As the saying goes, it's better to hurry up than to hurry up. On the other side, General Ross of Thunder is preparing to make a desperate attempt to capture Bruce Banner. Here, Bruce Banner just happened to find the 'Mr. Blue' Samuel Stern who he has been in contact with, a Ph.D. in both physics and biology.

This building was deeply impressive because Qi Jun had already investigated it after he discovered Taibai.

At first, Qi Jun thought about recovering the Hulk serum that Dr. Samuel Stern had copied using gamma rays. However, after realizing the 'perfect superhuman bloodline', Qi Jun put it aside and did not come immediately. deal with.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jun came here again this time after not paying attention to it for a while.

Well... I can't say that, after all, no real person has been here before, I just saw the images.

Of course, although he no longer cared about it before, now that he has encountered it, Qi Jun naturally has no reason to let it go.

What's more, Samuel Stern has always been a top scientist that Qi Jun wanted to recruit. Well..., after mutation! "It can't be wrong! After learning about the green monster, Jia Weiss is monitoring it 24 hours a day! Bruce Banner just entered this building.

According to the information monitored by Jarvis, this guy went to the home of Dr. Samuel Stern! It is said that he wanted to research and crack the serum that turns him into a green monster."

"To be honest, if General Ross hadn't suddenly prepared to make all-out efforts to capture Bruce Banner, I would have really wanted to see if they could really come up with that... serum that can kill the Green Monster!"

Wearing sunglasses and holding a large suitcase in his hand, Tony Stark stood next to Qi Jun and said with a little helplessness.

That’s right! Tony Stark has not transformed into Iron Man at this time.

Based on General Ross's last crazy act, if Tony Stark directly appeared as Iron Man, wouldn't he be... telling Ross that the person you want is here, and he might just kill General Ross's majority. The troops were brought to the city first! What's more, if Iron Man showed up directly at Mr. Blue's house, I'm afraid Bruce Banner wouldn't have a good talk with Tony Stark, but it would directly turn into Hulk vs. Iron Man. .

Hmm..., maybe the Hulk is the violent Iron Man, but Qi Jun didn't pay attention to these... It doesn't matter whether Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk.

Instead, Qi Jun glanced twice at the large suitcase held in Tony Stark's hand.

Different from the Mark 5 that only appeared in "Steel 2 2", the portable Mark 5 that appears now is not only too far ahead of time, but its power is also different! Because I saw it with my own eyes in the chairman's office before. See, that... After Tony Stark came out, the Mark War, which looked very awesome, turned into a suitcase! Different from the crispy skin of the original Mark V, this one was named by Tony Stark Mark 5, but its combat power is definitely far behind the original version! Could it be that I have already become so serious about the show? Fortunately, I have never been exposed to S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., it shouldn’t have any impact on Loki attracting aliens, right! Now I can go directly to Asgard! I have to wait for the plot development of "Avengers: Odin" So he paid attention to the earth and the magic of the universe. In addition to being an infinite stone and a hot potato, it was also because he was too idle! Until later, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the God of Trickery After engaging in prodigal wars one after another, causing the entire Asgard to suffer, Odin turned his attention away from the Cube to deal with the 'fighting' of the younger members of the family. Unfortunately, it was too late. Late at night, two prodigal sons have almost ruined Asgard's family fortune! If they go to Asgard now to do something, let Odin turn his attention away from the magic of the universe and even directly release Hela. Jun rubbed his chin and suddenly realized that this idea has great potential...!...................... "Hey"

"My friend, Qi Jun, it's time for us to go up!"

Glancing at Qi Jun who was deep in thought, Tony Stark was speechless. You don't really think that...Mr. Lan can cure the green monster, do you? "Yeah.

Let’s go!”

Qi Jun came to his senses. No matter what, he would first resolve the matter in front of him.

This was originally a promise to Tony Stark, and Qi Jun would naturally not shirk it. What's more, Qi Jun himself wanted to get enough benefits from this operation! However, Bruce Banner had just gone up to find Mr. Lan. , plus Tony and himself will go upstairs soon, how can Emil Bronski transform into a hateful hiss!!! It seems that the wings of his butterfly are a little too loud. In fact, Qi Jun doesn't do it at all. You know, the butterfly he is inciting is not a little big, but a very big one! Because of the information Qi Jun told Tony Stark, Tony Stark not only moved S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... He was included in the blacklist, and he was secretly instigating some rebellion against S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., and also secretly investigated and dealt with many things that the original Iron Man would not be involved in.

Even! Qi Jun’s own.

