"Just the energy contained in the body has increased from 10,000 points before to 500,000 points now!"

"This is not just a fifty-fold increase in strength!"

"You want nil nil"

Qi Jun said words that others could not understand, and suddenly threw the Thor's hammer in his hand at an even faster speed towards the increasingly...irritable Thor, "Then I'll give it back to you!"

Bang!!! A huge sonic boom sounded, and a huge energy shock wave spread instantly, knocking everyone back again.

However, after everyone recovered again, they discovered that the... mysterious strong man in the Palace of the God King was missing! Thor, God of Thunder, was also missing! It was just a palace wall behind where Thor, God of Thunder, was standing. , has been completely destroyed, with a huge hole in the wall broken.

Obviously, the Thor's Hammer that Qi Jun threw out just now carried a powerful force and sent Thor, the God of Thunder, flying away! "Where did this monster come from?"

"Can Thor really defeat such a strong man?"

"Why would Thor, the God of Thunder, provoke such a strong man?"

"Is Thor stupid, even though he can't defeat him, yet he still wants to challenge him? Is he really suitable to be our king?"

"Hmph! I've long been unhappy with him. A warrior who only knows how to fight is not qualified to lead a kingdom!"

The entire God King's palace was suddenly in an uproar! "That's enough!"

Boom!!!! The old man with white beard slammed the Eternal Spear in his hand towards the ground, and a dull voice came out, causing the entire palace to fall into silence! "The coronation ceremony of the God King is cancelled!"

"Warriors of Asgard!"

"Now there are external saboteurs invading Asgard. As a member of Asgard, shouldn't we do our part?"

"Thor is too young!"

"He needs your help!"

He gently glanced at the secretly embarrassed Evil God Loki, making Loki freeze up. Then he slowly opened his mouth and easily brushed off the negative influence on Thor, God of Thunder. It also calls on everyone to assist Thor, the God of Thunder, in arresting Qi Jun! To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading, recommend

Chapter 131: First confrontation with Odin

Thanks to [The Temptation of Rainy Season] brother for the reminder vote "What's going on?"

"Why did I just say that?"

"Wait..., those words just now were definitely not what I wanted to say!"

In the palace of the God King, among the people who were awakened by Odin's shock, some Asgardians looked frightened, staggering and murmuring.

But most people didn't pay attention to their changes. Almost all Asgardians were activated by Odin's warlike blood in their bodies, and rushed out of the palace in a swarm.

Even the "gods" of Asgard on the high throne platform did not pay attention to them, but followed the flow of people and left the palace.

On the contrary... Loki, the evil god of Asgard, glanced sideways at them before leaving, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

.........Throwing out the Thor's hammer, the so-called Thor's hammer was smashed out of the palace of the God King. Qi Jun also followed directly at the fastest speed. The God of Thunder rushed out in the path of being hit, and quickly caught up with Thor, the God of Thunder who had not yet reacted after being hit. He kicked him away, and blood was scattered on the ground along the way. "Hey, although... I didn’t want to do this at first, but you forced me to do it!”

Seeing him vomiting blood and flying away, destroying many beautiful buildings along the way, Qi Jun spread his hands helplessly.

But after seeing that Thor, the God of Thunder, was only seriously injured and not dead under such a violent kick from him, Qi Jun couldn't help but be a little stunned. This Asgardian really has such an awesome body. Qi Jun did not express how afraid he was of the increasing number of heavily armed Asgardian warriors swarming around him, and even though there were densely packed canoe-like flying warships in the sky.

Instead, he turned around and began to look at the scenery of Asgard.

The surrounding gorgeous and beautiful buildings, a combination of science fiction and magic, the dazzling and majestic fairy palace, the retro sculptures, and the colorful Rainbow Bridge in the distance all tell the story of the beauty, richness and harmony of this place. Dream! But! Behind all of this, there are numerous crimes that no one dares to expose! The entire beauty of Asgard was snatched back from other places through war! Of course! In Qi Jun’s view, this In fact, there is nothing wrong with it.

I want to live a better life, but I don't have it, so I'm going to steal it from you. War has always been... like this, isn't it! The rise of any force will always be accompanied by other forces being invaded, enslaved, and even destroyed! Asgard can be so prosperous and beautiful, but there are so many dead bones hidden behind it! However, for... After Asgard conquered the nine realms, Odin uncharacteristically put away his weapons and began to show kindness to others. , Bo Ai, even felt particularly puzzled by the move of cold-bloodedly sealing away his eldest daughter.

