Kama Taj Basic Magic Cultivation Encyclopedia" and smashed it into pieces! ........ When Qi Jun was addicted to seclusion and practice and could not extricate himself, a series of arrangements for Qi Jun were slowly unfolding on the earth.

Of course, because the previous energy exceeded the upper limit that major organizations could monitor, major organizations, although they made small and constant moves, still maintained their most basic sanity.

At least, until the relationship between this 'energy explosion incident' and...

.. Before the group has much influence, everything will only be arranged quietly in secret.

Especially S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., while other organizations are still studying how to respond, they have dispatched countless elite agents and begun to deal with it.

..The secret investigation of the group, and even its founder Qi Jun! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 92 The smile gradually fades away and even gradually turns black

Time passed and it was already the next day.

Qi Jun lay lazily on the deck chair, facing the sun, basking in the sun as lazily as a salted fish.

Well, it was really just about basking in the sun. I didn’t ask Taibai to open the solar panel, so I just basked in the normal sunlight.

After a whole day's cycle of "shooting skill books, imprinting, digesting, understanding, shooting skill books, imprinting, digesting and understanding", Qi Jun finally mastered all the magic skills that Gu Yi had spent his whole life learning! Bang! With a snap of his fingers, Qi Jun As the center, the space turned over like a broken mirror and instantly spread out for an unknown distance! The mirror space became! Qi Jun immediately entered the subspace. Before breaking the mirror space, here, no matter how much damage is done, None of them have any impact on the main plane.

Bang! The mirror space dispersed, and Qi Jun appeared in the main plane again.

"Sir, you just disappeared for ten seconds. Taibai did not find you in any surveillance area. Do you need Taibai's help?"

Taibai's voice sounded in the space station, making Qi Jun's mouth curl up slightly.

"No need."

"Taibai, help me contact Tony Stark."

Tony Stark promised not to record Qi Jun's information in any form, but it does not mean that Qi Jun did not record Tony Stark's information.

It can even be said that in Taibai's database, Tony Stark's information is enough to fill several storage servers! If Qi Jun hadn't given Taibai several super powers that at least surpassed Earth's technology for thousands of years. As for quantum memory, just the storage space occupied by Tony Stark's data can make Taibai run slowly.

"Okay, sir."

"Mr. Tony Stark's personal butler Jarvis has been linked, please wait."

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