When he was fighting Hulk before, Qi Jun's mind was entirely on Hulk. Therefore, due to the passive effect of the mutated gems, the surrounding shooting equipment could not capture Qi Jun at all.

"With all due respect, since you took action, why are you unwilling to admit it?"

Seeing that Phil Coulson's words were ineffective, Melinda May on the side said, "Look at Iron Man, even if he is exposed, isn't he still deeply loved by the people?"


Phil Coulson continued to answer, "The big explosion at Kennet Pier must have been caused by you, otherwise such a huge fire would never have been extinguished in such a short period of time, except... .You, I’m afraid no one can put out such a huge fire.”

"Haha, after all, you just...want me to admit this identity."

Qi Jun crossed his arms and looked at them, "What is the purpose?"

"To register, monitor, arrest, and control, right?"

No wait: Phil Coulson spoke, Qi Jun continued directly, "With S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the style of, oh, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....It's just...the abbreviation of a long list of your names, no need to thank me."

"With your S.H.I.E.L.D.


....’s consistent style, as long as it goes beyond normal human behavior, it must be monitored by you, right?”

"Those who are willing to be monitored are easy to talk to but those who are unwilling to be monitored should be arranged immediately, right?"

"Don't deny it, I know a lot more than you think!"

"You think your S.H.I.E.L.D.


....What a good thing.”

"I said so much just to make me admit that... identity."

"Even if I admit that...identity, so what?"

"So what if I don't admit that...identity"

Qi Jun looked at the two of them happily, while Phil and Coulson frowned deeply.

Phil Coulson and Melinda May looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

The two of them had no idea that Qi Jun, who met for the first time, would be interested in S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the attitude is so bad.

if there is not.

..The group, Qi Jun’s identity, they couldn’t even take a second look at.

But just because there is.

..The cloak of the group, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....I don’t dare to do anything to Qi Jun. Even if Nick Fury is in person, how can he target a new super chaebol force that has deep connections with the military, chaebols, etc. His brain is spinning, "How could it be!" "

"We are just here to briefly understand your origins, what you want to do in the U.S. Federation, how to do it, and what impact it will have on society.

Just a simple registration, yes, just a registration."

After thinking for a while, Phil Colson still said with a smile on his face, but his attitude was much better than before.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you. Go back and tell that... black braised egg. If you want to know something, it's best for him to come here in person instead of sending it away!"

Qi Jun took a sip of tea and placed the tea cup on the coffee table.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 116: Fight against S.H.I.E.L.D. again

Thanks to [Cosmic Galaxy] and [51] brothers for their monthly support! Nick Fury came very quickly, completely beyond Qi Jun’s expectations.

Less than half an hour after Phil Coulson left, Nick Fury arrived.

..the top building of the group.

Yes, this guy came in a Quinjet! By the way, he also brought Phil Coulson.

However, Qi Jun groped his chin, wondering if he should give it.

.. Install some anti-aircraft weapons on the top of the group building. Of course, these... are just thoughts, even if you...

..No matter how good the relationship between the group and the military is, they will not allow you to install anti-aircraft weapons openly.

After all, what if Air Force One flies over New York and is shot down by you? Qi Jun doesn't care about this relationship. Qi Jun is more interested in looking at Bu Qi like a fool. Nick Fury walked over in a hurry, your capable subordinate just gave me four very valuable skill books, and you actually dare to appear in front of me. In fact, as a person who has mastered I don’t know how many The secret agent leader came to meet an unknown strong man. How could Nick Fury not be fully prepared? Take a look at the small disc right behind Nick Fury's ear...a small disc that is almost the same as the skin color of a black braised egg. , this is S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The anti-psychic intrusion patch, a top psychic defense artifact! However, this thing has no effect at all on Qi Jun's copy... .........In the chairman's office and reception area, both parties briefly introduced "Mr. Qi Jun."

Nick Fury held the edge of the table with both hands and leaned forward, as if he wanted to give people a sense of oppression.

“First of all, thank you for S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The name has been simplified, which is indeed a problem that has troubled us for a long time."

"But I still hope you can tell us truthfully, your origins, your purpose, and what you want to do."

Nick Fury showed confidence, "Since you said you know a lot of things, you should know that we, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....The original intention and purpose of its establishment!”

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