
...., after quarreling with Gu Yi, I am still weak and pitiful! Just the sudden appearance of an immortal body made me suddenly afraid to act rashly! .................. ...Leave the earth! After thinking for a long time, Qi Jun decided to leave the earth temporarily! Regardless of whether this immortal man really had some behind-the-scenes force to warn him, or he was scaring himself, Qi Jun decided to leave the earth temporarily. !It just so happens that, except for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there is nothing on the earth that can attract Qi Jun's attention for the time being. It's just a good time to enter the universe first and get the power gem first! No matter...

Whether it's a warning or to scare yourself, only what you get in your hands is yours! Qi Jun made up his mind to grab the power gem first! If there really is such an existence as an observer, wait Once you get the power gem, it will naturally appear.

And with the power gem in hand, you will be more confident! With the mutated gem, you will swallow the whole power gem. Let’s see what else you can do!... ..... With the decision made, Qi Jun received the Immortal into the space ring and teleported back.

..group and began to gather their subordinates.

Several space teleportation rings were summoned, and his subordinates quickly gathered.

"I'm going to the Milky Way for a while!"

Qi Jun's words shocked everyone.

"Hulk! Together!"

Except... Hulk said he was going with Qi Jun, Skye and Bruce Banner didn't have any big changes.

However, Emil Bronsky, Samuel Stern, and Harry Henrys, the dead man of the Stark family who served as acting president, all looked blank.

The earth hasn't even left yet, and it's about to enter the Milky Way. Don't think that just because you shocked us with the teleportation aperture, you can convince us that you can enter the Milky Way! "That's right, just... go to the Milky Way that you have in mind... !And, you two are coming with me this time!"

Looking at Emil Bronsky and Samuel Stern, who had already set their sights on Hulk, Qi Jun said with a serious face! "Skye will take office.

..As the group president, if you assist her well, the benefits will be yours."

Qi Jun turned to look at Harry Henrys who looked confused.

"You are temporarily in charge.

..The chief scientist of the group will recruit a group of top scientists according to the originally designated plan!"

Qi Jun said to Bruce Banner again.

[Suddenly I got a little confused, it seems that the earth has been stuck and the skin has been shaved off, so I need to change the map] To be continued: To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

Chapter 124 Hydra appears!

Skye and others were shocked again and again by Qi Jun's sudden arrangement, but in the end they obediently followed Qi Jun's arrangement and sat in the seats assigned by Qi Jun.

Skye officially takes over.

..As the group president, Harry Henrys and his team of former senior executives began to hand over power and assisted Skye in growing into a qualified...


Bruce Banner spends half of his time going to Venus to practice his fire magic ability through the solidified aperture transmission channel opened by Qi Jun, and the other half of his time.

..Group Scientific Research Department, serves as.

..The chief scientist of the group, and according to the plan left by Qi Jun, slowly began to contact Dr. Reed Richards, Dr. Victor von Doom, Dr. Connors and other scientists.

As for Hulk Emil Bronsky and Samuel Stern, they were naturally brought to the Venus space station by Qi Jun! After Hulk materialized a lot of super delicious fruits for him, there was no need to worry about them. Yes! Emil Bronsky and Samuel Stern were injected by Qi Jun with their respective Hulk serums that were manifested using mutated gems and blessed by Qi Jun's dark soul magic.

Emil Bronsky successfully evolved into the Abomination! However, he can control the transformation at will, and the Abomination after the transformation is not as ugly as before! Samuel Stern successfully evolved into the big boss! However, But it's not as disgusting as the big head in the comics. Of course, without the reserves of the big brain, the IQ is not as abnormal as in the comics, but with an IQ that is five hundred times that of ordinary people, it still crushes everyone! Even , Qi Jun used the Dragon Ball Magic modified combat power detection glasses to measure it, and found that the big boss, oh, his head is not big now, he can no longer be called the big boss, he should be called "Dr. Lan", not only the IQ has reached the peak of human beings, but also his body Quality is second only to hatred.

The energy that originally stretched the head was used to strengthen Dr. Blue's body! Of course, among the three of Hulk, Abomination, and Dr. Blue, the strongest one is still Hulk! There is no way, who can let Hulk's power go? The angrier the stronger, there is no solution! Just when Qi Jun was about to stay in the Venus space station, he used the scientific and technological knowledge recorded in "Sithorn's Notes" to bask in the sun as energy treasures to assist in the research and development of "Dr. Blue" When a spaceship appeared, Taibai informed Qi Jun that someone on Earth was looking for him.

..The group wanted to purchase a piece of information, temporarily interrupting Qi Jun's plan.

............."Not Nick Fury"

Teleport back to yourself.

..In the chairman's office on the top floor of the group, Qi Jun asked Taibai strangely.

"Yes, Mr. Nick Fury did not contact Taibai."

Taibai's voice sounded in the office, "But, S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... Another senior agent, Brock Rumlow, contacted Taibai privately and asked Taibai to tell you that he represents another force and wants to purchase a piece of information!"


Qi Jun raised his eyebrows "bone"

"Where is he"

Qi Jun asked.


..Waiting in Room 3 of the Group.”

Taibai replied.

"Let him come up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Taibai responded.

........................"See His Majesty Emperor Qi Jun!"

After the receptionist who led Brock Rumlow to the top floor closed the door and left, Brock Rumlow suddenly saluted Qi Jun respectfully and said hello.

"Oh, the name spreads so quickly."

Qi Jun's eyes flashed, but he didn't believe that Nick Fury would spread his name, and even Qi Jun's information would not be recorded in SHIELD.


....In the database! It seems that among the group of agents who followed Nick Fury before, there really was a hidden Hydra. This method is really clever, and Nick Fury didn't even know it. Find out! "His Majesty Emperor Qi Jun, your name is so powerful around the world, we all respect and respect you!"

Brock Rumlow looked extremely respectful. He could tell at a glance that he had known a lot of information beforehand, but Qi Jun shook his head. Even being called His Majesty the Emperor had no feeling at all.

You are the famous Crossbones, how can you be so respectful to a stranger? Hydra's brainwashing ability is really good, but when you come into contact with me, why isn't it the bald one from Sitwell? No matter how you look at it, they are all that bald one. He must have better interpersonal skills. "Dear His Majesty the Emperor Qi Jun, Brock Rumlow represents the organization this time and is here to purchase a piece of information from His Majesty."

Brock Rumlow looked up at Qi Jun and said seriously: "However, before purchasing this information, please confirm my true identity!"


Hearing these words, Qi Jun really smiled. Hydra is indeed not a brainless organization. If Crossbones' true identity cannot be revealed, I'm afraid this guy will turn around and leave immediately! Even, in order not to It's not impossible to expose your identity and commit suicide by taking out a gun! "Let's see"

Qi Jun didn't say anything, but he materialized a coin and threw it to Brock Rumlow.

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