Qi Jun patted Hulk's arm. Damn, the Hulk who had transformed three times was really much bigger. Even if Hulk was sitting on the ground, Qi Jun could only pat the upper arm and couldn't even reach his chin. In this form , is obviously bigger than the playground in Gao Tianzun. Could it be that this guy has mutated because of me? "In this way, I will provide you with a place to vent. Normally, you want to eat and drink, but If you need help, how about you come and help, just like a friend?"

Qi Jun was fooling.

Of course, Qi Jun is not just cheating, but he really plans to build a playground similar to Gao Tianzun.

You must know that Qi Jun will be able to harvest three million symbiote warriors soon. There are enough combatants to fill this playground, no, the arena! Even after the souls of Bruce Banner and Hulk are divided later , it is impossible for Hulk to maintain his current body shape, isn't it? There are three million biochemical symbiote warriors, which is definitely enough for Hulk to have fun! Yes, Qi Jun's plan is actually... to imitate the entertainment of Gao Tianzun, the elder of the universe. field.

After separating Bruce Banner and Hulk, it is obviously not possible to leave Hulk on the earth. In order to give him a place to vent, it is also necessary to build a playground similar to Gao Tianzun.


"Hulk! Friend"

After hearing Qi Jun's words, Hulk picked off his shell and showed a look of confusion, joy, happiness, hesitation, etc... expression.

But for Qi Jun, this is completely...a huge piece of good news! "Not bad, my friend!"

"How about letting me, Qi Jun, be Hulk's first friend?"

To be honest, Qi Jun really wanted to be friends with this big guy. Pure and simple. After being fooled by Thor, he dared to fight with the flame giant of Ragnarok! "Okay!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Hulk! Friend! Qi Jun! Friend!"

Hulk pointed at himself, then at Qi Jun, and laughed.

"Not bad! Friends! Hulk and Qi Jun are good friends!"

Qi Jun punched Hulk's outstretched fingertips and said with the same laugh.

"Yes! We are friends!...."

Just after Hulk admitted Qi Jun's friend status, Hulk's huge body quickly began to shrink. Bruce Banner, who was always competing with Hulk for control of his body, took advantage of Hulk being happy and neglecting to take precautions. Successfully Seized control.

After a while, a shirtless man wearing a pair of "magic pants" appeared in front of Qi Jun. It was Bruce Banner! .................. Hiss!!! Bruce Banner did not wake up completely immediately. He struggled to get up and slapped his head, as if something was messing with his head, and it hurt like a needle.

"Who are you!"

After a while, Bruce Banner finally recovered. After the sting in his mind disappeared, he finally had time to look around. Then he found Qi Jun standing aside, jumped back with a start, and asked on guard. .

When transforming into the Hulk, Bruce Banner's main consciousness could only roughly sense the situation in the outside world, but could not know what was going on outside. What's more, the Hulk who transformed three times completely suppressed his main consciousness. In my mind, I no longer know who Qi Jun is.

"Qi Jun,.

..The real controller of the group, of course, you may not have heard of it, but it doesn’t matter, it won’t be long before.

..the name will spread all over the world.

Of course, there is another identity that you may care more about.

That is, Hulk’s friend!”

Smiling slightly, Qi Jun did not extend his hand, preparing to shake hands or something.

Because, it's not necessary.


Bruce Banner was startled and took a lot of steps back, as if Qi Jun in front of him was a terrifying beast.

"Friend Hulk's Friend"

Seeing that Qi Jun didn't move, Bruce Banner felt a little relieved, and then asked cautiously.

"Yes, Hulk's friend!"

Qi Jun smiled and said, "That... big green guy, although he is a bit reckless, he is good as a friend!"


Bruce Banner's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, "You messed up the Hulk just as recklessness. Do you know how destructive it can be?" Do you know how harmful it is, but you actually made it your friend?"

"I think you should calm down first, what do you think?"

Looking at the looming green skin on Bruce Banner's face, Qi Jun pointed at it calmly and said.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 109: Laugh at Banner’s ruined outlook on life

Thanks to regular exercise and the fact that Hulk had just transformed, Bruce Banner quickly eliminated the looming green light.

"Why would you want to be friends with that... green monster?"

Bruce Banner, who had calmed down, was still in disbelief at Qi Jun's choice.

As a top scientist with seven doctorates, Bruce Banner couldn't believe it at all. What kind of perspective would he have to be friends with a green monster who has no brains and can only mess around in anger? Well, Yes, during this period, Bruce Banner was not only unprepared to accept this fact, but also regarded Hulk's existence as a disease and was trying his best to kill it! "Why not?"

Qi Jun asked with a smile, "Why do you have to treat him as a disease? Didn't you try to master him? You know, you are originally one. As long as you integrate with each other, you will not only have your intelligence, but also powerful power. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

Of course Qi Jun knew that Bruce Banner would not do this, or that the current Bruce Banner would not do this, so he told him that if he had experienced a lot in a few years, he would... .When Bruce Banner said this, the result would naturally be different.

Sure enough, "No! I will never fuse with that monster! It is a monster! I must destroy it!"

Suppressing his body's desire to be furious again, Bruce Banner categorically affirmed his idea! Unfortunately, Qi Jun was prepared to separate Bruce Banner and Hulk, otherwise, after a few years, Bruce Banner would definitely Will say: It smells so good! "Well, since we are not ready to merge, have you ever thought about separating?"

Qi Jun was not surprised by Bruce Banner's performance and continued to ask.


"How to divide"

Bruce Banner was a little confused. He had really never thought about this problem. The key was how to split himself in half! "Of course, use magic to split it!"

Snapping his fingers, Qi Jun raised his eyebrows and said.

Then, Bruce Banner suddenly saw that with a wave of prisms, the 'ruins' where they were just disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, the suburban green space, surrounding trees, grass, and streams appeared in front of him. It was simply... .A camping holy place, if there are not two ravines exuding fresh fragrance.

"As you can see, this is the real world now. Just now, it was just in the mirror space. No matter how much damage is done there, it will cause no harm to reality."

"Oh, you said these two ravines on the ground were made before I became friends with Hulk."

"To be honest, Hulk is not actually bad. It's just that you always wanted to kill him, which is why you forced him to be like this. He wreaks havoc every time he comes out, and then puts all the blame on you. "

Seeing Bruce Banner's stunned look, Qi Jun thought this was really interesting. If you want to see this kind of scene, you don't have many opportunities. No, it's even just this once! After Bruce Banner accepts the system of magic , and if you want to see him eating a pound, it will be impossible.

Suddenly, Qi Jun raised his head and looked into the distance, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

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