"Today must be April Fool's Day!"

"How could anyone fight with such a green super monster!"


"Oh my god...! And it's this guy who pinned down this green monster and beat him up."

Seeing Qi Jun and Hulk fighting, smashing the TV, smashing the refrigerator, even smashing the bed, etc..., Samuel Stern seemed not to know that his home was completely destroyed, and only the battle was left in his eyes. The two people in the battle, but in my heart, I want to catch the two people in the battle, take blood, and slice them for study! "Hey"

"They completely destroyed your home. Isn't your focus a bit biased?"

Samuel Stern didn't notice it himself, but that doesn't mean that Tony Stark, who was already dressed, didn't see it. When he saw the two people in the battle, they punched a wall and palmed a home appliance, and almost instantly blocked it. Muir Stern's house was so completely damaged that not even a single good screw could be found! "Yeah"

"Oh My God!"

“My loan has not been paid off yet!!!”

After being reminded by Tony Stark, Samuel Stern finally 'saw' what his home looked like, and he suddenly felt like crying.

Oh my god... In order to save money, Samuel Stern did not buy insurance. Now he is doomed! Wait...! Copied Hulk blood! Samuel Stern suddenly remembered that he still had Copied a lot of green monster blood.

Compared to this, a ruined room is nothing! "Hey!"

"Why are you looking for death?"

Seeing Samuel Stern suddenly rushing into the anti-room, Tony Stark was frightened and hurried forward to pull him away! To be continued: Feilu reminds you: collect three things about reading, push

Chapter 103 Let Hulk vent?

"iron Man"

"Why are you here?"

"That...man in sunglasses just now was you!"


"Let me go! I still have something very, very important inside! I can't let them destroy it!"

After belatedly realizing it, Samuel Stern finally discovered who the man in sunglasses who looked familiar to him was, but when he thought of the things he had hidden in the room... it took a lot of money. The Hulk's blood, copied at great cost, immediately struggled.

Of course, how could a mere ordinary person break free from the shackles of Tangtang Iron Man? What's more, this is a Mark V suit that has been newly upgraded in terms of both production materials and energy! And in the room, he was fighting the Hulk. Qi Jun, who was in a ball, easily saw Samuel Stern's performance.

In this regard, Qi Jun could only sigh with emotion, "He is indeed a scientist with a passion for science of one thousand percent or more."

Otherwise... are you calling him a fool? However, when he saw through his mental power that in the space ring, there was... a display cabinet full of Hulk gamma rays replicating blood, Qi Jun also frowned slightly. Pick it lightly.

This was originally Qi Jun's goal, but he gave up after the Venus space station that could absorb sunlight at any time. But now that he has a chance to get it, how could Qi Jun give up? What's more, besides this thing, .....Collection value, you can also use mutated gems to realize different levels of 'green body strengthening potions', right? To be honest, Qi Jun even wants to see if Tony Stark' If it turns green, will Little Pepper still like it? If I were, ahem, in short, Qi Jun wants to retain the special characteristics of the 'Exclusive Tony Green Stark Body Strengthening Potion'. As soon as he drives, he will become Bigger than the head, when the time comes,......................"Hulk is angry!!!"

After fighting Qi Jun for a long time, Hulk discovered that he had no way to defeat Qi Jun. Except... he was bigger than Qi Jun, nothing else could compare to him! So, Hao Ke transformed once Ke, with the blessing of getting more and more angry, carried out the super evolution! The super evolution transformed into the Hulk! No, it should be the Hulk's super evolution transformation! With a crunching transformation, one became taller, A greener, greener guy also appeared! This guy, just standing, was already as tall as the ceiling.

"The Hulk is going to kill you!"

The newly transformed Hulk felt the stronger power in his body, roared suddenly, and rushed towards Qi Jun.

Bang! Unfortunately, Hulk, who had transformed for the second time, was still no match for Qi Jun. With just one punch, Hulk was knocked away by Qi Jun! Samuel Stern’s home was not on the top floor, and Qi Jun didn’t want to The battle with the Hulk caused the building to collapse and he was trapped in the ruins. Even though it couldn't cause any harm to him, it was enough to make him look disgraced.

What's more, the direction in which Qi Jun punched the Hulk was not exactly the direction from which General Ross and his large forces were attacking! If you want to conquer the Hulk, you can't just suppress him, you have to let the Hulk go. It's time to vent, right? You, General Ross, didn't come sooner or later, and this is the right time! As for Tony Stark asking him to take action, it was just to prevent too many civilians from being harmed, but it didn't include soldiers. Inside! Don’t be joking about the soldiers who saved the United States Federation. If Qi Jun really had a good impression of the United States Federation military, how could he not only sell large quantities of the "Weakening American Captain Serum" to the military, but also Wakanda's The information was leaked to Hexagon! So, Qi Jun has actually changed the plot of the Marvel world and messed it up, but Qi Jun didn't think carefully about it, so he didn't notice it yet.

"Hey guy."

"How can we do it?"

Seeing Qi Jun knocking the second-transformed Hulk away with one punch, Iron Man let go of Samuel Stern, sprayed ion waves at his feet, and flew to Qi Jun's side and asked.

