The always huge interstellar force that can be completely controlled by Qi Jun is right in front of us! Three million super-powerful legions! It’s exciting to think about it! But! The information found through Taibai shows that the ‘Life Foundation’ group The company has just built the first spacecraft that can fly in space. Well, it should be said to be a space shuttle! No! It can’t even be called a universe, because this thing can only reach the asteroid belt and the earth at most. He ran back and forth between them and couldn't even get out of the solar system! It can only be called a space shuttle! In fact, after Qi Jun adapted to the 'perfect superhuman bloodline', he followed the goals set by the 'Life Foundation' direction, I personally went to the asteroid belt to search carefully.

It's just a pity that Qi Jun didn't find even one alien symbiote! I don't know if the planet with three million symbiotes has not flown here yet, or if it has a special concealment method that has been hiding in the asteroid Belt.

But Qi Jun didn't care. Since he couldn't find it, he would wait until the 'Life Foundation' launched the space flight. Qi Jun didn't believe it. After the plane flew to the asteroid belt, Qi Jun would not be able to find that... The meteorite asteroid hiding three million symbionts......................cough, thinking so much has no connection with the present, Qi Jun took back his mind , and turned his attention back to Hulk, who was showing off his power.

There are circles of tanks on the ground.

Armed helicopters circled in the sky.

These... weapons of extreme violence, pouring out rage without restraint.

However, it is useless to Hulk! An attack that cannot even tear the skin can only arouse Hulk's fiercer anger.

If he were to transform into the Hulk all at once, he might still be afraid of so many violent blows.

But now "Hulk, air wave!"

Two hands as big as cattail fans suddenly clapped, and the huge pressure quickly squeezed out the air in the hands, quickly forming a powerful fan-shaped shock wave, scattering the armed helicopters in the air and flying everywhere, unable to control the balance of the armed helicopters. The swarms fell quickly one after another, triggering bursts of violent explosions! "Hulk, impact!"

Hulk didn't even look at the results of the battle in the sky. He turned around, clasped his hands together, and carrying powerful energy, he smashed onto the ground with lightning speed. However, this blow did not Instead of shattering the ground beneath his feet, powerful energy broke through the ground in the direction of Hulk's hammering hands, quickly forming a ground cracking wave that knocked all the surrounding tanks, chariots, and soldiers away and knocked them down. On the ground.

"Hulk, roar!"

Even the two powerful sonic tanks that General Ross had placed high hopes on were instantly shattered by Hulk's roar and turned into scrap metal! At this point, all the troops brought by General Ross overturned! "Hulk !Invincible!”

Like a gorilla, Hulk slapped his chest with his palm-sized hands, turned his head towards the direction where he was knocked away, and glared suddenly! This time, Qi Jun did not hide again.

Instead, under countless gazes, it gently flew out from the completely destroyed home of Dr. Samuel Stern.

"Hulk, there is no invincibility"

Under the eyes of countless people, Qi Jun flew to the sky directly in front of Hulk, suspended, and spoke softly but loudly.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 105: Kill Hulk with one move!


"Hulk! Invincible!"

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Hulk didn't agree. He roared and jumped up suddenly, causing the ground to collapse under the huge force.


I saw Qi Jun gently waving his hand! Everyone around them assured their God! What they really saw was Qi Jun's gentle wave of his hand! Then! Bang! Bang! A sound exploded, and everyone around them burst into laughter. His ears were ringing and he was dizzy, and all the surrounding glass windows were shattered, which all represented the power of Qi Jun's blow! The Hulk, who had beaten General Ross's troops to pieces, suddenly smashed back to the ground at a speed that broke the sound barrier. A deep hole was created directly! Hiss! Everyone around them suddenly took a deep breath of air! Is this still a human being? The green monster was actually hit by the sound barrier with this light wave of his hand. !That... green monster has probably turned into a puddle of flesh! Everyone was shocked, and no one dared to make the slightest move.

He was afraid that by accident, he would attract his attention to the existence in the sky... that was more terrifying than the green monster.

But Qi Jun didn't care about this... and continued to float quietly in the air.

Because Qi Jun knew that the people around him thought that...the green monster that had turned into dregs of flesh could not possibly die! In fact, Hulk would become even more powerful after this blow! Feeling the surging power in his body, Qi Jun suddenly wanted to have a hearty battle! ............. On the other side, Iron Man looked at such a scene, and even He was shocked! "Is he still a human?"

Samuel Stern was also frightened by this violent blow and came to his senses. He was so dazed that he didn't know what to say.

"I knew he was very powerful, but I really didn't know he was so powerful!"

Tony Stark looked at Qi Jun's face blankly, as if he wanted to see from Qi Jun's face how he was so powerful! With a light wave of his hand, he could actually kill that... even the military was helpless The green monster fired a sonic boom and directly hammered it deep into the ground on the other side. It also received information from Ross that he wanted to capture the green monster by force, and SHIELD followed him.


....The elite team also looked confused.

Is this still a human? "Hey, sir!"

"I thought you'd like to see one!"

At this moment, a member of the accompanying operational reserve team, or in other words, the operational logistics team, called out and attracted the team leader over.



....The boss of the elite team quickly came to this guy and looked at the portable battlefield monitor screen he was pointing to.

"Monitor the Invisible Man!"

The leader looked at the monitor screen, then at the man suspended in the air in the center of the battle, and subconsciously shouted! In the leader's sight, the man... suspended in mid-air was still there, but! In the monitor, there was only air! There was no! Anyone! "Chief Colson, you know him?"

Although the leader subconsciously lowered his voice, the agent in charge of the monitor still heard it! And his expression changed.

Is this... the name of the strong man in the air? Or is it just a false description? The leader glanced at it and the agent thought silently.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Phil Coulson quickly came to his senses and turned cold again.

Although Phil Coulson had forgotten things related to Qi Jun because of 'Rorschach's Mask of the Forgotten', there was a black braised egg that helped Phil Coulson recall the incident! As the only one who had come into contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. monitoring the Invisible Man's memory loss.


.... Agent Phil Coulson didn't have a very deep impression of Qi Jun! But the 'Monitoring Invisible Man' was given high-level secret authority by the Director, but it wasn't... these who followed him out this time... .....that field agents can understand.

However, after Phil Coulson glanced left and right, he pursed his lips speechlessly. I am afraid that this situation cannot be concealed! After all, the battlefield monitor is not unique to this agent. Because of this agent’s previous exclamation, almost all the agents on field duty discovered this miraculous situation this time! “Remember! What you are seeing now is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Tenth level secret! I must completely forget this matter from my mind! Do you know?"

Seeing that he could no longer stop it, Phil Coulson could only carry him out of S.H.I.E.L.D.


....'s hierarchical confidentiality system. I hope these people are loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Agent! Phil Coulson understands that after returning from this operation, these guys will definitely be transferred one by one by Black Braised Egg. If they cannot keep it secret, the result... ........While Phil Colson was still thinking wildly, a huge shaking feeling came violently from the underground where everyone was standing.

"It's an earthquake! It's an earthquake!"

The people who were already extremely panicked because of the Hulk vs. Troops suddenly broke the silence and became even more panicked after the rumor came out from an unknown source.

Even people who were afraid of the collapse of high-rise buildings due to earthquakes ran to the center of the battle between Hulk and the army. After all, it was very spacious.

But is this really safe? Didn't they think that the vibration would not come from the deep hole in the center of the battle? Qi Jun looked at it coldly and did not make any move.

However, Tony Stark, who had been standing aside and saw Hulk wreaking havoc on the army without taking action, finally couldn't help it anymore.

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