As for Odin's so-called understanding of the true meaning of life, Qi Jun didn't believe a word of it. Why did you go there so early? Why did Mao realize this after he conquered the Nine Realms? Odin, is he really old and confused? Or is he actually worried that his eldest daughter will usurp power and is unwilling to abdicate the throne? Or that he is too old to expand and does not want to expand anymore. It is enough to listen to the praise of his subordinates every day like the Invincible Dongfang. ....................."kill!"



The Asgardians did not give Qi Jun more time to comprehend. After initially forming a siege on Qi Jun, they immediately launched an attack on Qi Jun! For...Qi Jun used Thor, the God of Thunder, to move Seriously injured, this group of people can all see it. This kind of strength is probably only possessed by Odin.

But for the Asgardian warriors, they have nothing to fear! Because they have the invincible Asgardian warriors! Behind the warriors, there is the god-king Odin with explosive combat power! " A bunch of ignorant war fools!"

Regarding this group of Asgardian warriors who ignored the strength gap between the two sides and still attacked him, Qi Jun expressed appreciation for their courage, but expressed contempt for their behavior.

The entire Nine Realms were actually crippled by Odin and his troops, so much so that for thousands of years, Thor, the God of Thunder, was able to rush through them with just a swing of his hammer. This really made this group of Ahs who followed Thor, the God of Thunder, conquer the Nine Realms. The Sgardians are swollen to death.

Hiss!!! Huh!!! Qi Jun opened his super giant lungs and sucked in the air wildly. With a thought, the energy in his body began to stir, and then he blew it out with a sudden breath! Bang, bang, bang, bang! Boom! Boom! !!A super hurricane is coming! Even the hurricane is mixed with the power of extreme cold. An extremely cold hurricane is coming! Countless airships in the sky are blown away, frozen, and then collide with each other and explode! On the ground, countless Aspens The Garde warriors were blown into the sky by the violent hurricane, and then were instantly frozen by the extreme cold force in the hurricane! Snap! Fall to the ground with a crash, shattered instantly, and scattered all over the ground! In just an instant, the entire Asgard's losses alone exceeded the sum of 100 in a hundred years! ........................ "Asshole!"

Asgardian God King Odin, who had just walked out of the God King's Palace, saw such a scene, his eyes turned red instantly! His teeth were about to burst! It was like Laufey from Jotunheim was attacking, and the entire Asgard was as if it had been attacked by a frost giant. They captured the same thing, but there were traces of frost everywhere! What made Odin even more furious was that! Asgard's countless great warriors were gone in an instant! "I want you to die!!!!"

Infinite divine power suddenly emanated from Odin's body. Qi Jun, who was showing off his divine power, suddenly froze, and an endless pressure came, which seemed to crush Qi Jun's entire body! "Tch! "

Qi Jun raised a finger and gave Odin an international gesture! "Fuck,!"

However, before Qi Jun could say harsh words, he saw a steel drill, carrying endless power, stabbing towards him! He was going to die! This was the reaction brought to Qi Jun by the super induction! There was no time to think about it, Qi Jun Just teleport and...run! "Hoo!"

"Okay, okay, fortunately I ran fast! Otherwise, my virginity would have been lost in Asgard."

Looking around, he found that it was the familiar Venus Space Station. Qi Jun finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Nah, no wonder Thanos didn't dare to be in Odin..."


The super sensor sent another message, and Qi Jun, who was talking to himself, suddenly paused:.

“It’s not over yet”

Qi Jun was even more frightened, teleported quickly, and ran away again.

To be continued: To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 132 Loki’s unexpected discovery

"Damn it, we won't be caught up here again!"

According to some of the imprinted memories of Ancient One, Qi Jun teleported directly to Jotunheim in the Nine Kingdoms this time! The place where the legendary Frost Giants live.

"Damn! Why are you still in a palace?"

Looking around, Qi Jun was speechless.

However, it is much better than the palace of the God King of Asgard where people were everywhere before. Although Laufei's palace is equally huge, there is no one here. Even the huge Frost Throne is empty. It actually made Qi Jun feel relieved.

Finally, it is not a situation where a fight will start as soon as it appears. The treatment is much better than in Asgard! But Qi Jun doesn't care. The Frost Giant clan without the Ice Box is nothing to be afraid of! Qi Jun's heat vision is just It can teach all Frost Giants how to behave! But it must be good without fighting. Qi Jun himself is not a fighting maniac. "Wait a minute...!"

"This induction is Odin's eternal spear that is said to be sure to hit and never come back:"

There was no danger for the time being. Qi Jun also regained his composure and began to think about...where did the feeling that he could be found no matter where he teleported come from? Qi Jun thought about it carefully. When Odin attacked him, it seemed that Holding the steel drill in his hand, that... Eternal Spear: Projected "Mahle Gobi's!"

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