..................The affairs of the earth have come to an end for the time being, and arrangements have been made for Wakanda's affairs, and Qi Jun doesn't want to worry about it anymore.

It is estimated that except when the Fantastic Four go to space to obtain super powers, or when the Life Foundation launches a spacecraft to navigate the solar system, Qi Jun will return to Earth! "Dr. Blue!"

Qi Jun held a Cosmic Rubik's Cube energy block in his hand and asked Dr. Samuel Stern, "Has the antimatter refining technology been researched? Antimatter refining can actually be done in the real world, but the technology is very immature. The Large Hadron Collider is still very large, and it can only extract quantities that are invisible to the naked eye and can only be expressed in micrograms! Qi Jun will naturally not be satisfied with such a small amount of garbage extraction methods, you know , Qi Jun has already materialized the outer shell of his first spaceship! It is a behemoth! S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... The mere aerospace carriers can only dock at a docking dock where this spaceship rides! You can imagine how huge this spaceship is! If this thing were docked in the Earth's orbit, even if It is on the ground, and its huge body can be clearly seen with the naked eye! It is a spaceship that is comparable to the size of a human metropolis! Or, in other words, a cosmic city! Naturally, such a huge spaceship does not require much energy. It’s usually as big as a 2-2! Tony Stark’s Ark reactor haha, he’s not even qualified to be a grandson! This spaceship daddy can’t be driven by mere nuclear energy! It propels a spaceship as big as a city in the universe Navigation has to reach the speed of light, or even exceed the speed of light. The so-called electric energy and nuclear energy are simply not enough! Therefore, Qi Jun simply presented a bunch of information that he could not understand at all, but guaranteed its authenticity, and threw it to Dr. Lan Samuel Stern's "Above This Gundam: Superhuman scientists who study five hundred times more than ordinary people."

After all, Qi Jun can't use mutated gems to manifest energy, engines, materials and other things every time! Even if he can strengthen his body every time he acts as a power treasure, Qi Jun doesn't want to lose himself. He was imprisoned day and night in the life of being an energy treasure.

Therefore, it is the right way to let 'Dr. Blue' understand these things and then form an army of super robots to manufacture them.

Cosmic forces.

..The group also needs to have its own heritage! "Hurry up, boss."

Dr. Lan Samuel Stern operated the instrument in front of him without looking back, simulating his own ideas over and over again. At the same time, he also replied to Qi Jun's question, "After being inspired by your charging method, boss, I have We have successfully developed a solar energy extraction device, which can be used as a new antimatter manufacturing device. As long as the sun does not burn out, we will be able to continuously create antimatter. The difficulty that has temporarily trapped me is how to do it safely and safely. Preserve large amounts of antimatter produced!”

Qi Jun took two steps and came to the side of the space station. Through the porthole, he looked at the giant Qi Jun's first space flying city on the other side! There was a huge solar energy extraction device that was stationary relative to the space flying city! Countless mirror-like things are densely covered in the entire shell of the solar energy extraction device. Countless sunlight, after passing through this instrument, can no longer escape. The back of the solar energy extraction device is facing away from the sun... , it was pitch black, as if even the light reflected from the space city had been swallowed up.

"What kind of principle is this black hole?"

Qi Jun was stunned! "Yes, and no!"

Dr. Lan carefully controlled the instrument in his hand, and explained to Qi Jun by the way, "It is barely based on some extremely superficial black hole principles. It consumes a lot of energy when running. Of course, compared to the captured energy, , the consumption is not too big!”

It is worthy of being a superhuman who has crushed the IQ of ordinary people by 500 times. After having the corresponding information, he is so awesome that he is in the sky. Well, it seems to be in the sky anyway... Compared to those who were also injected with the Hulk serum 'Abomination', besides fighting, this guy can only act as a coolie carrying equipment in front of 'Dr. Lan'.

Looking at the energy block from the Cosmic Cube in his hand, Qi Jun suddenly felt that S.H.I.E.L.D.


...., what a waste! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: collect three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 129 Awkward appearance

The Tesseract is in S.H.I.E.L.D.


.... In the past few decades, I have only produced a batch of energy blocks worth 500,000 to 800,000 points of energy. There are also some powerful energy weapons and so on, but compared to today's' As far as Dr. Lan is concerned, it’s not rubbish, but it’s crazy. If the Cosmic Cube is given to Dr. Lan for research, will a real black hole come out in minutes? What if it happens like Hua Ye? I feel so panicked all of a sudden. , what to do......................"By the way, boss, the previous vibranium ore has been used up for experiments, you'd better get another batch. When I came out, I discovered that adding some vibranium elements to existing antimatter storage materials can actually preserve antimatter better!"

Speaking of vibranium, Dr. Lan finally turned around and glanced at his boss Qi Jun! "Don't lie to me! Your boss, I remember, the preservation of antimatter is obviously using force field restraint, which has something to do with vibranium. "

Qi Jun was suddenly confused. Damn it, the vibranium in the Marvel Universe is so awesome. "Of course vibranium cannot directly store antimatter!"

Dr. Lan rolled his eyes, "It is a force field constraint material used to preserve antimatter. Mixed with different proportions of vibranium elements, it also has different binding forces on antimatter."

"Tell me how much you want"

Qi Jun rolled his eyes and silently lay back on the recliner in his old position.

For the cosmic flying city of your dreams, come on, recharge your batteries!...................... Time slowly passes, Qi Jun's dream universe Feicheng is slowly no longer just an empty shell. With the joint efforts of Dr. Qi Jun and Dr. Qi, the interior of Feicheng has slowly been enriched with leisure living areas, game entertainment areas, ecological leisure areas, and power energy areas. , Weapons and equipment area, scientific research experiment area, intelligent production area, internal functional circulation area...etc..., the entire space flying city has been divided into different areas by Qi Jun. As the name suggests, they naturally have their own different functions.

