"Can't you find out my origin?"

Qi Jun held the teacup, glanced at the seemingly strong Nick Fury in surprise, and asked in a pretense of confusion.

"Mr. Qi Jun!"

Nick Fury frowned and his tone became a little deeper, "Don't treat everyone as fools! We, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Not even that bunch of trash from the New York Police Department! An ordinary person can be invisible to surveillance and can be a violent green giant."

"Na na na...!!!, the famous god, actually said that the New York Police Department is useless. You said, if I hand this recording to the New York Police Department, what consequences will it cause? Nick Fury has no control at all. Affected by this, he even took out a recorder that had been prepared for a long time from his pocket, waved it in front of the darker-faced Ni, and asked.


Nick Fury snorted, calling the police department rubbish! "Mr. Qi Jun, what a trick! How can a mere New York Police Department deal with our S.H.I.E.L.D.


....It has no impact.”

Nick Fury looked completely unconcerned and stared at Qi Jun more seriously, "Please Mr. Qi Jun not to change the subject. As a strong man who surpasses ordinary humans, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....If necessary, we have the right to supervise!”

"Is it"

Qi Jun nodded noncommittally, put the recording pen into his pocket, and said, "Since S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... If you don’t care, then, Taibai, edit this paragraph and expose it on the Internet.”

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai's voice sounded in the living room, "Processing, has been placed!"



.... What is the signal shielding of Hana? Taibai said he doesn’t know.

"how dare you!"

Nick Fury jumped up with a swish.

Hold the root: Damn it! I don’t take the New York Police Department seriously, but you can’t put it on the Internet! Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....But how can the secret organization be exposed to the public? "Hill, quickly, tell everything about S.H.I.E.L.D.


All news about .... have been withdrawn!"

At this time, Nick Fury didn't look like he had just pretended to be in front of Qi Jun. He was so excited that he hurriedly walked aside and contacted the bureau to make amends! When collecting Qi Jun's intelligence, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....After dealing with Taibai for a long time, Nick Fury naturally understands what kind of capabilities an artificial intelligence can have on the Internet.

Not long after, Taibai reported: "Sir, the information just exposed has been deleted. Do you need to publish it again?"

Because Qi Jun warned him in advance, Taibai did not stop S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Cleared all the messages, but still bubbled up at the right time, hitting Nick Fury again.

"No need, let's go down first. I believe Director Nick Fury won't be as aggressive as... before."

Qi Jun seemed not to notice Nick Fury's appetizing gaze as he walked over again, sipping the tea in his cup.

"Okay, sir."

As expected, Taibai disappeared immediately.

However, Qi Jun didn't know that such a short exposure still attracted the attention of many people.

........................"Mr. Qi Jun, I don't know what good it will do to you!"

As expected by Qi Jun, although Nick Fury was furious in his heart, he did not let it out at all and asked in an extremely calm tone without any emotion.


Qi Jun glanced at Nick Fury strangely, "There's no benefit, I just want to do this."

Just wanting to do this, just thinking about it, Nick Fury's eyes widened! He felt as if he had swallowed a swarm of flies.

"Is it weird?"

Qi Jun didn't seem to know that the operation just now was because he was disgusted with Nick Fury's strength, and took the initiative into his own hands by the way, "You S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Isn’t it always like this?”

"You never ask how the target feels."

"You never ask how the target is feeling."

"All your actions are just because you thought about it, so you did it."

"I just learned from you, but you are not happy."

Qi Jun asked with surprise on his face.

To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 117 Warning the whole world!

Maybe it’s because he didn’t like the one-eyed man with his dark invisibility before traveling through time, or maybe it’s because what happened to Skye made Qi Jun dislike this conspirator.

In short, Qi Jun just... doesn't like this guy who is so confident in any situation.

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