"What the hell kind of weapon is this, a probability attack or a causal attack?"

"It's like a maggot attached to the bone!"

At this time, Odin has not yet entered Odin's sleep, and his strength is at the top. I am afraid that if his strength is not at the top of the Heavenly Father level, Qi Jun dares to guarantee that if he is like Odin, Poke, absolutely immediately! You know, Odin's strength is always increasing! Even when he is in Odin's Sleep, Odin's strength is actually growing, but his body is becoming more and more unbearable. With such power, he was forced to perform Odin's Sleep to suppress power! In other words, Odin's strength, or the strength that Odin can use, only started after entering Odin's Sleep for the first time. Weakened! But now, Qi Jun has provoked Odin, the number one master in the nine realms. It’s scary to think about it! Fortunately, the mutated gem is with him, so Odin can’t find Qi Jun’s whereabouts. Otherwise, if this guy tore apart the space and appeared in front of Qi Jun in a matter of seconds, Qi Jun would be so stupid that he died.

"By the way, what kind of bad luck did I have to teleport to appear at the coronation ceremony of the arrogant baby Thor?"

After choosing a place to hide and ensuring that the next time he teleported over, even if the entire Laufei's palace was filled with frost giants, he would not be discovered, Qi Jun began to wonder about his luck.

Of course, this actually has a lot to do with Qi Jun's own suicide attempt.

You know, at the beginning, God King Odin was not prepared to take action against Qi Jun. For God King Odin, although he could not see through the sudden appearance of the outsider, he was still a trainer. What a good choice for Thor.

However, Thor, the god of thunder, kicked Qi Jun, and it expanded, freezing most of the Asgardian warriors in one breath, and even fell to pieces and died.

This is the reason why God King Ao was so angry that he wanted to kill Qi Jun! "Hey"

“Come again so fast”

Suddenly, Qi Jun felt that... suffocating feeling of death again. He immediately teleported and ran away! "Odin, the dog-silenced man! I can spend the rest of my life with you!"

......................... Asgard, outside the Palace of the God King, in the square "Why hasn't Kungunir come back yet? Why did it go to Midgar?" Well, we went to Jotunheim again.”

"Who is this mysterious outsider? This is going to Vanaheim."

Although he couldn't sense Qi Jun, Odin could still roughly sense the location of the Eternal Spear.

Looking at the empty hands, Odin frowned and remained silent for a long time.

On the other side, Queen Frigga was even more sad and weeping when she saw Thor, the god of thunder, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Most of the Asgardians looked sad, and the Asgardian warriors who had been following Thor, the God of Thunder, were all screaming and wanting to tear the outsiders into pieces to vent their anger.

There is only one exception to the evil god, Loki! In fact, as a mischievous and mischievous younger brother, Loki actually loves Thor so deeply that even he himself is not aware of it, but when he sees Qi Jun kicking him After kicking Thor to serious injuries, Loki couldn't help but rush forward with his head burning.

Of course, as a mage, Loki's melee ability is not strong compared to Asgard's warriors. Although his head was hot and he rushed to the front line of the battle, he still stayed behind, hiding in the crowd and quietly unleashing on Qi Jun. Magic, but it is obvious that Qi Jun is immune! In other words, Qi Jun, who placed himself in the subspace, was not affected by Loki's magic at all, but the extremely cold hurricane blown by Qi Jun blew Loki away. Included! No one on the battlefield noticed that many Asgardian warriors were frozen in ice, but Loki, who was also blown by the extremely cold hurricane, after his skin changed color slightly, those... ..The extremely cold power that can freeze Asgardian warriors has been absorbed! At this moment, Loki was full of doubts about his identity as the second prince! Loki: I am not an Asgardian. Man......................Vanaheim, Palace of the God King

"Sure enough, it is another huge temple. Does Gu Yi only go to the palace of the God King?"

After a cursory look around, Qi Jun, who had just teleported over, discovered that this was indeed another large and luxurious palace. The cliff was that the palace of God King Warner was gone! "Who are you!"

Just as Qi Jun rolled his eyes crazily, a dull voice came from the throne room, the most luxurious place in the palace.

"Yeah someone is still a birdman"

Qi Jun turned his head and saw that it was an old man with a white beard again. But why did this guy also have a pair of bird-man wings? The Warner Protoss are all bird-men. "What a way!"

The owner of the voice was obviously angry. He actually dared to call his god-king Birdman. "I am Niord, the king of the Vanir clan!"

"Outsiders, you have to pay the price for your powerlessness!"

Niord stood up angrily, stretching his right hand forward, as if calling his weapon "Wow!"

Qi Jun made an exaggerated farewell gesture, "I'm sorry, God King Niord, I'm afraid you won't have a chance!"

Soo Qi Jun teleported away again. To be continued: Fei Lu reminds you: Bookmark three things about reading. Recommend

Chapter 133 Dormammu’s Wrath

Seeing Qi Jun suddenly appear and disappear suddenly, he couldn't even feel a breath.