On this day, Qi Jun finally installed the jump engine in the last space of the spaceship "Dream", uh, no, the space flying city of "Dream City".

Even after this period of experience with the rechargeable treasure, Qi Jun's own energy content has reached a huge amount of 500,000, and the amount of energy retained in the mutated gem has reached a huge 5 million points, but Qi Jun has I don’t want to live this kind of life anymore! Qi Jun, who could no longer contain his excitement, thought with a thought, teleported, and disappeared without a trace from Dr. Lan’s face.

Of course, Dr. Lan did not show the slightest surprise at this. After all, he had long been accustomed to his boss's mysterious appearance. Even Dr. Lan had long been accustomed to it.

.........................Asgard, the palace of the God King, a stranger.

Appeared out of nowhere.

I never expected it! At this time, the palace of the God King was packed with people, and there were all kinds of Asgardians everywhere! "That..."

"If I say that I got lost, that's why I came here, would you believe it?"

Seeing countless pairs of eyes staring at him, Qi Jun asked awkwardly.

Gulu swallowed the saliva secreted unconsciously in his mouth. Qi Jun was dumbfounded. The time when he teleported here seemed a bit wrong. Look around: the Asgard warriors standing tall and tall, and then look at the warriors in front of him. Behind him, countless Asgardians dressed up to participate.

The most important thing is that in front of Qi Jun, at the end of a passage reserved for warriors standing on both sides, on a golden throne, there is a man who is also wearing a shining golden battle armor and a one-eyed man holding a steel drill in his hand. Old man! The most important thing is that behind Qi Jun, also at the end of the passage, at the entrance of the God King's Palace: a man wearing a red cloak, black armor, and a black helmet, but holding a knife in his hand. The blond man with a hammer! Damn! It’s not the opening scene in Thor No. 1, where Thor, the God of Thunder, was about to be promoted to King of Asgard, but was tricked by the evil god Loki and finally lost his throne. !"outsider!"

The crowd that was cheering suddenly became quiet because of Qi Jun's sudden appearance. However, there was one person who couldn't help but became furious and shouted at Qi Jun... "Who are you!"

The huge roar shook the entire palace of the God King.

Of course, no one showed any discomfort because of this. After all, even the most ordinary Asgardian has a physique that is far beyond the comparison of earthlings! "..."

Looking at the furious Thor, Qi Jun suddenly didn't know what to say.

He even glanced at the evil god Loki under the throne, and as expected, his eyes shone with excitement.

Damn it! The original plot of being messed with by Loki won't turn into being messed with by Brother! Damn, if this is the case, wouldn't it be hated by the pot-bellied Thor who "stuffs his arms into your anus" Dead Ancient One, Ancient One, your memory of Asgard, why is it that you are in the palace of the God King? Qi Jun is so depressed! ............ ......"say something!"

Thor, the god of thunder, roared angrily, crackling thunder flashing on his body, and holding Thor's hammer step by step towards Qi Jun. "For outsiders who invade Asgard, if there is no reasonable explanation, then Today will be your death day!"

This is not that... Thor, the God of Thunder, who had his power sealed by his old father and was thrown to the earth to grow up. At this time, Thor, the God of Thunder, was arrogant and arrogant. In addition to... Odin, more He is ignoring everything! Qi Jun appeared so coincidentally at the ceremony where he was about to be crowned king. How could Thor, God of Thunder, be able to hold back the rage in his heart? Even though Thor, God of Thunder, gave Qi Jun a chance to explain, in fact , No wait: Qi Jun opened his mouth, and Thor's hammer, which carried the huge power of thunder and lightning, had already hit Qi Jun! "Forget it."

"Fortunately, I had no intention of becoming friends with Asgard in the first place."

"Then, let this arrogant Thor, the God of Thunder, inform Asgard of my power, Qi Jun!"

Seeing Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, flying towards him in the blink of an eye, Qi Jun shook his head and reached out to grab it.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 130: The official whitewash is the most deadly!

Bang! A huge energy wave came from Qi Jun's hand, causing all the Asgardians around him to take a few steps back! "What?"

"How can this be!"

"Am I dreaming"

When everyone stood up straight and looked towards the center of the palace, everyone had expressions of disbelief... Qi Jun! Actually! He grabbed the God of Thunder with one hand Hammer! Or rather! Qi Jun! He pinched Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, with one hand! Even the fingers of Qi Jun's hand holding Thor's hammer were deeply sunken. into Thor's hammer! "Impossible!!!"

Thor Odinson, the Crown Prince of Asgard, and Thor, the God of Thunder, suddenly fell into disbelief! Even Thor, the God of Thunder, felt a faint feeling in his heart. Labor pain:! My hammer! You were pinched by someone! Don’t you love me anymore? Ahem, don’t talk about Thor, whether it’s the evil god Loki, Sif, Queen Frigga, or even God Wang Odin was absent-minded for a while.

When did a person who appeared out of nowhere be able to hold Thor's hammer at will? He even pinched his fingers deeply into Thor's hammer. Where did this god come from... .................."impossible"

Qi Jun sneered at Brother Yi, who has just squeezed Mjolnir. If I crush it, you will become an idiot on the spot. Of course, Qi Jun does not have the strength to crush Mjolnir.

In fact, Qi Jun was able to pinch his fingers into Thor's hammer, which already unleashed all his power.

What's more, if Qi Jun had the strength to crush Thor's hammer, how could he just create a few hand seals? "After this period of experience with the rechargeable treasure, my power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!" "

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