And Samuel Stern, who finally got rid of his imprisonment, took three steps and two steps at a time, and in a whoosh, passed through the ruined hall and bedroom, and arrived at a secret room that was secretly transformed outside.

But obviously, this secret room has long been destroyed, and there is also not a drop of the Hulk's blood that was copied at a huge cost! "!!!"

Samuel Stern immediately let out a painful cry! Qi Jun glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Although Qi Jun's target also included Dr. Samuel Stern, but now, Hulk's The problem has not been solved yet, and without Hulk blood, Dr. Samuel Stern is just an ordinary person. Therefore, there is no rush to solve his problem for the time being.

"What do you think"

Wearing a superhuman suit and a windless cloak behind him, Qi Jun's outstanding figure is highlighted.

Glancing at Tony Stark who had transformed into Iron Man, Qi Jun asked in a very relaxed tone.

"I guess it will be easy"

Tony Stark, who was not wearing a hood, did not realize that Jarvis did not scan Qi Jun's figure at all. Seeing Qi Jun's relaxed look, he shrugged and answered with a smile.

Tony Stark, who promised not to record Qi Jun's information, still hasn't discovered this abnormality in Qi Jun! [Note: Taibai is different. Taibai, who is embodied by a mutated gem, can be 'seen' Qi Jun’s, regardless of any instrument!] "But why not solve it directly or lead this green monster to a remote place?"

Tony Stark seemed a little confused when he saw the Hulk transforming for the second time and killing all the troops brought by Ross.

Although the battle between Hulk and the military did not harm civilians, Tony Stark was still worried.

"Do you think General Ross would give up if he didn't beat him up?"

Qi Jun replied lightly without explaining the deeper meaning.

The situation regarding the Hulk is actually very easy to solve, so we have to talk about the dark magic that Qi Jun originally thought he would not use.

Slap Himself in the Face 2 As Bruce Banner’s second personality, Hulk is actually a branch of Bruce Banner’s soul. According to Qi Jun’s previous methods, there is really no way to completely solve this problem, and he can even only let Bruce Banner shut down himself. I went to the gamma ray laboratory for 18 months and tried soul fusion myself.

But after imprinting Sithorne's dark magic, Qi Jun discovered that solving the Hulk's problem is not too simple! To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 104 Qi Jun’s three million super army?

It wasn't until he actually met Hulk that Qi Jun discovered that it was really easy to solve Hulk's problem, or in other words, to solve Bruce Banner's problem! Especially in this matter, Hulk's second personality In fact, it is still very weak. Using dark soul magic, it is easy to separate the master, Bruce Banner, and the alternate personality, Hulk.

All he needs to do is find another body and integrate the separate personality soul into it. Then, Bruce Banner will be...Bruce Banner, and then Hulk will just be Hulk! And what Qi Jun wants is exactly... .this state.

As a scientist, Bruce Banner is a super genius, and the seven doctorate degrees are not... fake! As a combat unit, Hulk can perfectly perform various tasks assigned by Qi Jun, and this guy is also He has the attribute of being invincible. The angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes. It’s perfect! That’s why Qi Jun sent the second-transformed Hulk to General Ross’s team with one punch.

Firstly, it can intimidate this marginalized general who has lost power, and secondly, it can also allow Hulk to vent his anger, making it easier for Qi Jun's plan to be executed smoothly.

Of course, there is also Emil Bronsky, who can carry the blood of the Hulk and is also a powerful fighter and a thug!

..If the group wants to spread throughout the universe, the more talents the better! Qi Jun even has plans to absorb Doctor Doom and the Fantastic Four.

That's right, when Qi Jun asked Taibai to collect information on the earth before, he collected information on these five guys.

However, at this time, these five people have not yet been to space, have not been radiated by cosmic ray energy, and have not become the so-called Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom.

However, Qi Jun checked the information and found that Doctor Doom's current private space station owned by his company has just been built, and he will soon go to space with four other people to conduct experiments.

Of course, Qi Jun's targets are more Mr. Fantastic and Doctor Doom. Qi Jun values ​​their abilities more, not only their strength, but more importantly, these two are scientists! Scientists in the Marvel world are all A group of people with magical abilities! What's more, in addition to... Doom and the Fantastic Four, Qi Jun also found a company called the 'Life Foundation' in Taibai's information. Group company, and the boss of this company is named 'Carlton Drake'! What does this represent for Venom! And the Venom family! You know, there are only four people brought back to Earth by the 'Life Foundation' 44 symbiotes, and in the asteroid belt in space, there are also huge symbiont tribesmen, as many as three million! For Qi Jun, this really represents a force that he can control by himself! An extremely huge symbiote tribe. Power! No problem if the symbiote needs to be parasitized! Cyborg manufacturing center, red police barracks, you can have as many as you want! The symbiote is difficult to control, just kidding! Sithorne dark soul magic, control you forever! If you are worried about the darkness of Sithorne The backdoor to the Soul Magic Club is simple! Learn about the mutated gems: just spend some energy and modify the rules.

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