.... Could it be that it was so easy for Hydra to be disbanded because of the exposure of the problem... It was this black braised egg that secretly promoted it!"

Qi Jun suddenly thought that according to the original timeline, after Hydra was exposed, very quickly, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


....it was immediately disbanded.

Qi Jun has enough reasons to believe that Nick Fury is definitely acting as a top promoter in this secret! This is too scary! Even S.H.I.E.L.D.


....It has been corrupted too much by Hydra, so it cannot be disbanded so easily.............Of course, for...this, Qi Jun is not prepared to announce it! In fact, Qi Jun wants to be more careful with Nickelodeon. In this way, Qi Jun can even be more ruthless from S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Scrape all the flesh off his body! However, now, Qi Jun has other things to do.

Put down the tea cup, wave your hand, and recycle all the tea utensils.

From the space ring, take out the useful 'Rorschach's Mask of the Forgotten'.

After thinking about it, Qi Jun communicated with his mind and used the mutated gem to change the mask again, turning it back into sunglasses.

Of course, they are another kind of invisible sunglasses! Invisible sunglasses: modified based on Rorschach's Forgotten Mask, with monitoring and real-time deletion, and intelligent creatures will ignore the wearer's magical glasses! In the past, whether it was made When he was making the "Lurker Sunglasses" or "Rorschach's Forgotten Mask", Qi Jun didn't have much energy to waste at that time, so the functions were naturally not very complete.

So, this time, Qi Jun did it all at once! He directly made sunglasses that are basically 'invisible' when worn.

......... Putting on the 'invisible sunglasses', Qi Jun thought, and his whole body immediately changed.

..The group teleported from the top floor and disappeared.

The top-secret base of the Tahiti Project! At this time, this base has not been abolished. Of course, Phil Coulson, the top commander of the Tahiti Project, is not here either.

But even so, in this top-secret base, there are still different agents and scientific researchers moving around hurriedly from time to time.

However, no matter whether it was these agents, the scientific researchers, or even the medical staff, there was no expression of surprise at all when Qi Jun suddenly appeared.

He still did what he was supposed to do, as if he didn't see anything unusual at all.

The corners of Qi Jun's mouth curved slightly, and he walked straight to the center of the entire laboratory.

In this Tahiti project base that has not yet been abolished, that...half-Cree corpse is soaking in a huge transparent culture vessel in the center of the laboratory. Several huge tubes are connected to the corpse. The earth draws something out of this corpse, and keeps delivering something to this corpse.

Living corpse! Qi Jun suddenly thought of this word.

Isn't this half-Kree corpse in such a situation? It was obviously dead, but it was taken by S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... They were cultivated by a group of crazy biological scientists, who constantly extracted blood and cells from living corpses to conduct various experiments.

In Qi Jun's opinion, slicing is probably more merciful than this. Shaking his head, Qi Jun shook off all other distracting thoughts and began to issue instructions for copying and materializing the half-cut corpse.

However, the copy and materialize instructions that have always been effective for the Ancient One and others have no effect on this corpse! Sure enough! The mutated gem copy and materialize skill book is an ability copied from the human soul. Qi Jun thought silently in his heart.

However, Qi Jun did not show any disappointment in this regard.

After all, Qi Jun had already made some guesses before this. He came to this half-Kree corpse just for a test.

With a thought in his mind, Qi Jun disappeared directly from the Tahiti project base!......................S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Sandbox base! This time, Qi Jun came here directly.

Compared to the previous Tahiti project base, Qi Jun had just teleported and already felt many complex energy reactions.

For...the Space Mage, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....the so-called isolation measures are completely ineffective! "Hey hey hey"

“This time, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....I’m afraid I’m going to be shocked!”

Compared with other bases, there are really many interesting and mysterious things stored in this sandbox base! Collect the obelisk! Collect the alien energy arm! Collect the interstellar teleportation boulder! Collect the time travel boulder! To be continued: Flying Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading and recommend

Chapter 123 The Immortal Man Suddenly Appears!

As long as it's something Qi Jun is interested in, all in one word, collect it! Sandbox Base, S.H.I.E.L.D.


....a secret base with level 10 authority! Contain, preserve, control, and destroy all S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Confirmed threat items, unknown items! But today, in the sandbox base, a person who no one can observe is welcomed! And this person, just and aboveboard, in this secret of tenth level authority In the base, you can wander around freely and go wherever you want! Even if it is a completely sealed secret room sealed with concrete, if you want to teleport in, just teleport in! In just a few minutes, the entire sandbox base , more and more mysterious items have been quietly taken away by Qi Jun. However, the most amazing thing is that no such abnormality has been found in the entire sandbox base! Well, this is actually Qi Jun's request to Taibai. The control system that controlled the entire sandbox base was nothing more than a small quantum signal distributing device pinned to Qi Jun's collar. The entire sandbox base instantly fell under Taibai's control.

As for Qi Jun, while checking the information on the mysterious items listed by Taibai, he wandered around and collected things of interest.

Although most of the things taken away by Qi Jun actually have little value to Qi Jun, Qi Jun is ready to collect them! Qi Jun has always felt that the collection cabinet in the space ring is too empty. Isn't this right? An opportunity! What's more, it's not like there aren't things that Qi Jun isn't interested in.

For example, the 'interstellar teleportation boulder' can open a space shuttle channel, such as the 'time and space teleportation boulder' that can set time anchors and travel through time and space, or an alien omnipotent robot immortal that has existed on the earth for who knows how long!. .....................In fact, Qi Jun was surprised when he found out about this immortal man! Among the information Qi Jun knew, there was no Sha There is also an operation like a contained Immortal Man in Box Base! Moreover, according to the records projected by Taibai, this Immortal Man was contained in the sandbox a week ago, shortly after Qi Jun traveled to the Marvel world. From the base! This gave Qi Jun some different guesses. Could this be... The Butterfly Effect, an immortal being, was taken in as a broken intelligent robot, indicating that S.H.I.E.L.D.


....I don’t know, or I don’t know yet, the identity of the Immortals, but Qi Jun knows! This is a created race! In fact, the Immortals are completely...a kind of clothing An omniscient robot with a skin that can be replaced at any time! .................. After discovering the Immortal Man, Qi Jun had no intention of going to those anymore... ....S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... After wandering around other secret bases, he took the temporarily down Immortal Man and teleported back to his manor on Long Island.

With Qi Jun's powerful physical and mechanical knowledge that he had copied from Tony and Bruce Banner, he easily discovered this long body.

In fact, it should be able to be restarted! This discovery made Qi Jun feel a little confused! Logically speaking, if a robot wearing human skin like the Immortal Man is used by S.H.I.E.L.D.


....Once discovered, SHIELD will definitely be involved.


....How could those... crazy scientists who dismembered and deduced completely appear in the sandbox base exactly a week ago and Qi Jun saw that this was An immortal person who can be restarted. Qi Jun immediately thought of three words: Observer! Qi Jun didn't know whether the thing he thought of really existed or was just a fiction. But Qi Jun didn't dare to go. Bet! The appearance of this immortal person is a warning to himself, or is the observer trying to contact him through this immortal person, or is it simply to scare himself? Qi Jun suddenly discovered that even if it was against S.H.I.E.L.D.

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