Before Niord had time to be confused, he saw... right where Qi Jun had just left, a steel drill, uh, a shining golden spear of eternity: suddenly pierced into the position where Qi Jun had just left. The place where it appeared, and then suddenly broke through the space and disappeared, "Karma"

"Spear of Eternity:"

"What the hell"

"That guy is running away from Odin's bastard."

Niord's face looked a little confused. Looking at the artifact paddle that had just flown into his hand, Niord chose to heart, "Forget it, anyway... that guy didn't do anything to Vanaheim." Destruction, just pretend he never showed up."

.........Muspelheim, the legendary kingdom of fire "Sure enough, it's another palace!"

Qi Jun, who teleported, once again appeared in a huge palace, but Qi Jun did not stay for long and teleported away directly where he could see.

And the sleeping flame giant Surtur, who was dozing on the throne, didn't even know that an outsider had appeared! "Forget it, since I'm here, let's go out and take a look first."

"It's really hot everywhere here. You can see boiling magma everywhere!"

"However, this place is... almost the same as Venus."

Teleporting everywhere in Muspelheim, Qi Jun soon had a rough impression.

Of course, unlike Venus, which has no breath of life, there are still many creatures in Muspelheim that can survive in such a hot environment. Qi Jun even saw many scaly creatures boiling. Rolling in the magma, "Hey, that steel drill didn't appear again this time."

"Is it because there is no energy or is it that the Fire Nation is a bit far from Vanaheim?"

"Well..., it should be a matter of distance."

After a while of peace..., Qi Jun began to think about how to remove the steel drill that had been chasing him. This feeling was so weird! Although [Psychic Teleportation] would not consume a trace, Qi Jun did not You need to eat to replenish energy, and you can completely consume it like Odin.

But obviously it is impossible for Qi Jun to really continue to consume Odin. Even if Odin consumes energy, Qi Jun will not consume it! With that... Asgard time, Qi Jun has already grabbed the power stone. It can even beat the shit out of Odin in turn! However, Qi Jun did not dare to confront the eternal spear with the energy poured into it by Odin's top heavenly father when he was extremely angry. .

It's okay to poke a hole in the body, but I'm afraid that the energy of the shot will turn Momo into a monster, and then even a mutated gem won't be able to revive him! "Yes!"

Qi Jun suddenly thought of a good idea! Qi Jun really didn't dare to go head-to-head with this thing, but it didn't mean that he couldn't consume the energy of this thing! Don't look at the fact that this thing is said to be 'a sure hit when you take a shot, but you will always chase if you don't hit'. It looks like a weapon of causal probability, but once the internal energy is used up, this thing is completely... a fire stick! There is no need to wait for the energy to be used up, as long as the energy is used up to a sufficient level, Qi Jun can He easily received its blow.

One blow! Even! Qi Jun still thought about using the mutated gem to erase Odin's mental power and snatch the steel drill! "Well..., this feeling is here again! It seems that the Kingdom of Fire , it’s indeed a bit far from Vanaheim!”

Suddenly, Qi Jun seemed to sense something, muttered something, teleported, and disappeared from the Kingdom of Fire! And the next second after Qi Jun disappeared, a shining golden spear of eternity appeared very suddenly. , suddenly poked at the position where Qi Jun was just standing, and then disappeared again.

From beginning to end, no living being in the Fire Kingdom has discovered these visions......................Dark Dimension! Dormammu's home is not, perhaps, It should be called Dormammu's body! After all, in order to become more powerful, this guy gave up his physical body countless years ago and integrated his spirit into the entire dark dimension! Now, Dormammu is... the dark dimension! The dark dimension That's... Dormammu! "The Ancient One!"

Dormammu is talking about it every day, "You shameless thief! Thief! One day, I will tear you apart myself! I will even devour your planet whole!"

For the creatures in the dark dimension, Dormammu's slaves no longer tremble in fear. After all, although the entire dark dimension will be shaken by Dormammu's emotional changes, and every time there will be slaves They completely perished because of this.

But for these... slaves who have been accustomed to this scene for hundreds of years, it is really difficult to tremble anymore. Even if they die completely because of this, it can be regarded as a relief. "Improve strength Go ahead! Improve your strength again! I will be able to completely control your thoughts! By then, the entire earth will be mine!"

The Ancient One, who is full of dark power, is... an extremely accurate space coordinate for Dormammu. However, the Ancient One who is now the Supreme Mage has indeed made Dormammu have no chance of invading the earth. No progress.


Suddenly, Dormammu, who was scolding Ancient One, stopped his daily venting, and instead roared angrily, "How dare you attack the great Dormammu?"

The entire dark dimension shook because of Dormammu's anger.

At the same time, those slaves of the dark dimension who were accustomed to Dormammu's daily life also began to tremble.

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