"Then, let's take a look!"

Qi Jun took a step forward and hit Bruce Banner on the forehead with a palm. Suddenly, Bruce Banner's Hulk soul came out of Bruce Banner's body.

Yes, this is the soul magic method that Qi Junxue has used since ancient times to convince Doctor Strange that magic exists! "Hulk! Friend!"

One soul and two consciousnesses gave birth to a monster soul with two heads in one body. When Hulk's soul head saw Qi Jun, he roared wildly, but it was full of happiness and happiness.

Bruce Banner, on the other hand, once again looked at the other Hulk with two heads and one body with a confused look on his face! "Yes, this is the state of your souls."

Holding Bruce Banner's body and sitting down: "Sit tight," Qi Jun explained to Bruce Banner in the soul body.

"Are you going to destroy me?"

Bruce Banner in the soul body naturally easily remembered what Qi Jun said to Hulk, that he wanted Hulk to always exist.

The soul body, Bruce Banner, suddenly became frightened.

"No, Hulk can always exist."

Qi Jun smiled and shook his head, "And you can also exist."

"How can it be!"

The soul body, Bruce Banner, looked in disbelief... He believed that there was only one body and one soul, so how could they exist separately? "In the magical world, nothing is impossible!"

Qi Jun explained, "Scientific means cannot solve it, but it does not mean that magic cannot solve it."

"How much do you know about the soul?"

Qi Jun smiled and asked, "How do you know that soul magic cannot solve your problems?"

"Actually, for me, this matter is really, very simple!"

Qi Jun smiled.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 111 Banner’s choice

In order to ensure that the dark magic learned from 'Sithorn's Notes' would not have the backdoor left by Sithorn, Qi Jun also spent a million points of energy to modify all the dark magic! After the modification With dark magic, they will naturally no longer worry about the secret door left by Sithorne. At the same time, Qi Jun also added a rule to these dark magics, especially the dark soul magic. All creatures cast by Qi Jun's dark soul magic , everyone will subtly take Qi Jun's interests as the main priority! There is no such thing as Qi Jun's main interest when someone has cast dark soul magic, and Qi Jun doesn't like that kind of behavior.

Is it possible that one day, after casting dark soul magic on a monster that Qi Jun hates, it would be impossible for him to recognize Qi Jun as his master! What's more, there is no special master recognition magic in dark soul magic. The magic that Qi Jun is going to cast on Bruce Banner Hulk's soul naturally carries the dark soul division magic that will subtly protect Qi Jun's interests! In fact, the advanced biochemical human production center that Qi Jun had manifested before , as well as the Red Police Barracks, were all cast by Qi Jun with the permanent dark soul magic, which also solved the previous problem of insufficient IQ and EQ of mass-produced cyborgs! At the same time, although these cyborgs were produced, The concept has already been set up with Qi Jun as the main one, but the permanent dark soul magic cast by Qi Jun will still affect them subtly! ............. ..."Have you ever heard of cloning technology?"

Qi Jun looked at Bruce Banner.

"Yeah of course, what's the matter?"

Bruce Banner was a little confused, weren't he talking about magic? Why did he mention science again? "How difficult do you think it is to clone a body for you?"

Qi Jun asked again.

"Haha, does this kind of technology already exist on earth now?"

Bruce Banner's first reaction was... I don't believe it, I am... a doctor of biology, how come I have never heard of "human cloning has always been a taboo topic"

Qi Jun nodded, "However, cloning organs is of great help to medicine! And the benefits are amazing! Therefore, research on cloning technology has never ended and will never end! Of course, these... ...It has nothing to do with me cloning a body for you, because the technology I used did not come from the earth!"

"What do you think you have alien technology?"

Qi Jun's words obviously shocked Bruce Banner again.


Qi Jun nodded generously and admitted, "Do you think that with the magic of magic, it is impossible to detect life outside the earth?"

Qi Jun is naturally talking nonsense. Although alien technology does have advanced cloning technology, Qi Jun obviously does not have it now.

Qi Jun was just planning to use the mutated gems to give Bruce Ban a cloned body. To put it this way, it was just for deception.

Of course, if necessary, it is not a problem to spend some energy to use mutated gems to manifest relevant information! It is just that it is direct without reference, which consumes more energy.

"Then why is the Earth so backward?"

Looking at the space station above Venus, Bruce Banner knew clearly that with Earth's technology, a space station could definitely be built here! Compared to this, Bruce Banner had a harder time understanding that since the magician had such power, why If you don’t help the earth to make better progress, “uh huh”

Qi Jun shrugged, "Maybe they want to keep everything under their control."

As far as Qi Jun knows, all the three great empires in the universe have existed for at least one hundred thousand years, and any war between them is recorded in thousands of years. Qi Jun does not believe that in such a long time, there has not been one The Supreme Master wants to develop the earth in a better way. Think about it, Ancient One has lived for at least a few hundred years. When Ancient One was young, the earth at that time was not only barren, but also dominated by a feudal system. Perhaps even the steam age was in power at that time. We haven’t entered the mages yet. At least the supreme mages of all generations have the ability to travel long distances among the stars, but they do not bring alien technology back to the earth. What they do is strictly abide by the instructions of the time stone. Then don’t use it! It's really hard to guess. "It seems that you look down on the mages on Earth."

Looking at Qi Jun's expression, Bruce Banner guessed.

"Hey, you can guess this"

Qi Jun glanced at Bruce Banner with a surprised expression. Bruce Banner countered with a soulful eye roll. The disdainful expression on your face is not concealed at all. If I still can't tell, are those seven 7 doctorates still fake? "Those guys on Earth can be called mages"

Qi Jun didn't take Bruce Banner's eyes seriously. It was just a bad taste. "A group of guys who obviously have the ability to kite their opponents have to go to melee to fight with bayonets. It's better to call them magic warriors! Especially Doctor Strange." Guys, you are obviously very good at wind magic. Instead of throwing a few more tornadoes among the alien soldiers, which is just free for everyone to focus on setting fire and purple sweet potatoes, you go to play with water and let someone love you three thousand times. Ordinary people all over the world snap their fingers and they are simply... rubbish among mages! No! They are simply... rubbish among rubbish!"

Seeing Qi Jun suddenly starting to curse while he was talking, Bruce Banner in the soul body looked embarrassed. Why do you know every word of what you are talking about, but can't understand anything when you put it together? !”

As the other head of one soul and two heads, Hulk is much simpler. When he heard Qi Jun scolding trash, he thought that as a friend, he should help his friend clean up the trash! "Haha, yes! Clean up that... big trash!"

Hearing Hulk's words, Qi Jun came back to his senses and laughed. At the same time, he also simulated a picture of Hulk beating Dr. Strange in his mind. The sour feeling said, "Okay, okay, let's get to the point!"

Retracting his intention to run away, Qi Jun asked Bruce Banner Hulk in the soul body, "Splitting the soul requires your heartfelt willingness, otherwise there will be a risk of failure. Have you thought clearly?"

"Hulk! Yes!"

Hulk is naturally willing.

"If the cloning technology you mentioned is really perfect, then of course I would be willing to do it!"

Of course, Bruce Banner was not as easy to agree to as Hulk, but after thinking for a long time, he still made a choice, "At the same time, you have to restrain Hulk!"

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 112 Soul Split


Qi Jun nodded, "Hulk will stay on Earth for the time being, but soon, I will take him away.

The earth is still too small compared to...the universe!"

"In that case, let's get started!"

When Bruce Banner heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and became a little impatient.

While Hulk is less concerned, Bruce Banner is eager to solve this problem.

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