"Having an intelligence agency come and check these out so quickly...hyenas are really annoying!"

Qi Jun frowned and said to Bruce Banner, who had come to his senses but was still in a daze: "Let's leave here first. I think you don't want to appear in front of those intelligence organizations."

"Of course, those intelligence organizations have always wanted to arrest me for research. There are no good people in those guys!"

Suddenly hearing the phrase "intelligence organization", Bruce Banner suddenly woke up. Compared with General Ross's arrest, those intelligence organizations... who want to catch the green monster are more annoying, Bruce Banner knows this well! "Then let's go!"

Qi Jun stretched out his hand and drew a colorless circle of light that flickered with light blue light out of thin air from time to time. With Bruce Banner's confused expression, he walked in.

"What are you waiting for, waiting for the intelligence organization to catch you?"

I walked to the lounge chair at my usual spot on the space station and lay down, ready to bask in the sun to recharge my energy. When I turned around, I realized that Bruce Banner was still outside.

"Oh, oh, here it comes!"

Stirred again by the phrase "intelligence organization", Bruce Banner's heart skipped a beat and he stepped directly into the circle of light, regardless of whether it was safe or not.

Then, the aperture quickly narrowed and disappeared, as if it had never existed. Before long, a large group of intelligence organization personnel, wary of each other, arrived at the scene.

..................... "You can find a place to sit by yourself. There is food and drink in the refrigerator. You can get it yourself."

"Wait for me a moment..., Taibai, turn on the solar panels and adjust them to a temperature standard that ordinary people can bear!"

Although the battle with Hulk basically consumed physical energy, the use of space magic later still consumed some energy. Although Qi Jun is not a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, since he has come to the Venus base, he naturally needs to replenish his energy to avoid being in vain. Come for a visit.

"Okay, sir, the solar panels have been turned on and the light intensity has been adjusted to 2%%."

As soon as Taibai finished speaking, a ray of light suddenly shone in, but in the eyes of an ordinary person like Bruce Banner, this light was too bright. "Welcome to the Venus Space Station, Mr. Bruce Banner!"

Just as Bruce Banner raised his hand to block the dazzling light, Taibai also gave him a welcome speech.

"Artificial intelligence? Tony Stark's kind"

Bruce Banner was convinced that when he entered this room, he quickly scanned it and saw no one else. This was an instinct he had developed over a long period of time.


"Where did you say this is?"

Bruce Banner's body suddenly stiffened, as if he thought of something scary, and he didn't even notice that his voice was broken.

Qi Jun, who was lying on the recliner to recharge his energy, curled up his lips and laughed happily.

[Damn it, there was another earthquake just now. This computer screen is shaking... I hope no one in the earthquake area is injured and may you be blessed with infinite blessings!] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 110 Bruce Banner’s shock

"This is the Venus Space Station. Welcome, Mr. Bruce Banner."

Taibai once again welcomed Bruce Banner with magnetism.

But obviously, Bruce Banner did not feel very happy, and even felt that his three views had been completely destroyed today! Taking three steps and two steps at a time, Bruce Banner quickly came to the space station with a burst of extreme steps. The side made of unknown material... in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling window.

However, what appears in Bruce Banner's eyes is not the aqua blue planet that everyone on earth is familiar with, but a golden planet! As a super scientist with seven doctorate degrees, Bruce Banner, and How could you not recognize it? This is...Venus! Look at the other side, that...looks to be many times bigger than the sun on the earth! Damn, this is really no longer on the earth! She staggered back. After a few steps, Bruce Banner let out a giggle. Even Qi Jun couldn't help but stare at this guy a few times. He couldn't be shocked, right? Of course, the famous, uh, Bruce Banner , although I was really shocked by this series of things, but with this little impact, I just wanted to shock Bruce Banner. Is he thinking too much? "Who, have you... Why did Kuo Bingluo suddenly become a bit tongue-tied?" I’m thirsty!”

Patting his somewhat numb face, Bruce Banner staggered and walked towards the refrigerator.

"There is ice-cold Coke in the refrigerator, but your heartbeat is very fast. Taibai recommends that you sit down and take a rest, Mr. Bruce Banner!"

Taibai's voice sounded, and Bruce Banner was stunned as he walked towards the refrigerator.

"Well, okay, you're right!"

Bruce Banner swallowed his saliva, "This is in space. If we transform and destroy this space station, even the Green Monster won't be able to survive!"

Although Bruce Banner did try to commit suicide to get rid of the monster in his body, it is obvious that Bruce Banner did not want to try this operation in the outer space of the Earth.

"Unfortunately, based on the comparison of existing data, the big green guy in your body will not die even if he appears naked in the universe, Mr. Bruce Banner."

Why did Taibai's magnetic voice sound so harsh to Bruce Banner's ears this time? "Okay, Taibai, maybe you should upgrade your emotional intelligence simulation module!"

Seeing Bruce Banner's face turn from white to green, and then from green to black, Qi Jun immediately stopped Taibai from continuing to seek death.

Although Qi Jun believes that Bruce Banner will not care about an artificial intelligence, but what if he does care about it, right? Qi Jun doesn't believe in absolute things anymore, everything is subject to possibility, just in case this matter It happened. "Okay, Taibai, fold up the solar panels!"

It didn't consume much energy originally, but in just a short while... it was enough for Qi Jun to absorb all the energy.

"Okay, sir!"

Taibai responded and also controlled the board to close and close.

........................"Do you feel that everything is so unbelievable?"

Qi Jun took out the ice cream from the refrigerator and threw it to Bruce Banner. Qi Jun asked with a smile.

Click, tsk, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, "Ha"


"I feel like I'm dreaming!"

After draining the jar of Bingkuoluo in one breath, Bruce Banner seemed to have finally returned to his wandering soul, and his whole person suddenly came to life.

"I am a materialist and a scientist with three majors: physics, biology, and chemistry!"

Bruce Banner looked at Qi Jun, "I never thought that such an idealistic thing as magic would exist in this world!"

"Really! I always thought that was a trick of magicians!"

Bang! Bruce Banner slapped himself in the face, and that kind of... pain let him know that he was not dreaming.

"To be honest, I still don't believe in magic until now."

Bruce Banner straightened his expression, turned to Qi Jun and asked, "Did you use some space device?"


Qi Jun smiled and did not refute, "In fact, you can think so too!"

"Magic, in the final analysis, is the same as people using electricity and fire energy. However, people cannot understand the operability of magic, and science cannot observe it."

"So, do you want to see the wonders of magic?"

Qi Jun showed a harmonious and friendly smile.

Hiss "Although your smile feels a little strange, if you can really let me experience some magic, then I will really thank you very much!"

Bruce Banner stood up and bowed slightly to Qi Jun to thank him.

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