"Well, if anything happens, just contact me through Taibai!"

Qi Jun said that everything has been arranged, why don't you guys go and exercise......... After a wave of sunbathing, Qi Jun Teleport the earth,.

..The top floor of the group.

"Sir, the two people Tony Stark brought first have been placed in the group."

"That... Emil Bronsky, whose whole body was almost shattered, has recovered as before, even stronger, after being injected with the medicine you left, sir. He has been assigned to the security group and has been temporarily appointed as the director of foreign affairs security."

"Another Dr. Samuel Stern has been brought in at your request.

..The scientific research department of the group has been temporarily appointed as a project leader.”

Harry Henrys,.

..The acting president of the group stood in front of Qi Jun with a respectful look on his face and reported the report.

"Hmm..., not bad."

Qi Jun nodded. The plot that was supposed to be about Hatred vs. Hulk had already become a mess once he intervened. Even Bruce Banner was deceived by him into becoming a fire magician. In the future, he will never do it again. There is a 'Hulk Banner' "Taibai, privately inform them to come to my manor tonight!"

"Okay, sir!"

Taibai is everywhere! Although the original plot of Abomination versus Hulk was messed up by his own changes, Qi Jun is still prepared to bring out Abomination and the big boss.

Of course, with the mutated gems in hand, the abominations and big bosses will naturally not be as ugly as they originally were.


..The group, as a future cosmic-level force, must not let its appearance taint anyone’s eyes! ........ "Sir, in addition, many organizations have sent I have applied and I would like to make an appointment to meet with you. Please see"

Harry Henrys seemed not to have heard what Qi Jun was saying just now, and still asked respectfully.

“What kind of organizations are there?”

Qi Jun drank tea leisurely, not surprised at all.

Iron Man flew in with high profile before.

..Qi Jun knew the result when he was on the roof of the group building.

What's more, in Harlem, Manhattan, many people saw a 'Superman' flying out of the same room as the Man of Steel. As long as those intelligence organizations are not stupid, they all know that... the guy who can tyrannize the Hulk is probably that is....

..The real leader of the group.

However, consider.

..The relationship between the group and the U.S. federal military, many plutocrats, as well as the security force that is so terrifying that it is almost comparable to the army, as well as the super strength of that...'Superman', these organizations do not dare to engage in any evil actions, and can only launch attacks. A serious invitation to meet.

"The New York Police Department, the CIA, the FBI, the Federal Security Service, the Secret Intelligence Service, and... there is also a very long name, the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency!"

It has to be said that Harry Henrys' ability is really strong. He actually memorized the names of so many organizations without even glancing at his notes! "What the hell is the New York Police Department? What about the Federal Security Service and the Secret Intelligence Service?" Yes, they are from foreign countries, right?”

"Forget it, just the one with a super long name...!"

Qi Jun put down the tea cup and said.

"Okay, sir!"

Harry Henrys bowed, stepped back, and left.

After knowing that he was exposed, he would inevitably have to deal with these intelligence organizations, but not all intelligence agencies could take notice. Qi Jun decided to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. first.


.... Contact and take a look.

I wonder if they are acquaintances, the location of the dark energy base and so on... Hum hum to be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading to collect, recommend

Chapter 115: First confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hello, Mr. Qi Jun!"

Less than ten minutes after Harry Henrys left, Phil Coulson actually showed up! It can be confirmed that a large group of agents and spies from the intelligence agency have definitely been around.

..around the group! "Uh-huh"

"sit down!"

Looking at Phil Coulson and Melinda May across from him, Qi Jun thought to himself: It is indeed this guy! But why did he bring Melinda May with him, thinking that because he was Chinese, he would 'fall' for her beauty? Are you kidding me? Chinese Americans in the eyes of Americans are not... in my eyes! "I don't know whether I should call you 'Superman' or 'Invisible Surveillance Man'"

After sitting down, Phil Coulson exuded his unique American middle-aged uncle smile and asked Qi Jun.

"Uh-huh, I don't know what you're talking about."

It's a pity that Phil Coulson's always invincible smile is of no use in front of Qi Jun. Qi Jun is not... a fan.

Qi Jun shrugged unaffected, indicating that he did not understand what you said.

On the surface, Qi Jun's face was expressionless, but in his heart, Qi Jun had already burst into laughter.

Look at what's in Qi Jun's space ring [Dark Energy Base Location Skill Book], [Tahiti Project Location Skill Book], [Sandbox Base Location Skill Book], [Agent Skills Comprehensive Encyclopedia Skill Book]! Qi Jun was so happy that he rushed to Nick Fury and told him, thank you for his assist, otherwise you wouldn’t know where these addresses are! Dark Energy Base: The Cosmic Cube Storage research site! Tahiti Project: Use Cree blood genes to make resurrection potions! Of course, Qi Jun’s purpose is not this, but to try to see if he can replicate the body on this Cree corpse. Kree Empire location skill book.

Sandbox Base: Many S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The seized mysterious items with powerful destructive power, as well as the storage and destruction locations of 084 alien items! Look, what a nice person, giving such a big gift as soon as they meet, Qi Jun just loves the black braised eggs to death !......................"I think we must have met, right!"

Phil Coulson didn't know that he just missed it, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The locations of the three very important 3 bases in the game have been leaked. The more Phil Coulson looked at Qi Jun's figure, the more familiar he felt. This was definitely...the one he had seen before...he had eliminated himself by unknown means. 'Monitoring the invisible' of part of memory.

"Sir, when you showed up in Harlem before, you didn't.

You don’t have to hide your identity, not to mention, as a ‘superman’, people will love you endlessly!”

Filson was talking nonsense.

Doesn't Qi Jun know how much people love his identity as a 'superman'? How could he not know Qi Jun, who was introduced to him by Taibai, because the instrument can't capture Qi Jun's figure, and those on the Internet... .... The claim that 'Superman' saved them was suppressed by the authorities not long after.

In fact, Qi Jun knows very well that the passive effects of mutated gems can be divided into active and passive.

For example, when the police just traveled through time and space to check his identity, the recorder could clearly capture Qi Jun's image. That was Qi Jun's initiative. Qi Jun took the initiative to think about it.

But if Qi Jun didn't care and didn't even know that an instrument was filming him, then he wouldn't be able to capture anything at all.

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