The Hulk at this time didn't actually have a high IQ. He was the age of two or three, and he was actually very easy to coax.

However, due to the three stages of transformation, Hulk at this time was very uncoaxable. Endless anger filled Hulk's brain, and he could not listen to any words! Hulk excitedly clenched his fist and also moved toward Qi Jun blasted over.

Boom!!! Another huge wave spread from the center where the two fists collided.

Hulk was knocked away as expected, but this time, Qi Jun was also pushed far away by the huge force! However, Qi Jun's face did not show the slightest dejection, but instead looked excited! "Haha! "

"That's how it feels! Come again!"

With a loud laugh, Qi Jun kicked his foot and shot towards the Hulk again! Bang bang bang boom! Boom boom!!! A fist-to-bone contest without a trace of falsehood! Boom boom boom!! !Bang bang bang Even in the mirror space, the surrounding environment had been beaten to pieces by the two of them, and almost the entire land had been turned over! I don’t know how long it took, Qi Jun dodged and came. Go to the side of Hulk and kick him out, sending him flying far away.


"This Hulk is really a monster! With my current physical strength, he actually feels so tired."

After kicking the Hulk away, Qi Jun stopped where he was and couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.

"Hulk! Come again!"

With a roar, Hulk came up to him again.


"You want to continue, but it's a pity that my brother doesn't want to accompany you anymore!"

Qi Jun was satisfied with the exhilarating feeling of punching hard, and all that was left was...the real time to conquer.

"So close to the end of the world!"

With a flick of his hand, a space specialization magic was cast on Hulk.

Suddenly, Ben had rushed to Qi Jun and Hulk, and he was unable to move forward even one step further! Even if Hulk kept running under his feet, unfortunately, the space between Qi Jun and Hulk had been stretched infinitely by Qi Jun, and Hulk could not run any further. No matter how fast you go, it's useless! "Hulk, how about following my brother?"

Seeing Hulk trying his best but still not being able to get closer, Qi Jun grinned, "You had a great time fighting just now, now, I want you to taste the feeling of frustration that can't be achieved even when someone is right in front of you!" "!"

"Hulk! Shockwave!"

Hulk would not give in because of Qi Jun's simple words, but directly expressed his anger with actions! Unfortunately, it was useless! When the space is infinitely stretched, unless he is also proficient in the way of space, or has the ability to The power to break the space with one punch. Otherwise, all attacks will be extended infinitely and cannot hit the target at all. Everything is vain! "Hulk! Air cannon!"

"Hulk! Rasengan!"


Does Hulk have the power to break space? Maybe in the future, but certainly not now! Therefore, all Hulk's moves are emptying.

"Okay, don't do so many tricks!"

Looking at the attacks that Hulk had mastered one after another, Qi Jun found that he was still a little impressed, but how could he calm down Hulk? Could it be that he had to use the 'Pure Heart Curse'? Qi Jun rubbed his chin and thought.

No, when that thing is used, Hulk will retract into his body, and then he will become Bruce Banner.

Qi Jun also thought of killing the Hulk first, then cloning a body for Bruce Banner, and then killing Bruce Banner.

After all, although dark soul magic is nominally dark magic, if you want to separate a soul that gave birth to a second personality, you must convince both personality souls. Otherwise, if one of them is unwilling, This dark soul splitting magic can't be cast! Well, there it is! There was a snap of fingers, and prism waves began to appear in the entire mirror space, and the space suddenly changed! And Hulk, who was originally 'sprinting on the spot', suddenly It was during the flipping of these prisms that various kinds of 'space travel' began.

Each prism represents a different space passage. Every time the prism surges, Hulk falls into this endless space passage, constantly traveling through this limited space, endless space shuttle.


At this time, Hulk flew out of a prism mirror in the distance, and then quickly got into another prism mirror.


The sound came from above, but as soon as it came out of the mouth, it disappeared again because of a new prism surface.


The voice came from behind Qi Jun, and even this time, Hulk jumped out from bottom to top, "No..."

On the left..."Serve..."

On the right..."Hao..."


Below... "Yes..."

In the middle..."vomit"

The ever-changing prism surge technique quickly turned Hulk's nerves upside down. An unstoppable dizziness filled his mind, and he made a disgusting sound of vomiting.

This kind of space magic can be called Hulk's exclusive restraint magic! With the snap of fingers, the endless prism mirrors quickly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before, leaving only Hulk lying on the ground. vomit.

Qi Jun didn't want to really vomit Hulk out, otherwise it would be ugly. If Hulk changed back to Bruce Banner, wouldn't everything be in vain? "Hulk, do you want to become what you are now forever?" This way, you don’t have to go back to Bruce Banner."

Knowing that the current Hulk at least... wouldn't want to fight for the time being, Qi Jun slowly walked to Hulk's side and asked softly.

Hulk suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with various expressions, but in the end, they were all suppressed and he yelled: "Think!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 108 Hulk! Never be a slave!

Qi Jun saw clearly that Hulk's eyes were full of struggle, struggle, and resistance. It seemed that Bruce Banner's main consciousness was fighting.

But unfortunately, what else can Bruce Banner's main consciousness affect the first-level transformation or the second-level transformation of Hulk? But after the third transformation, Hulk's consciousness has completely suppressed Bruce Banner's main consciousness. Even more, if another four or five transformations are carried out, Hulk's consciousness will directly swallow Bruce Banner's main consciousness and become a new main consciousness! By that time, Bruce Banner will really no longer exist.

"Then, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will help you never change back to Bruce Banner again, how about that?"

Qi Jun is like a big bad wolf tempting the little white rabbit.


"Hulk! Never a slave!"

After listening to Qi Jun's words, Hulk's eyes suddenly turned red, and he seemed to be on the verge of transforming again.

Qi Jun was startled. Damn, after three transformations, his physical strength can only be said to be evenly matched. If he wants to take down the Hulk, he can only use magic means. If he has undergone four transformations, Qi Jun's body will be weak. There is no need to seek torture for power, and magic may not be able to contain the Hulk anymore.

After all, Qi Jun's magical power is directly proportional to Qi Jun's own strength. The stronger the body, contains more energy, and is advanced, the more powerful the natural magic is.

Once Hulk undergoes four transformations, it will be difficult for Qi Jun to be able to subdue Hulk so easily.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Qi Jun hurriedly comforted him, but he couldn't let this guy transform. Fortunately, the current Hulk, with the IQ of a child, was still easy to coax. He soon settled down again with Qi Jun's assurance, "No. To be a slave, not to be a slave, not to be a slave!”

"Then let's try another way"

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