..The group, in fact, has a greater impact on Marvel Earth! This can be seen from the desperate decision of General Ross to capture Bruce Banner in advance! The original General Ross would not rush to arrest Bruce Banner. How could Bruce Banner be worthy of his status as a general without some detailed and careful arrangements! But now, General Thunderbolt has only received a piece of information confirming his identity, and he hastily gathered what else he can do The assembled troops are all ready to be sent out to capture the Hulk. This is completely... influenced by Qi Jun's unconscious wings! [The author group has just had two big guys on the hotline, envious, jealous... Um, just envious, yes, just envious!] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 102 Qi Jun fights Hulk!

The doorbell rang, ding dong ding dong, and Bruce Banner and Samuel Stern, who had just met netizens for the first time, were stunned for a moment.

As for Bruce Banner, all his muscles and nerves were tense, and he looked at Samuel Stern across from him with caution.

Bruce Banner even began to suspect in his heart that Dr. Samuel Stern was actually... the middleman who General Ross deceived him. In order to avoid being caught, Bruce Banner even began to control his emotions, and that The heart rate monitored by the watch on his wrist began to soar crazily! 6............. However, Samuel Stern did not notice anything unusual about Bruce Banner. , even a hint of green light began to appear in Bruce Banner's eyes.

Because, with a trace of curiosity, Samuel Stern came to the door and opened the door.

You know, although Samuel Stern is a Ph.D. in both physics and biology, geniuses always have quirks, so that almost no one will come to him privately.

"You are"

Samuel Stone looked up and down at the two people at the door. One was wearing sunglasses and looked familiar, while the other was completely unknown to him.

"Hello, Dr. Stern, we are here to see Bruce Banner."

Tony Stark spoke first.

"How did you know he was here?"

The emotional intelligence is touching. Samuel Stern didn't have the slightest sense of hiding the secret and asked directly.

Roar!!! But at this moment, there was a roar in the room! There was a sound of tearing clothes, and a big green man emerged from behind Dr. Samuel Stern.

It turned out that Bruce Banner, who was already prepared, after hearing Tony Stark's voice, confirmed that this so-called 'Mr. Blue' was actually a trap created by General Ross to attract him to his own trap! Suddenly He no longer controlled the power of forgiveness in his body, and a big green guy just jumped out! "Hulk, I hate it.


Seeing the three people 3 in front of him, Hulk instinctively felt a wave of disgust. He roared and slapped them with a palm as big as a leaf fan.

"Coax Lichet!"

Seeing the green monster appear with his own eyes, Tony Stark, who was about to persuade Samuel Stern to let him in, was startled. He quickly jumped away, revealing Qi Jun's figure, and hid aside to open his suitcase. Start wearing the new Mark 5! "Get behind me."

Dr. Samuel Stern, who put his eyes into the 'green light' and muttered 'This is simply a work of art', pulled him behind him. With a thought in Qi Jun's mind, a cool suit similar to Superman's appeared in an instant. Dress Qi Jun up.

However, due to the usual reservedness of the Chinese, this suit is not that kind of...tight-fitting suit. There is no red underwear sewn on the chest, nor is there a symbol drawn on the chest, except... .... In addition to the Chinese red cloak, Qi Jun's uniform is more concise.

Pa Qi Jun easily received the Hulk's slap without even shaking his body.

"We have no hostility, Hao!"

Qi Jun was going to communicate with Bruce Banner's second personality. If he could trick the Hulk into his pocket, that would be better. "No!"

However, Hulk seemed very disrespectful and did not want to talk to Qi Jun, "You are all bad people!"

Hulk doesn't know Tony Stark and Qi Jun, but as Bruce Banner's second personality, he is one Hulk, but he knows that Bruce Banner came to Samuel Stern to cure his disease. 'of.

Hulk doesn't want to die, Hulk doesn't want to be 'treated', Hulk is angry, Hulk is very angry, Hulk wants to cause destruction! "Okay! It seems that the big green guy is not ready to have a serious talk with us."

Qi Jun didn't notice the first-level transformation of Hulk, and even turned around to joke with Tony Stark. Then he turned around and punched out, hitting the other fist that Hulk was attacking. A positive one.

Boom! A huge shock wave spread from the fists of the two men, shaking Samuel Stern's room into a mess. All the surrounding windows were shattered, and the falling glass scum caused a firestorm downstairs. Pedestrians on the street were in chaos.

Bang bang bang Qi Jun himself did not change at all, but the green Hulk was suddenly knocked away by a powerful punch, smashing through Dr. Samuel Stern's already shattered home and smashing into another house separated by a wall. People's homes.

Ahhhh!! Not surprisingly, the appearance of a big green monster caused the family next door to be frightened and screamed again and again.

But obviously, the angry Hulk didn't care whether they were innocents or not. He slapped them casually and stopped screaming. Then, he kicked his feet suddenly and before the floor completely shattered, Hulk rushed towards Qi Jun again.

........................"I bought it!"

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