"Hey! Uh, Willy Barty! Get out of there! That... green monster underground is coming out!"

Iron Man in gold and red paint officially appeared on the scene, turned on the external speakers, and rushed towards the group of people who were preparing to take shelter at the center of the battle.


"iron Man!!"

"Iron Man is coming!"

"We're saved! Iron Man is here!"

A group of people, seeing Tony Stark's cool appearance, immediately forgot about the shocking crisis. A group of people even ran towards Iron Man. The scene was like a carnival! Suddenly! The shaking of the earth stopped! Because! A dark green monster that was bigger, stronger and taller than before rushed out of the narrow hole and rushed towards Qi Jun, who was hovering in mid-air, shouting: "Hulk! Invincible !Sheng Long Ba!”

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 106 Recruitment? No! Hulk hits you!

Of course, it is impossible for Hulk to be able to ascend to dragon dominance, unless Qi Jun embodies a ascending dragon dominance skill book for him.

But looking at Hulk's Rasengan, uh, no, it looks like a thousand-year-old killer. The more it looks, the more something is wrong. Qi Jun directly kicks Hulk away.

Bang! Another sonic boom sounded, and the people around me watched helplessly as the green monster, which became taller and more powerful, was kicked by Qi Jun and flew directly out of the city, disappearing almost in the blink of an eye. Traces.

Before the crowd could calm down, another sonic boom sounded.

Bang! The melon-eating crowd clearly saw that...the great hero who saved everyone, that...the great hero who was suspended in the air just now, flew away in that direction faster than the green monster that was kicked away by him. , he should continue to ravage the big green monster. "Superhero! He drove away the big monster that was ravaging the city. He is our superhero!"

Suddenly, a member of the crowd who had eaten a big melon roared.

Then, the melon-eating crowd, who had also been eating for a while, quickly agreed! "That's right! He is our hero! He is... a superhero!"

"The military is a bunch of weaklings! We need superheroes to protect us!"

"That's it...! The military is so cool!"

"And seeing as the military is so familiar with this green monster, maybe it's...a monster created by the military!"

"In the end, our superheroes have to come to the rescue. The military is... trash!"

"Hey! Guys, we still have Iron Man! Although he is a little late, he is also our superhero!"

"Yes! Iron Man is also a superhero!"

A large group of people who eat melons roared angrily, venting their unhappiness wantonly. The scene of the big green man wreaking havoc in the busy city just now... these people eating melons were so frightened! In the Hulk capture operation, the military became the biggest loser. On the contrary, Qi Junpu won the recognition of the people as soon as he appeared on the scene. After all, he was the hero who subdued the big green monster and saved everyone.



Like the crowd, General Ross was equally angry, but his anger came from the powerlessness of his subordinates, from Hulk's strength, and even more from that...'superhero' who intervened inexplicably! Ross didn't know Qi Jun , although the instrument cannot capture Qi Jun's picture, Ross can go and see it. Ross guarantees that he never knows this person! In fact, after getting in touch with the top powerful generals in the Hexagon Building and the military leaders of the department, Qi Jun Jun has long forgotten about Rose and disappeared to who knows where.

If it weren't for his relationship with Bruce, Qi Jun would have completely forgotten about this guy! "What should we do, General?"

Looking at the angry general, as the adjutant, I didn't want to disturb him, but this operation was defeated, or it was a complete failure, and in the city, look at the people around... The crowd slowly gathered around in excitement. At this time, the people who are worried about melon-eating, a person in charge must stand up and take the blame! The adjutant said that the pot was too heavy and he could not carry it.

"What else can we do to contact the cleaning troops to clean the battlefield? Let's withdraw first!"

He was angry, but looking at the surrounding people shouting slogans while more and more melon-eating people came over, Ross couldn't bear it! "By the way, where's Emil Bronsky?"

While asking the auto soldiers to turn around and return to the base, Ross asked the adjutant.

"Well, he was slapped away by that... big green monster and smashed into the nearby shopping mall. We sent people to take a look. His whole body was shattered with comminuted fractures. There was more air coming out and less air coming in. He probably won't survive!"

The adjutant was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this situation to happen. Ross was still thinking about that guy, but the adjutant still reported the report truthfully.

"Forget it, forget it, just withdraw!"

When he heard that Emil Bronsky was not dead, Ross instinctively wanted to have someone carry him back, but then he thought about it, he had nothing now, and when he returned to the base, there would be an order to remove him soon. Come on, even if you carry Emil Blonsky back, you will be giving credit to other generals. Others will not think that Emil Blonsky was injected with the incomplete version of the super soldier serum and did not die, and that it has anything to do with Ross. Although In fact, it really doesn't matter.

Poor Emil Bronsky was abandoned by Ross. If Iron Man Tony Stark hadn't received a message from Taibai, poor Emil Bronsky would have died without anyone knowing. However, at this time, Tony Stark did not fly away with Qi Jun, nor did he immediately start saving people, but fell into disbelief.

"Jarvis, you mean, even if Qi Jun is standing in front of you, you still can't scan him. How did you find him in the desert before?"

After being shocked for a while..., Tony Stark returned to normal and asked.

"Perhaps... Mr. Qi Jun can control this state and detect it if he wants to be known. If he doesn't want others to know, he blocks all detection methods."

There is no record of these principles in Jarvis's database, and such a result can only be obtained through big data analysis.

"Oh, if you say that, it's not unacceptable."

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, "Okay, now it's time to save people, let's talk about these things later!"

......... On the other side, in a no-man's land in the suburbs of New York, the Hulk, who transformed three times, was blasted like a cannonball. The head of the ground hit the ground and was carried by the huge force, plowing a long and deep ravine on the ground! Bang! A sonic boom sounded, but it quickly disappeared.

But it was Qi Jun who arrived. He ignored the inertia and stopped suddenly. He was still hanging in the air, looking down at a long and deep ravine plowed by the Hulk who had transformed three times.

"Hulk, how about hanging out with me, having fun and drinking spicy food?"

Looking at Hulk who crawled out and looked at him angrily, Qi Jun grinned and said solicitously.

"!Hulk! Hit you!"

A roar expressed Hulk's disdain! Bend his legs, take off, and kill for a thousand years! Cough... "Well, it seems that you are not awake enough, so I can only beat you awake first!"

Sighing and shaking his head, Qi Jun teleported to Hulk's side.

Without giving Hulk any time to react, he kicked out with a whip! Bang!!! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 107 Anti-Hulk Magic

Seeing the third stage transforming into Hulk and plowing a deep furrow into the earth, Qi Jun couldn't help but frown.

There was a snap of fingers.

The prism flies into the mirror space! In this way, fighting life and death in the mirror space will not affect the real world.

"Hulk! Fight!"

Hulk would not care about the mirror image or not. On the contrary, he was very unhappy with Qi Jun, who only attacked the person he was fighting from the side! "Haha, that's fine!"

Hearing Hulk's roar, Qi Jun chuckled, "I just wanted to try to see if my current body can suppress your three-stage transformation!"

"Look at the punch!"

Qi Jun lowered his body, stood on the ground, made a fist, and rushed towards Hulk! "Haha! That's it!"

Seeing Qi Jun landing on the ground, Hulk seemed very happy, thinking that he had roared Qi Jun down.

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