Taibai's movements were very fast. As soon as Qi Jun finished speaking, Taibai had already linked to Jarvis.

Almost as soon as the link was connected, a real-time picture was projected in front of Qi Jun.

"Hey! Man, are you okay?"

"Aw! Judging from your appearance, you should be fine."

Tony Stark appeared in the screen with a nervous look on his face, and behind him was the Mark IV suit being prepared.

"Oh! Oh my God, did you know that your phone was monitored yesterday?

..When the group headquarters sent out that huge energy wave, I almost peed!"

"You know, according to the energy reaction monitoring, it was a huge amount of energy that would destroy the entire New York eighteen times!"

"It is simply unbelievable that such a huge amount can be controlled and finally released into the sky. What are you doing? Is it you or some device that created this terrifying energy? What device can control this terrifying energy? "

"Oh my God, I have never felt this huge and suffocating energy at such a close distance before!"

"When I think about how I almost died in this powerful energy wave yesterday, I suddenly feel that life is so wonderful!!!"

"Last night when I went to bed, I had a fucking nightmare. Do you know that you fucking gave me, Tangtang Iron Man, a nightmare?"

"Man! After the energy burst, I was already wearing my Mark suit, but Harry Henrys and the others sent me a message saying that you were not on top, so I didn't go to look for you. I know the information The organization will definitely look for you! Harry Henrys and the others immediately checked and said they found two people's footprints in the ruins. Is that the other one you have? But don't worry, they have already removed the traces. , no one will know!”

"Oh, it doesn't matter whether you tell me or not. I don't really want to know."

"By the way, you won't care about Harry Henrys sending me a message, right? After all, they were just lent by me to you to form the group, not given to you, right!"

"Stop talking about that, where are you now? Are you in the manor? My God, how can your Taibai be so powerful and my Jarvis can't hack in?"

"By the way, you laughed at me before and Stark Industries is full of agents and spies."

"Have you ever thought about this situation? I guess you have.

..The group must be full of agents and spies!"

"Oh, there is a saying in the ancient Eastern countries that the tyrants and tycoons are here. Harry Henrys just happened to send me a message, haha, yours.

..Group, except for Harry Henrys and the people I lent to you, all employees have submitted their resignation letters!”

"Wow, let's see, after these employees submitted their resignation letters, a large group of social elites gave them to you.

..The group submitted a job application report!”

"Haha, let me check, Jarvis, start work!"

"Oh, I found it, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....! This is, this is, this is from the KGB, even the KGB dares to come here, and this is from the Ancient Oriental Foreign Affairs Administration."

"Hey guy!"

"You said that most of my Stark Industries are spies."

"But look at it, your.

..The group, except... the people I lent to you, are all spies! Hahahahahaha!!!"

Looking at the talkative Stark in the projection, spitting out a bunch of words at a crazy speed, Qi Jun's initially happy smile because of Tony Stark's concern quickly turned into a mess! Even Qi Jun was speechless. Why should he copy his English proficiency skills from an old man? Now he can't even understand Tony Stark's ridicule! "Do you still want me to take action?"

Seeing that Tony Stark continued to laugh for an hour, Qi Jun turned dark and simply used his trump card! "Uh..."

"Cough cough cough"

Hearing Qi Jun's words, Tony Stark was startled and quickly stopped his mocking, but he almost choked himself because of the sudden stop.

Damn, this is a ruthless man who can create huge energy that destroyed New York eighteen times. Just make a small joke. If he continues to seek death, he will not kill himself. Tony Stark is not Believe, it happened.

..This incident at the group building has nothing to do with Qi Jun.

Compared with the major event of destroying New York, it is not too late to laugh at Qi Jun after Qi Jun has solved the Hulk. Tony Stark thinks in his heart that he is still unfinished: Fei Lu reminds you: Reading 3 Things to collect, push

Chapter 93 Qi Jun’s little plan

Qi Jun didn't know the little Jiujiu in Tony Stark's heart, but he also knew that it would be impossible for Tony Stark to forget his 'black spot'.

But Qi Jun doesn't care, you can laugh if you want. How can you still make me lose two pieces of flesh? At least, seeing that Tony Stark expressed concern about his safety before, Qi Jun said that he would expose this Festival.

However, what Tony just said still made Qi Jun think deeply.

With the attention of major intelligence organizations around the world, with Qi Jun's current strength, naturally he will no longer be as secretive as before.

No matter what, it doesn't matter: but one thing that can kill you with just one slap is...these intelligence organizations will surround you like hyenas and annoy you.

Moreover, the energy of these intelligence organizations is not generally large.

..Ordinary employees of the group, and even middle and high-level managers, all resigned under their influence. This made Qi Jun very unhappy.

But no matter how... you feel uncomfortable, you can't kill all the intelligence organizations. In that case, there will be no difference in going against the whole world.

This is inconsistent with the principle of neutrality established by Qi Jun.

Qi Jun thought for a while and decided to embody some biochemical humans.

The biochemical person who manifests his own will is both obedient and absolutely loyal! I would like to see the iron bucket made of biochemical people.

..Group, you... hyena-like intelligence organizations, can you still keep your mouth shut!........................ ..In fact, before, Qi Jun had thought about whether to manifest some biochemical people, or even to manifest one, or even a group of buildings similar to red police barracks, with unlimited explosives. But, think about it carefully, Qi Jun Jun rejected the idea.

First of all, there was not enough energy at that time, and his strength was not strong enough. He might be killed at any time. Forming a force or something had never been included in Qi Jun's first priority, even if it was.

.. Qi Jun also asked Tony Stark to help with the formation of the group.

Secondly, Qi Jun always felt that there was something incongruous about biochemical humans and so on, and he always resisted realizing them.

But now, after experiencing a lot of things, especially the battle with Ancient One, and facing the terrifying aura of... the power to destroy the world.

Qi Jun feels that it is not unacceptable to manifest some biochemical people.

Even when the biochemical person is realized, it does not need to be very powerful.

After all, in the Marvel world, there are many things that can transform your strength.

As long as the embodied cyborgs have enough transformation potential! At least, Qi Jun thought of it, manifesting a large group of cyborgs, and then injecting them all with 'Hulk Serum'! Wow, think about that scene, tsk tsk , that’s really touching! ............. “Tony!”

"I'm not looking for you simply to tell you it's safe, and I'm not looking for you to laugh at me!"

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