Skye rolled her eyes when she heard this, but she was also shocked that Qi Jun said that the green guy could reach the level of Heavenly Father! You know, although Qi Jun only taught her three 3 magic skills, he also gave her After generalizing the general level of strength in the universe, Skye fully understood the terror of the Heavenly Father-level boss. Skye really didn’t expect that this big green guy could actually reach the Heavenly Father-level. “Hmm, it’s comfortable!”

Feeling the sudden increase in temperature and someone's moans coming from her ears, Skye rolled her eyes speechlessly, and opened a mirror space and put herself, the green man, and Bruce Banner in.

Regarding Qi Jun's ability to absorb sunlight and survive alone in space without any equipment, Skye once thought that he was actually an alien who escaped from Krypton and came to Earth. Later, he became so powerful that he couldn't explain it. Only then did Skye give up the idea that Qi Jun was an alien. In the Marvel world and Superman comics, Superman does not know magic! Roar!!! A roar pulled Skye's mind away. When I came back, I realized that the big green guy woke up so quickly. "Hulk! Happy! Happy! Fight!"

Originally, after hearing Hulk's previous two sentences, Skye was quite happy. After all, they are future colleagues. But, why do you want to fight? There are people who want to fight as soon as they wake up. Hey, hey, what's wrong with your fists? What's going on? Looking at the fist that was punched directly at him, Najie was speechless. He instinctively sent a shock wave and directly knocked the Hulk away.

Although it is a mirror space, this environment is also a real projection after all. When Hulk hit the alloy wall of the space station, there was a muffled sound! "Hulk! Shock wave!"

"Hulk! Air cannon!"


Unfortunately, no matter what kind of attacks Hulk launched, Skye used shock waves to easily eliminate them.

"Hulk! Stop fighting!"

After fighting for a long time, the physical fight sent a shock wave away, making it impossible to hit him, and the long-distance attack method was easily broken. This fight can be said to be extremely uncomfortable for Hulk.


Seeing Hulk dejectedly walking aside and squatting in the corner to draw circles, Skye chuckled, her little face full of pride.

What’s wrong with the future Heavenly Father-level boss? Sister, the future is someone who can shatter the universe! Humph! “Well, what happened here?”

At this time, Bruce Banner, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up, but when he saw the surrounding environment, he was immediately confused.

The space station is already in such a mess that I won’t go into detail. What’s going on with that alloy wall over there that’s rotten? Also, if the space station is rotten, why can you still breathe? Can you breathe in the universe? Why don’t I, a Ph.D. in physics, know that? "Ah, Dr. Habanner, wake up...!!! Do you feel any physical discomfort or something?"

When Skye saw Dr. Bruce Banner's appearance, he laughed and changed the topic. At the same time, he also removed the mirror magic, and the three of them appeared in the real space station again.

At this time, Qi Jun had already finished charging, and the temperature in the space station had already returned to normal temperature. Therefore, there was no discomfort when Skye and others appeared. Of course, Skye knew that this was the reason why he would remove the mirror magic.

"You are also a magician"

Bruce Banner naturally discovered this situation. Looking at the intact space station, he naturally remembered the mirror space he had stayed in before and looked at Skye stupidly.

“Can’t a magician’s friend be a magician?”

Qi Jun took over the conversation, found two chairs and came out, "Sit down first, let's talk slowly."

"Hulk! Comfortable!"

Regardless of the changes in the environment, Hulk saw a chair that perfectly fit his body shape appeared in front of him. Hulk was so polite that he sat on it and hummed comfortably.

"Isn't this a good friend of mine?"

Qi Jun even materialized a bunch of huge fruits and placed them in front of Hulk, then turned to Bruce Banner and said, "If you want to learn magic, I can also teach you."

Compared with Kama Taj, who can teach everyone magic, but ends up teaching everyone to become a berserker, Qi Jun is not prepared to teach everyone magic, but once taught, he will definitely train them to become terrifying. Mobile turret! Think about it, a scientist with seven PhD degrees transformed into a waving turret... In the ice and snow, a mobile turret with hands rubbing thunder and lightning and spitting fireballs from its mouth is also very interesting. What's even more terrifying is that using one's own With his Ph.D. knowledge, he will definitely use many magic tricks to his advantage. "Well..."

Bruce Banner was a little dumbfounded.

By the way, a mysterious thing like magic shouldn't have to be tested first and then approved before it can be taught. How did it get to you? It's as simple as buying food at the market. "But, I can learn magic." I mean, I’m so old, can I still learn?”

Just like Easterners learn to cultivate immortality, Westerners learn magic.

That is definitely an extremely tempting thing, especially when you see magic really exist with your own eyes! "Oh, that's right, I haven't tested your magic qualifications yet."

Qi Jun patted his forehead. He didn't think about it that much before, but it's not too late now.

"Hey...!!!, if you hold this crystal ball, you can detect whatever magic qualifications you have."

Qi Jun directly embodies a crystal ball that often appears in magic novels.

"Is it that simple?"

Bruce Banner...To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 114 Bruce Banner: Fire Magician!

After Bruce Banner held the crystal ball, a red fire filled the crystal ball.

"Is it just a fire elemental constitution?"

After waiting for a while and seeing that there were no unnecessary changes in the crystal ball, Qi Jun sighed and put the crystal ball into the space ring.

To be honest, Qi Jun actually really wanted to see Bruce Banner release all kinds of magic bombings like a doomsday disaster. Unfortunately, not everyone has multiple magic physiques, or even all the physiques.

In fact, Bruce Banner's single-line magic physique is most suitable for magicians without golden fingers. This means that he can specialize in a single line of magic and become a more powerful magician more easily. !"How can I learn magic? Can I really learn magic at my age?"

Seeing Qi Jun take back the crystal ball, Bruce Banner immediately looked at Qi Jun expectantly.

"Of course!"

Qi Jun reassured Bruce Banner, "Not only can he do it, but he is also very suitable for practicing magic.

Although it is indeed easier to learn when you are young, that... is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you can learn magic! Did you see the red fire before? It represents the affinity of the fire magic element, which means that you Extremely suitable for practicing fire magic."

"This is the basic encyclopedia of magic, the encyclopedia of fire magic."

Qi Jun materialized two skill books and said, "Slap them off and you will be able to learn magic."

Of course, it's just the knowledge of magic. How to release magic and how to control the power of magic, you still have to study it yourself."

It's just knowledge, and compared to the Encyclopedia of Space Magic, the Encyclopedia of Fire Magic is much cheaper. The energy cost can be recouped in the sun. Qi Jun said he didn't care at all.

"It just so happens that Venus is a good place to practice fire magic. During this time, let Skye take you to practice on Venus. When will you be able to walk on Venus without relying on Skye's mirror space? When the time comes, you can return to Earth!"

Qi Jun made arrangements for Bruce Banner.

Bruce Banner opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and nodded in agreement.

Banner didn't say anything, but Qi Jun understood clearly and knew what Bruce Banner meant: "Okay, it's okay to be a little promising, just think about your... female assistant, there is a computer over there, you let her go.

..If you apply for a job in the group, Taibai will notify you if you are approved! Taibai, please record it."

"Okay, sir!"

Taibai gave me a sense of presence.

"Hulk, you stay here first, or you can go exercise with Skye and Bruce Banner. I'll come back to you after the arena is built!"

Qi Jun said to Hulk.

"Hulk! Got it!"

Hulk was so happy eating the big fruit that Qi Junju showed up that he didn't care about anything else.

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